Believe it or not...but there are actually bike lanes not far from the main Pattaya city center...around the Wat Yarn/Buddha mountain area where you can witness gaggles of lycra clad tour de France hopefuls
perspiring profusely.
He has made no money from me.."you idiot" it's you who need to do a bit of research....listen to what the man actually says not what MSM says he said.
He has admitted that he was wrong about Sandy Hook and that the poeple did actually die and has apologised to the family's....however they will not be getting 1.1 billion dollars of compensation..for their hurt feelings..nor will the FBI agent.
He has a good track record of calling out the government lies and coverups....yes you call them conspiracy theories
Alex Jones has been right many more times than the so called "trusted MSM"
disagree 100 %
Why do they think 1.1 billion dollars to pay for "hurt feelings" is justified ?
in any case he won't be paying that stupid amount for the simple fact he does not have the money.
Alex Jones has talked about it for a long time.
There have been mainstream media reports about "ideas" to block the sun with chemicals sprayed into the upper atmosphere to combat the "global warming" "climate change"
I accept the reality and drive as defensively and safely as possible.
What other road users do I can't control so try not to worry about them, even though is very difficult sometimes witnessing the idiotic things that happened.
That doesn't work for me on TOT AKA National Telecom I think they use some sort of invisible proxy as well as DNS's beyond my level of "Kung Fu"
No its still better to use the VPN especially with a VPN client that has been patched to guard against the leaking of data
is one such VPN client that is supposed to not be vulnerable there are probably (hopefully) many more.