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Everything posted by johng

  1. The walking undead surviving 3 winters of ‘severe illness and death’ https://edition.cnn.com/2021/12/16/politics/joe-biden-warning-winter/index.html
  2. come on where have you been for the last 3 years ? Antivaxer,conspiracy theorist, Ivermectin,vacine passports, tracking phone apps teachers,nurses,police,military etc fired for refusing to be jabbed,quarantine camps,no entry to sports events restaurants cinema. Novak Djokovic,Joe Rogan Canadian trucker convoy....ring any bells ? P.S https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/01/29/armys-information-warfare-unit-monitored-covid-lockdown-critics/
  3. Wouldn't it be better to employ US workers in jobs that benefit humanity rather than destroying it ?
  4. They where closed for some of it though whern't they ?
  5. you're talking about the "other bloke" surely ? 😝
  6. Bring a bill "protecting" the border and a separate bill giving billions to foreign countries its quite simple.
  7. I was (am) in the major tourist area of Pattaya/Jomtien, the lock downs where quite harsh at times..everything closed except a small portion of large department stores allowed to sell food ,not alcohol,not clothes or shoes,not washing machines or Tv's,to get in/out of the area persons had to show papers at checkpoints of course McDonald's, pizza plazas and other "junk food" continued via home delivery whilst the parks beaches and gyms where firmly shut one may think there was some kind of agenda ? to be on topic the barber and beuty shops where also ordered to close during this crazy time.
  8. That's because the farmers can no longer employ 13-16 year old natives to pick berries at a low price..older natives won't do it for a low price so they bring in immigrant labour.
  9. location tracking ? as if we need more of that. Workplace reviews...as long as they are are glowingly positive so as to avoid draconian defamation laws ?
  10. when will foreign men married to Thai women get equlity with foreign women married to Thai men ? I see mr/mrs Connda beat me to it.
  11. well the "authorities" did mandate the closure of beaches etc at certain times during the "pandemic" I prefer to call it the Covidiocy period.
  12. How many military bases do the "evil" axis above have ? how many "regime changes" have they initiated and supported = or < or > than good ole USA ?
  13. They have everything to worry about..tracker or not there must be "informed" consent not shaming,ridicule,bullying and coercion to accept a medical procedure.
  14. not all scientists agree but if the funding they receive depends upon confirming a certain narrative then likely they will continue to confirm otherwise they are out if funding and a livelihood.
  15. Cashles society = central bank digital currency and should scare everyone,the implications are immense as once fully digital "the powers that be" have full controll over a "citizen's" (slave) life.
  16. There is still a lot of ice left ? and (maybe) we are at the end of an ice age so "naturally" the ice caps will be smaller than during full ice age.
  17. Because those having the Musk inplant have agreed and consented to the procedure ?
  18. Nope, made up as they went along supported by dubious computer modeling and caputured "regulatory" bodies IMHO
  19. What the Covid debacle has shown me is how easily a certain narative can be foisted upon a population who will blindly follow whatever crazy dictates those in power prescribe. That and the total disregard and demonisation of anyone pushing back against the proscribed narative. (Godwins law) I now understand a bit more about how 1939 Germany happened.
  20. Putin is on the modern Nazi's case 😜 as Russia was in WWII.
  21. its easy to stop the war in Ukraine just stop sending them billions of dollars in aid and arms.
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