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Everything posted by indyo

  1. so is there any way to protect the land? purchase it by a company is risky, lease can be cancelled after 1 year divorce and usufruct granted by wife does not work
  2. I bought it directly from honda when I collected the motorcycle, they need to add its code to the motorcycle.
  3. you should correct the ph at 7,2 then you should perform a pool chlorine shock and let your filter working for hours, if you have that issue one or both ph or chlorine level are wrong or your filter doesn't run enough hours per day,
  4. you can apply online for a new one, then you can use a friend or a family member to ship it here. you can buy an old phone for few bath and use your ancient sim card
  5. I guess because you have done it on 1st nov 22 so when you collected your visa on 9 January(not on 29) was too early, btw I'm not sure if you should count since 1 November as you extended your visa after that.
  6. what kind of medium?, if you are in coco you can watering at 5,5 but before flush the roots and then check again the dirty, try to have at least 10% dirty when watering, so salts don't build up in your medium.
  7. yes you have to decarb before as the ethanol boils at only 79/80 Celsius
  8. yes you are right, take a look at a mr DIY shop and try the keywords 'pe film' on lazada
  9. when you have this kind of problem just search on lazada using the photo of the object, you have a little camera image next to the search space
  10. if on pc run windows cannot be safer than android or apple apps connecting to a bank in my opinion
  11. perhaps a little softer but nothing noticeable, I don't think can be tightened, it's hydraulic. You might have air on that hydraulic circuit.
  12. could you please tell me where I can buy that windshield? This cold is lasting too much this year
  13. I'm in isaan, they requested 2 months for the plate, I'm going today for it so I guess will I pay the registration today?
  14. how much did you pay it? I paid the abs version 69100 2 months ago plus 500 baht to have it in 24 hours
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