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Everything posted by indyo

  1. in my opinion it's better trade a gold ETF for investment purpose instead of peace of metal
  2. is it legal to bring cannabis seeds from Europe to Thailand by flight? I have same seeds already purchased I would like to use in Thailand.
  3. if beetles, bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki works against them.
  4. I guess it depends more on where you are and not where the money are and also on the law of the other country.
  5. my post says that DL is easy to take not the knowledge to drive.
  6. DL is very easy to take, probably a week, just join one of those private companies that teach her and when she is ready they will test her directly probably in the same day, I paid 1000 baht for this service and it worked great.
  7. till you do not marry and don't have a son you can try whatever you want almost risk free then you can have a better and your own idea about it, if something wrong in 6 hours taxi you will be in Bangkok.
  8. I think that it's the ec meter that should says if we need to flush or not
  9. I can confirm the same effect on me, -13kg since liberation of June 2022.
  10. I had the same issue, I bought a bottle of alcohol for neighbor and requested to cut it, it worked.
  11. looks not enough light or too much nitrogen during flowering
  12. CBD oil should be effective and harmless, just be sure there's no any THC.
  13. Thanks all for answering and helping on this matter, so I got mainly 2 good info here, PU is not that flammable I thought and I can get it directly from a local bluescope franchise shop, but anyway having the PU foam embedded between two metal sheets is required for me, a user from Rayong got it so I will query the local bluescope shop for it. I also found what looks like a good product and the price looks honest but cons no bluscope steel: 5cm PU foam incapsulated between 2 metal sheets: https://en.sangthaimetalsheet.com/st-40-760pu any opinion or alternative will be appreciated TIA
  14. the product I linked is composed by two metal sheets so the insulation is embedded, I guess this company should have also the terminals to protect from UV rays and rats, PIR is also safer than PU, PU is very flammable and having an house inside a rural village where they burn anything is a concern.
  15. planning to build a house I was looking for the best solution for the roof, I really don't want any of that concrete tiles as I'm not building an oven, I'm not happy also with metal roof as is not aesthetically acceptable but at least doesn't not have hundreds potentially leaking junctions, I found this company that has sandwich roof panels insulated with PIR till 7,5cmhttps://fi.co.th/products/roof/https://fi.co.th/products/roof/standard-roof/I have no Idea yet about the price but I guess is a good solution for this environment, they use bluescope steel.anyone knows about them?
  16. I think vaporizer plus bong configuration is something suitable for you, no cough at all neither during your session nor at morning after wake-up and very effective, huge bong is not needed. For cleaning you need just to rinse the bong with few food grade ethanol and it's done, bong new and sanitized in a minute.
  17. so you don't kill them just because is illegal? perhaps an ultrasonic dog repeller might suitable for you
  18. those films help if you already have a well insulated home and the windows are the only way for the heat to go inside, if you install them in a non insulated home is likely to install a gate in the middle of desert
  19. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.8IsFT
  20. it's very unhealthy, coli bacterias going everywhere, specially for women is not a good practice, the best solution is toilet paper plus bidet obviously using soap as well.
  21. agree, Eskimo lifespan is around 60 years, no way their food is healthy.
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