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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Yes, there is no chance.
  2. Removed an off-topic post and the replies to it.
  3. Removed a post in violation of forum rule 13. https://aseannow.com/terms/
  4. Haven't seen a denied entry stamp for years. Could you post that one, too, for my collection? The latest one I have on file is from June 2014 for a section 12 (2) (3) refusal (a double whammy)
  5. Removed some troll posts.
  6. Happy birthday, Joe. Your dedication is very much appreciated.
  7. I see no list of countries on the form to which you linked. Anyway, you should use the form of the Thai consulate in Ho Chi Minh City: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J6r4bUy8rXqIBSk6mP8RZi27hIIUtPDA/view?usp=share_link To get to this link, 1. load the web page https://hochiminh.thaiembassy.org/en/page/cate-7425-announcement-|-thông-báo-mới-nhất-về-thị-thực?menu=5d80ab3215e39c2fe800a722 2. Click on APPLICATION FORM DOWNLOAD 3. Double-click on Visa applicaation form.pdf
  8. That's good, and as you already posted, you have a confirmed onward flight to Vietnam in March. I remember a news article quoting an immigration commander saying that proof of funds does not have to be in cash. If the IO wants to refuse you entry, he will have to play another card, for example suspicion that you would work illegally in Thailand. That would be section 12(3) but I have read about this one being pulled only once or twice in the 14 years I have been reading this forum. Wishing you good luck.
  9. Strictly speaking, an IO has no right to insist on CASH as proof of funds for a traveller's living expenses but some IOs like to act dumb sometimes. Do you have your bank book with you? If not, do you have the bank's e-banking app on your phone so that, after landing in Bangkok, you can call up the statement of the balance onto your screen?
  10. Let's get Big Joke onto this, or Chuwit.
  11. Are you talking about this first page when creating a new e-Visa application?
  12. Have a nice flight to Bangkok. After your arrival, please let us know how it went, we're all a bit concerned for you.
  13. You wrote "they wanted 500USD right" and you misunderstood that to mean that the IO asked for a bribe of USD 500.00
  14. When you now arrive in Thailand by air, the IO will see from the annotation in your passport why you were denied entry at Poipet. That annotation mentions 12(2), which is a reference to section 12 (2) of the immigration Act.
  15. You must have misunderstood the IO (immigration official) at the Poipet border. He did not ask you for 500 US dollars. The IO wanted to ascertain whether you have the means to cover your cost of living in Thailand as a tourist for 45 days.
  16. Removed an off-topic post and the reply to it.
  17. Removed a troll post.
  18. Removed an off-topic post and the replies to it.
  19. Is the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) a Thai government agency?
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