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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Yes, you can get the 30-day extension of stay at your local immigration office.
  2. Removed an off-topic post and the replies to it.
  3. Receiving dividends does not make you an employee. Obviously, the company must correctly document and account for these dividend payments.
  4. Salaries are paid to employees and therefore you would need a work permit, regardless whether uch employee is also a shareholder.
  5. In your case, I would state "tourism" as the purpose of my trip to Thailand on the visa application form.
  6. Removed an off-topic post and the replies to it.
  7. Thai law does not forbid dual nationality.
  8. Not all banks use the same codes for transactions in the bank book. My SCB book shows no code that specifically indicates that a deposit is based on an inward foreign remittance. Talk to your SB branch about it.
  9. Removed an off-topic post.
  10. A lot of mystery surrounds this certificate of residence from immigration. 1. Unlike other immigration forms, it has no TM number. 2. Neither the Immigration Act nor any Ministeral Regulation or Police Oder or other rule based on the Immigration Act mention it. 3. Apparently only the Department of Land Transportation (DLT) requires it. When did this form come into existence? Is it possible that the DLT and Immigration are in cahoot over this, invented this form and introduced the DLT requirement to get a nice little side income being shared between them?
  11. Tesla Officially Starts Delivery of Model Y & 3 to Thailand Feb 13, 2023 By Eva Fox Tesla began delivering Model Y and Model 3 to Thailand after about 2,000 vehicles arrived in the country at the end of January. This is the first official shipment of Tesla cars to the country where they are highly popular. Tesla customers in Thailand celebrated the great news: the company has started deliveries of its vehicles to the first customers. @Tslachan/Twitter shared that on February 11, Tesla began handing over Model 3 and Model Y to customers during a gala event at its delivery center. In the coming days, more vehicles from the first batch will be delivered, and thousands more will be delivered when another ship arrives in the country. Read more: https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/tesla-officially-starts-delivery-of-model-y-3-to-thailand
  12. Tesla Model 3 English https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/en_th/Owners_Manual.pdf Tesla Model 3 Thai https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/model3/th_th/Owners_Manual.pdf Tesla Model Y English https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_th/Owners_Manual.pdf Tesla Model Y Thai https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/th_th/Owners_Manual.pdf
  13. Removed some off-topic posts and the replies to them.
  14. I suggest he should apply for his visa in what you call OZ.
  15. It is not necessary to use an agency to apply for a non-ED visa.
  16. Removed and will continue to remove off-topic posts and the replies to them. This topic is about immigration police officers charged in visa scandals, not about applicants for extensions of stay, the application rules, so-called visa agents, procreation, to mention just a few of the off-topic comments I have seen.
  17. No. This is not about a change in the criteria and requirements for extensions of stay.
  18. Removed an off-topic post (visa agents) and the replies to it. We are not in the visa forum here.
  19. Could you elucidate a little how your bro "dialled Google"?
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