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Everything posted by Maestro

  1. Was that at the Sattihip District office in Chonburi Province?
  2. I'm so sorry to hear that you suffered this disappointment. There is a saying that a disappointment is an unfilled expectation. That's not to say that one should have no expectations, but in this particular case your expectation was sadly misplaced. I wish you better fortune with your other expectations.
  3. Wow, your post is TIT (this is Thailand) in extremis. I didn't want to quote the whole, long but very interesting post but readers should feel free to click through to it. Incidentally, the acronym TIT always reminds me of the time when I had to explain to someone the euphemistic origin of the idiom "tits up")
  4. No. I got my yellow book, for the condo I own, and subsequently the pink Thai ID card for foreigners years ago but never got any mail or anything else from the Thai Revenue Department. Basically, I got these documents just for fun, for souvenirs, to experience the process, but the yellow book came in handy when I felt like putting a million Baht in a time deposit account at a branch of Siam Commercial Bank (SCB). The nice lady asked if I had a work permit, which I did not have and I inquired if my house registration book would help and her face lit up with a smile and the account was opened in a jiffy.
  5. I see you also have this other topic running in this forum on the same subject Therefore, I'm going to stay out of this discussion now. Leave it to your wife and her accountant to sort everything out.
  6. In your situation, you do not have to change to a non-B visa. Your wife's accountant should go through the other requirements with your wife to fully understand them. They are listed on the work application form. The form number depends on the type of job for which the application is being made. https://www.doe.go.th/prd/main/downloads/param/site/1/cat/14/sub/0/pull/category/view/list-label#
  7. Do you really mean your "your visa", or do you mean your current permission to stay? In this particular case, it is important to make this distinction.
  8. You are in the correct forum, "Thai Visas, Residency, and Work Permits" 1. What is the nationality of your wife, Thai or non-Thai? 2. If I remember correctly, the minimum monthly salary for the application for a work permit depends on the nationality of the applicant. Just in case my memory is correct, what is your nationality? 3. A work permit can also be issued to an applicant on an extension of stay for the reason of living with a Thai wife, ie no change to a non-B visa is necessary.
  9. It's going to be interesting to watch how this develops, how the Department of Consular Affairs of the MFA wrests control over who is allowed to enter Thailand from the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Interior. It will be a comical show that takes quite a while to end.
  10. Incidentally, who is designated to issue the ETA, a department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (eg Consular Division) or of the Ministry of Interior ( eg Immigration Bureau)?
  11. I suspect that the equipment as it is now at the automated arrival gates may not be able to read the QR codes on the ETA forms and compare them with the relevant database.
  12. This topic is clearly about an initiative by Thai Airways to improve inflight food service and thus I felt constrained to remove all posts that were in no way related to this topic and the replies to them. Anyone who wishes to start a discussion about the food service of any other airline should feel free to start a separate topic.
  13. Yes, you can take control of the TM.30 reporting process. This being Thailand, not all immigration offices use the same rules but generally they want copies of the owner's ID card and the house registration book for the dwelling (condo unit or house), both signed by the owner. State what office you use and someone may post the current practice used by that office, or drop by the immigration office and ask them directly,
  14. It is true that, generally speaking, all posts of a member are not deleted because this would mess up the topics where replies to these posts were made. However, in this particular case, with the exception of the opening post of this topic, all four posts were made in one topic and there were no replies to any of them. Therefore, I have now removed these four posts.
  15. I have no personal experience with the TM.47 report because I've never been in a situation where I would have had to submit it. Does this rejection notice come by email or on the online platform?
  16. How does one hold payment for five days on a COD delivery?
  17. @Gottfrid and @Dan O Please stop your constant arguing and bickering with each other immediately.
  18. Removed a post with false information. Suvarnabhumi airport is not "sitting there abandoned and sunk in the swamp" @BigStar
  19. What corruption? I see no mention of corruption in the news article.
  20. Because the page is longer than the hight of the screen, you cannot take a screenshot of the whole page. On a Windows PC, press the Prt Scr key, then open the Paint program or another imaging program and paste the screenshot there using Ctrl+V, then save this image as a GIF, JPEG, JPG or PNG file, then post that file here.
  21. If you are an injured party, ie if the tenant of the rented townhouse is causing you a financial loss or injury to you physical and/or mental health, you can file a complaint with the police.
  22. Removed some incomprehensible posts (Teflon Tony; tony)
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