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Everything posted by tonray

  1. They are making available Astra as a second shot or as booster. My neighbor was given two Sino shots and now she says she was notofied of an Astra schedule coming soon.
  2. Why not just get fully vaxed ? And this is not a requirement per se, this is Thailand's attempt at making it easier for travelers where airlines or destination countries might require this document for travel. You can also apply for this via the Mor Prom app (I believe active as of yesterday) I will try today to see how it goes.
  3. Got my second Astra shot at Bang Sue yesterday. Several thousand others mostly Thai also getting Astra shots there
  4. After I sat out my 30 minutes I was going to ask about the cert but a foreigner a few ahead of me in line to get his ☑ asked first and I just followed him into the queue
  5. And not one of them will have the work permit they'll require to open an account. 220 baht ATM windfall here we come !
  6. tonray

    Faux brick wall

    A white painted brick wall adorned with some tasteful art work (tasteful left up to you) can be one of the most striking features in a small apartment. Post up pics when you're done.
  7. Yes.. I would definitely try that. The certificate table was right behind the observation area where you sit after your jab.. The last stage before the exit area. I'm an hour away myself, it's not that far. I'd go and ask the guys who check papers upon exit. I can't imagine they'd decline you
  8. That's Not your yellow certificate. You should have taken that to the bank of data entry folks and they would have generated the yellow certificate with ID number. It wasn't obvious, it was easy to miss and it's not mandatory, some people simply walked out instead of queuing for cert.
  9. No, I received my yellow certificate today immediately after my second shot at Bang Sue station. Used it to register on Nor Prom app which shows my digital health pass necessary for domestic flights soon.
  10. 2nd Astra shot Bang Sue today. Jabbed ten minutes after arrival, waited 30 minutes then directed right into certificate queue. Received certificate and easily registered with Mor Prom app which shows my digital pass as Vaccinated status. Good to go.. Until the next pandemic I guess.
  11. Bang Yai, Nonthaburi...still spitting now but rained very substantially from 8 PM last night until about 8 AM Sunday morning. I have my second vaccine appointment today and I'm worried about the road I need to travel to get to the MRT...hint..it's called Khlong Thanon...and last Friday the water was already looking pretty high.
  12. There is no common law marriage or 'palimony' in Thailand. What about this child ? Is it yours ?
  13. It's not a question of it being right.. If that's what the Rome Embassy wants then that's what you must provide
  14. Since money is no object..i'll make a suggestion:
  15. I agree....GF and I enjoy a getaway to Hua Hin when we can.,...and all during the pandemic, the nicer resort/hotels were packed to the gills with Thais every time we visited. Makes sense those that can would buy a place there...i would consider it too but not if prices soar out of control. My real plan is to convince the GF to try and relocate her job, sell the house in Nonthaburi and buy a slightly larger place around Hua Hin. But failing that...maybe a small condo as a second residence for getaways would be OK.
  16. TAT's new program to aatract tourists: "Drink Like a Gladiator in Thailand...but not between 2 and 5 PM"
  17. It's possible but your insurance company will need to sign a Thai document stating you have 400/40k baht coverage, which is unlikely to happen.
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