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Everything posted by tonray

  1. Are these your kids we're talking about or someone else's ? I believe it's legal to use corporal punishment in the home ie parents to children but certainly not in schools...although in the two schools I taught in...it was widely used.
  2. I guess in all your decades here you never managed to build any relationships to cause you to want to stay. That's quite sad. Building a life somewhere, anywhere, is not just about having fun. You'll find the same problem chasing "sanuk" wherever you end up.
  3. Thanks for the hotel tip...looks like a proper hotel....I sometimes like to stay in the city for a few days and this might fit the bill for me.
  4. I'm from the USA. Many of his points were centered around cost of living...and that's applicable to my country also. But again....Thailand has many positives and I enjoy living here, cost of living is one aspect. I appreciate the fact that as a foreigner, I',m largely ignored here and in most cases avoided...I enjoy my privacy. I enjoy the warm weather most of the time, I enjoy the availability of a vibrant street food culture and open markets everywhere, I enjoy the lack of needing credentials when renting a room, but all of these aspects also for some people might represent negatives too. Not trying to be negative about the OP but if you delete Thailand from the post it would serve as a "things we don't like about the UK" starter piece.
  5. I see this as less a positive take on Thailand than a negative one on the UK.
  6. True but with inflation running much higher than savings rates, you cannot afford to not invest !
  7. Yes...but you may need to change your country settings in Google Play to Thailand....can only make one switch per year
  8. The thing that they do in the USA at least is offer SIPC protection in case the broker/firm you are using goes belly up. This is limited to $500K US but many reputable brokers have private insurance up to $5 million in case of firm failure.
  9. If your stocks decline in value or become worthless...no country in the world will insure against that.
  10. Doesn't seem to matter...stayed at the Anantara resort for a few days just returned...packed to the gills....had to wait for a table at breakfast Saturday.
  11. Where is Bangkok on the scale....seems like you're missing some data for your conclusion
  12. Yes...same....ending support does not mean it stops working...it only means no updates and no support
  13. The sun is not considered a source of Vitamin K.
  14. If your PC has a headphone jack then yes you can.
  15. Please move this thread to the Dinosaur and Fossils forum. Time to move out of the Jurassic period and acknowledge the supremacy of technology
  16. You may have problems getting another work permit / extension until you properly cancel the first one with a termination letter from your previous employer.
  17. Did you have a visa or an extension based upon working when you exited Thailand ?
  18. DAISO silicone spatula for 60 baht...but without warranty
  19. Well then report to the bank that someone has been putting money into your account every month without your approval and you want it to stop immediately !
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