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Everything posted by tonray

  1. If the vaccine prevents symptoms, i.e. coughing over everyone near you in a crowd, then it might make sense that it significantly reduces the risk of transmission. Also vaccinated people who do become technically 'infected' recover and viral loads are reduced in their bodies much faster, again thereby reducing the risk of transmission. simply on a duration of infection metric.
  2. I'd also be terrified of the GF coming at me in the shower with a spray can of insecticide.
  3. Just add some bleach 50/50 mix with water (safer for grout and the like) and spray the shower down after each use....keeps mildew at bay and the bugs will run (or die)
  4. Bottom line: if you already have home country moto license then with an IDP easy to convert to Thai license. Same for Auto. If you don't, then must take the full suite of tests including physical driving test to get one here. Many (most ?) farangs drive motos/scooters here unlicensed but if you were unfortunate enough to cause major property damage or cause someone to lose limb or life...you're up a muddy creek without a paddle and get used to rice and soup and some charming 'roomates' or empty your home bank accounts to prevent it.
  5. Why not ? In Thailand, many of us have gotten ASTRA Zeneca or Pfizer fairly easily. In the USA just walk into any CVS or Walgreens pharmacy and get your free shot there too.
  6. https://thethaiger.com/guides/product-reviews/top-8-tvs-to-buy-in-2021
  7. Unfortunately when it comes to new TV technology, the cheaper no name stuff tends to be less reliable and it's really a throwaway rather than a repair, unless you want to ship it back to China and hope it makes it OK. Stick with a name brand like Samsung ( I would not give the same advice for phones for example) but with new TVs you do get what you pay for.
  8. Apparently researchers have discovered evidence of SomTam eating 100 million years ago. Found nearby was an empty bottle of Lao Khao and fossilized sticky rice.
  9. There is a new Royal Thai Police order ? As of yesterday I did not see anything ?
  10. There is no rule as of yet. The only requirements are for OA Visa/Extensions: 400/40K baht insurance + 100K USD Covid plan / 1 year or length of permission to stay upon entry for O Visa : 100K USD Covid plan for 90 days / none reuired for subsequent extensions
  11. Some expats may believe that the STV (Special Tourist Visa) actually is a (Special Transsexual Visa) ?
  12. We've exported our killing fields to the Middle East, Afghanistan, Africa. Pie in the sky view of the world.
  13. And in the future it will also record any COVID test results you get in Thailand too. I was actually so surprised I'm suspicious of where they got the app...certainly didn't use the same IT team that Immigration uses....ha ha ha ha
  14. If you can something you want on Lazada for 34.15, you might be able to slip one past them....ha ha ha ha
  15. The real question is why do you think you were 'almost' denied entry on a METV ?
  16. Not needed as long as you have other evidence of vaccination/testing. Do you have the MorProm app with all your data handy ?
  17. Since you are not coming in on a tourist visa you will not have to show a ticket. Most offices allow up to 30 days before expiration but some may allow up to 45.
  18. The K PLUS app is far superior to KCyber access, more features. I had both but over time stopped Kcyber because it felt ancient compared. It's an improvement...go with it
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