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Everything posted by sipi

  1. A pink plastic cup of warm Chang with a fistful of ice, whilst sitting on a concrete stool shaped like a tree trunk.
  2. Conveniently I married a Thai. Otherwise I could have easily retired in Uzbekistan, or anywhere else the wife came from.
  3. I had to Google "idiom". Yes, well done. You should be over the moon.
  4. The radicals of our years seem like perfect gentlemen these days.
  5. This is the video I was looking for originally. Very interesting. https://youtu.be/DsoZZlvApTk
  6. She did ask her doctor and was prescribed the proper amount. You'll notice there is no question mark at the end of my original post. I'm not looking for answers, I'm informing the forum that dark skinned people are susceptible to Vitamin D deficiency. Especially the ones that end up in the UK, Europe, Russia....
  7. She does eat eggs, in the sun and takes 1000iu Vit D power day. That's why we were surprised. Apparently it's common amongst dark skinned people.
  8. My Thai wife, living between Australia and Thailand for the last twenty something years was diagnosed through a blood test as vitamin D deficient. I was stunned, Australia, a sunburnt country. Vitamin D comes from exposure to the sun. So I googled it, and apparently darker skin people who avoid the sun are at greatest risk, and the consequences of vitamin D are quite severe.
  9. I was at the supermarket with my wife in Australia about a month ago, she was putting something in the trolley and I was about 10 mtrs away picking something off the shelves. I saw my boss standing right near my wife (who he'd never met) and his eyes were going all over my wife, rather discretely (he was with his wife). He caught me looking at him and gave a casual wave, so I wandered over and said "Hi Reg, this is my lovely wife Tuk" The poor chap didn't know what to do or which way to look. I was like "relax Reg, I'll take it as a compliment"
  10. It's a good thing she didn't ask Sebastian from Venezuela.
  11. I've learnt to say two words. "Yes dear" It's just easier.
  12. I used to put a large pair of socks down my pants but the women ran the other way. Apparently you're supposed to put it down the front, not the back.
  13. I didn't have looks or money, so maybe just the adventure or opportunity. Either way it worked out.
  14. I asked a friend where he met his wife and he told me... "I was at a bar in Patpong in 1985 and she came over and asked me my name and where I'm from. So I told her "I'm Mike from Australia". She hopped up on the bar and put a sheet of kindy paper on the bar, then removed her knickers and inserted a felt tipped pen, and squatted down and wrote on the paper "Hello Mike from...". She then leant forward and said "How do you spell Australia?" I never asked anyone from that day on where they met their wife..
  15. I met my wife through a friend and we wrote letters for a year or more (the ones with stamps and envelopes). When I met her, her first words were "get a haircut". I like a lady that speaks her mind.
  16. I married the first one I met. I'm kinda lazy when it comes to chasing skirt.
  17. I started getting fat 10 years after getting married, so of course I blamed her.
  18. October the something, a long time ago.
  19. Congratulations again. A "no <deleted>" reply. Well done and well said.
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