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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Yes the picture shows the pickup in the wrong direction. I feel so sorry for the parents, relatives, and friends of those two 14 year old girls losing their lives to another drunk driver. i hope he has to pay all the expenses for those girls funerals, and has to spend many years in jail as well.
  2. Well with all that bullet proof glass for DT, he may not get COVID, right? I vote for Bruce. It would be great to get young blood for the next president after this election.
  3. I feel so sorry for all the burn victims who have survived. I have a friend who was burned badly in an aircraft accident and he went through a lot of skin graphs and pain and suffering and therapy . I hope all the survivers are getting the best care that Thailand can afford to give them. I also know there are lots of the very rich families in Thailand who can step up and help financially.
  4. I only go to Thailand for roti, kanom Krook, sorry for the spelling, and some other Thai food, oh and I can get my costs down by staying with my Thai family for a part of my vacation. I just hope the weather will be mostly dry from December to February.
  5. Hopefully the weather will be more favorable from November until March. One can only hope as a nearly yearly visitor.
  6. A pedistrian island need to be built at thet place to protect people, as it is obvious that the drivers will not slow down, and we all know that a painted cross walk is very dangerous. Too bad that there was no elevated crossing near that area.
  7. It is too bad that the most rich and powerful family(s) did not take notice of this corruption, and make life difficult for the people who were involved with this incident, and the corruption involved as well. IMO, Just my opinion of course.
  8. Yup, the percentage of CO2 and Methane are staggering. Less than one half of one percent of the atmosphere for CO2, and a trace gas for Methane. I sure believe the Climate Alarmists.
  9. it only took a corrupt cop or two, to dreate a large enough gap for this guy to escape. We all know how the rich can get away with some stuff that the most of us can not. TIT, right?
  10. If I lived in Bangkok or any flood prone part of Thailand, I would not own an EV. They do not do well when being flooded upon. i am not sure if hybrids do any better, My Thai family members all have gasoline, or propane (CNV) vehicles and do not plan to go hybrid or especially Electric Vehicel any time soon.
  11. For the posters on this forum, why don't you check the religions of the countries surrounding Isreal, and get back to me to tell me your surprise that they are mostly Muslim countries. Oh Wow! What a surprise, hey. Now ask yourselves why Muslims and other countries that are not Musil get along so well. One reason may be that the other countries have a large military. Education is a nice thing to have. common sense is also nice to have. Typing other messages, just show me the ignorance of some posters. at least in my opinion.
  12. IMO, the bus driver should have known how to get the doors open, or at least used a fire extingusher to bust what ever windows he could have to save some of those trapped. The owners of this bus company should be sued into bankruptsy. The inspector(s) who kept this and other illegal buses on the road, should be sued and jailed for their role in the childres, and those 3 teachers deaths.
  13. I always remember that Mars is very small, not eve half of the earths size. It is nice to be able to go into space, and maybe find some minerals that are usable and valuable, but to go to a place where it takes weeks to months to get to as well as to get back from is sort of a pipe dream. We need a lot better tech and a way to go even faster to make this venture a reality. Trying to get the atmosphere on Mars to be suitable is also going to take a lot beter technology than we have at the moment. IMO
  14. A field trip is nice to go on, but how much experience do 5 and 6 year olds get from going to the place these students were headed? Using such an old bus did not help this situation. Too bad some of the windows could not be broken to give an exit to the trapped children and teachers.
  15. Did the driver even try to open all the doors on the bus, if not he should be held liable, as well as the bus company. Just running away is cowardly.
  16. Did this woman used to work for the Tourism sector of Thailand, her math skills seem to be the same. What a chuckle. maybe a small demotion and additional training is need for this person.
  17. That is a huge aircraft, and it is good that the captain managed to get it back onto the runway. I doubt that any posters, even the pilots on here could have done any better during a rain storm. IMO
  18. If the Adults could not get doors open, the bus company should be sued into bankruptsy for being so negligent . RIP to all the children and teachers who needlessly died.
  19. Every one has the freedom to go back to their home country. The UKers can do that as well. When they are back in the UK they can go and make sure their pensions will not be frozen, or just live with that fact. IMO.
  20. Yup, another old guy, trying to perform Muay Thai, what dould go wrong?
  21. Most responsible adults, go to the airport and do not get drunk before flying. This Aussia is just an example of an immature adult, who hopefully learned a lesson..
  22. Trump has been a liar for far too long to be a President again. Voting him in the first time was bad enough. The GOP needs younger blood, too bad there are not any politicians who could take over and run for President. IMO
  23. Any dog that bites and kills a human, must be put down. If Thailand still allows these animals to just get transferred, the country will always be a third world country in my eyes. I cannot believe that the people with the most powere would allow a killer dog to keep living. Just my opinion of course.
  24. This Grandma was raising these kids because they were left by their parents. Did any of you poster read that part of this tragic story. Would you boose hounds be any different if your senier years were affected like this grandmas were? Oh right you forgot to read the whold story. Carry on...
  25. If he was a rocket scientist, maube he would have thought differently. People involved with drugs, usually are not scientists. At least the ones selling them.
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