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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Yes Thailand, send your people back to a country who is still at war with Hamas, and maybe the Lebanon terror military as well soon. Smart move! Not!. IMO.
  2. My question, is. Why is Thailand offering free visas to anyone if Thailand are a neutral country? TAT? Care to answer?
  3. At this point, just get anybody into this position so the government can get back to work. Who cares if he is Republican or a Democrat. Time for the government to be back at work, Period. IMO
  4. At least Mr Thaksin is back in Thailand, how about the Red Bull guy? I guess he is also a rich untouchable Thai, and choses to stay free in some other part of the world. Yes I realize there has been a lot of money paid to others affected, but is that justice? Just my mutterings about people in general, rich and poor.
  5. When do the4 schools open up for the Chinese students? At this time of year, maybe that would also be a reason the tourist numbers are down, as well as it still being a very rainy, rain season. TAT could check several situations about the lower numbers, but did they? Is school season back in Thailand as well? Just a curious question from me.
  6. I am glad the police are getting some guns off the streets. 3 D printers in the wrong hands with the instructions, which are also easy to get, are making the world a more dangerous place. IMO
  7. Why does Hamas have its headquarters in another country? Why is it not considered a terrorist group by that country? Questions, questions.
  8. I feel sorry for the Isreal and Palistine people who have lost their homes and work places because of Hamas. The other people who are able to return to their home countries are very fortunate as well.
  9. Most people do not really need the 2 extra hours, unless they are just in Thailand for the night life, for a couple weeks and back to work. The ages 20 to 40 single guy crowd, of course may actually enjoy the extra time to get sh*t faces, but most people come to Thailand for enjoyment of day and night time activities, in which some sleep is required. In My Opinion.
  10. Forget these Sim cards, I would appreciate a 90- day tourist visa. How is that coming along? Hey TAT, can you help us.
  11. Minor celeb, now hopefully jailed minor celeb, with no fans.
  12. Well since the conflict is still on going, do any of you armchair pilots feel you would be brave enough to fly into an active War zone? Some people have rocks for brains in my opinion. Maybe some of you forgot that the airspace over Isreal was closed to most aircraft that was not from Isreal.
  13. Leave the guy in a Thailand prison and let him rot. IMO. Of course if America wants him back, they can pay for his air ticket after he has surved some time in a Thailand prison.
  14. I ate a hash brownie once, and it affected me. Never tried another drug infused object after that. Caffiene and regular alcohol products are the only drugs or life inhancers I trust.
  15. I have no sympathy for over stayers. If you are not rich enough to be in another country legally, go home to your own country. That is simple math.
  16. In Canada, school season starts in September, how about China don't the children have to go to school as well? Hmm, I wonder if this may be a reason for less tourists?
  17. Is laziness now considered a mental problem? It seems that the mentality of people is used to get a lesser sentence in courts. This woman is responsible for what she has done and shouled be made to clean up her own mess. IMO
  18. Trump is a cheap shirt. And that is the best I can describe him on this forum with out getting into trouble. The word Liar may also be discussed.
  19. Maybe it is possible that the Isreal airline is bringing Thais and other foreignors out of Isreal and taking their own reservists back to Isreal. Think out side the box okay? Isreal military would have the ident codes for their airlines as not to shoot them down, right? Use your brains folks. IMO of course.
  20. The symbol was used by the Nazi bunch for their own purpose. For those who do not know the history, I would suggest that you google it and become more educated. The Nazis were thieves and this symbol was not the only thing that they stole from others. Just saying!
  21. Well, I will not be going to Gaza for a vacation. I am allergic to bombs, and Hamas. Just what the world needs . Another war.
  22. Even when I ride a motorbike around the Hua Hin area, I am very watchful. I do not trust many drivers in Thailand. Over the years I have seen too many bad drivers and some who deliberately try to scare motorbike and bicycle riders as well. RIP to these bike riders. Good Luck to the rest in the future. I wuill never ride a bicycle in Thailand, I think it is just far too dangerous. Harvey M
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