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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. Can you imagine the phone call that must of come down from the PI*& Barons to uncle Tu, "Hey Toad, drop the ban or you'll be fertilizer by next week"  Capiche ??  The question is now, when they've all had a good drink and sobered up, "what are we gonna do with this bunch of Shysters" ?   ......... Ha ha..... 

    • Like 1
  2. 23 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    An interesting read as always...


    ... and I very much share the delight of things easing a bit. This is a small, first step in a very long journey, but it is good that it occurred. That said, it'll be a very, very, very long journey indeed.


    Now that a beginning has (hopefully) started, there are two areas that I think Thailand needs to look at; I think that there will be an attempt to go back to the way things were, but I desperately hope that they don't.


    The boxing match at Lumpini Stadium in March, occurring AFTER events like that were banned, needs a reckoning. That event was directly responsible for thousands of cases and several deaths (I do not know the precise numbers) and responsibility must be placed on the Army's doorstep and repercussions must be exacted; I think a minimum is the immediate removal of the stadium from the army's control. Why the hell does an Army own a boxing stadium anyway? If Thailand is ever going to break free from the awful corrupting influence of the military, coups, grants of immunity, etc, this is a very good place to start. I would love to see names named, people photographed and publicized, and the responsible parties (NOT one poor scapegoat) tossed into the street like a dog. I know, I am not holding my breath, but...


    Where were the multi-billionaires? Yes, I am sure that some of the Hi-Sos made contributions, and yes many, many, many Thais who had some money helped, but there has been a deafening silence from those who really have/had the means to help. Where are/were the super-rich? I hope that Thais do not forget to both ask the question(s) and demand answers.


    Yes, I know... I have lived in Thailand long enough that I do not expect anything near a reasonable reckoning, but I desperately hope that Thai voices emerge asking the questions; if it all goes back to the same nonsense as before, then what hope Thailand?


    PS Happy Birthday Captain Tom. I am at a loss for comment; Wow! Just Wow!



    "if it all goes back to the same nonsense as before, then what hope Thailand"?  Indeed, let's hope nobody forgets next time at the elections......... Or should i say the charade they call elections....  Sadly as we all know, power that's taken at gun point has to be taken back at gun point....... 

  3. 2 hours ago, katatonic said:

    UV - C is a disinfectant.. That's why water filtration systems have UV lamps. There's one on most large boats too as the water is stored in tanks. Sunbeds for people or trying to 'put the light inside them' is a different kettle of fish..

    Chlorine's still used as well, but most companies are switching over to UV. People have no idea that they've been drinking bleach for years and if you were born and brought up in the west all the water you drank had it it,  just in a drinkable dose.... 0.2 %....... Safe...... UV can do the same with the body as it's 60 % water...... Old Don's not so daft...... 

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

    Was top of the agenda in certain sections of the elite before Covid. IMHO Covid has delayed the inevitable not accelerated it.

    100%, They've used the excuse of the virus to lock the place down, far cheaper and cleaner than bullets.... but you can only hide for so long..... After watching all the incompetence coming from the gov and their lack of concern for the people, even going above the gov, the people have had enough...... They've completely destroyed the country and peoples ability to make a living and they think they're going to carry on after all this is over.. .........  Look at the place........ It's a sad situation when you can't sell three of the most sought after commodities in the world...... Food, pleasure and entertainment  ......  But looking on the bright side, we call all enjoy a nice lemon soda while watching marching bands and military parades....... F^&%$K !!!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    Easy to be critical of any government at the moment, but the huge problem with a pandemic is, that if you are successful in controlling and suppressing it, everything you did will appear to have been an overreaction; however, if you are unsuccessful, everything you did will seem insufficient.


    This is a new virus, and consequently the World has no historic data  for reference. This creates a dilemma for all governments. The key question is, do you err on the side of caution, risking further damage to the economy if you are wrong, or do you you err on the side of enterprise, risking people’s health and lives if you are wrong.


    IMO, Wherever you are in the World, you should support the government there that is trying its best to deal with this virus that was unleashed upon an unsuspecting World, and reserve all criticism for the Chinese Communist Party, who are entirely responsible for the creation of this virus, the suppression of information about it, and the consequential spread of it Worldwide. Stop buying anything made in China (*∆°)


    Chinese Corona flag......jpg

  6. " As daft as second hand Ars%^$&%S "  !  Would of been easier just to of had everyones mobile network send them a daily chit for four cans or a bottle at the 7/11, show the assistant, confirm it and Roberts your fathers brother.......  They've already got your passport details when you obtained your number and the bubble is they'll be able to see who's in the country, where they are, and who's on the lash..... Keep everyone happy..... But oh no, that feeling of power's taking over, keep em in, and keep em miserable.......   But hey, when they get out, get on your toes.....  Unbelievable...... Army ?  Barmy ........ 

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, PumpkinEater said:

    Open the Travel between Provinces starting May 1 is my thinking.

    69.5 Million people and only 50 deaths?
    Stop this mass hysteria already.

    The required wearing of masks when alone on a beach or street is about as stupid as it gets as well...


    I guarantee the pollution in N Thailand kills more people indirectly long term as this bug ever will.

    How many died on the Thai highways this year so far?
    Remember you DON’T necessarily die if you get the bug, my ex wife (64) caught it and was laid up for 2 weeks, recovered, and now well.


    Bring back common sense and freedom already.





    How many people have topped themselves over this mass hysteria ?  Probably more than the "Official figures" for the virus.....  Madness...... 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Ratchsima said:

    Many Thais from different socio economic status in Thailand doing this giving away foods and CASH to the poor across the country in many disaster for centuries already. Why wait for farang foriegners to teach?. I mean I am appreciated and thaknful anyone foriengners or Thai who do this. But some farang  comments here are so ignorance and outdated. They think only farang can do this? 


    Remember the start of the covid19 outbreak , some faranf on here said oh we farang need to teach Thais the proper hygiene.


    oh well... take care of yourself first.

    Personally i've never seen or heard any such comment coming from a "Farang"...... Only from Mr Anutin.....  If you have evidence please post it......... I'm sure there's lots of Farangs that would be only too happy to give them a roasting.....  

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