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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. A post above explains that Tucker had been sending e-mails to his bosses and a lawyer for Trump that were part of the Dominion lawsuit and it appears that he was not in agreement that Trump had the election stolen from him. It was part of the defamation lawsuit and is why he was probably let go. We will never know the full reason. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/defamation-suit-produced-trove-of-tucker-carlson-messages/ar-AA1ahL4g?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=9ec65a248cb24729b021644e19e85b1e&ei=12 Carlson's messages lambasted the news division and management, revealed how he felt about Donald Trump and demonstrated his skepticism of the election lies — so much so that Fox attorneys and company founder Rupert Murdoch held him up as part of their defense of the company. The judge who oversaw the case ruled that it was “ CRYSTAL clear ” none of the election claims related to Dominion was true.
  2. Dry as a sundried cracked lake bead this morning down here in the Pranburi Area and already 31c at the house. We do have a slight haze over the Blue Sky and an AQI of 12, so the air still is polluted a tad. Going to be a scorcher I think, my weather app says its supposed to get to 38c here with the humidity already at 56%
  3. Left BKK headed back south after a quick trip up. As we pulled out from the condo garage we were hit with loud booms, lightning and serious rain. It last until we hit Rama 2 around Central Rama 2. Sunny and blue skies down here in PKK now. AQI is very good.
  4. So did he win big, was he playing with loaded dice as the shaker or what?
  5. Seems to be that the visa.boi.go.th web site is working good today. Had a nice chat with the BOI LTR unit folks as well as the IT Group. Seems they have worked out all of the bugs that were bogging down my profile and application in the system which still had it showing appointment needed, and it now finally shows a status of Complete. Apparently, because I was one of the first ones to have the LTRWP visa issued in country, it never was truly entered into the BOI System as issued due to early bugs. Immigrations system shows it was issued, but in order for the BOI to enter it as logged into there system completely as issued, I had to send them copies of all the paperwork they had issued, this included the official letter and the small sheet which showed the visa information. I also had to send them PDF's of the Bio page of my passport as well as the PDF's of the Visa stamps entered into my PP. They then created a virtual appointment, where they actually scheduled me as if I had gone into the BOI Office today, and they then uploaded all of the documents into the system and cleared me out as far as now being Complete.
  6. Can you see into the future with the Deja Vu? Do you really think that with Thailand still struggling in it's current recovery of tourism that if what you say may happen the country will not loose more tourists and the economy will tank? I mean that's my view as to what could occur if as you say its becomes a rinse and repeat scenario......
  7. Like fuel subsidies, why not subsidize energy usage. Is it really costing more to generate the energy distributed around Thailand? So Thailand does not produce its own fuel from the oil fields leased out to folks like PTT and so on? Kind of confused. Where does gas come from in Thailand? Most of Thailand's crude oil and condensates are from offshore fields in the Gulf of Thailand. https://www.eia.gov › country › THA Thailand - International - U.S. Energy Information Administration ... Does Thailand produce gas? Natural gas fuels approximately 60–65% of Thailand's electrical power generation. The Erawan gas field in the Gulf of Thailand supplies about 20% of Thailand's gas production. https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki Energy in Thailand - Wikipedia
  8. It can be downloaded from the site after you log in, there should be a tab to click if you are on screen 7 from within Thailand. They should also have sent you an approval e-mail, so check your folders such as Spam to insure it did not make it's way there, depending on your e-mail servicer.
  9. He is a known complainer of all things which he believes are unequal to him at least in his mind.
  10. Guess you can not fire him until he is convicted. Another inactive post. One wonders ders if he will still be collecting his pay once caught, since he is now AWOL his pay will be docked for days missed.
  11. Drunk driving needs to be effectively dealt with and examples made. It seems to be a badge of honor to have been banged up for driving drunk, fined and let go........
  12. I have walked on the trail.above the tidal wall there and at Pranburi Beach. There are signs that warn of moss being a hazard.
  13. It makes absolutely no sense that his stock has risen by being indicted. The man must carry a 5 leaf clover in his pocket.....
  14. Did you read the entire article. IT seems that he admitted to the wrongdoing, and accepted a plea deal which required the payment and the dissolving of the Trump foundation. It is viewed in judicial circles as a conviction. https://apnews.com/article/campaigns-donald-trump-us-news-ap-top-news-lawsuits-7b8d0f5ce9cb4cadad948c2c414afd57 New York state Judge Saliann Scarpulla imposed the penalty after the president admitted to a series of abuses outlined in a lawsuit brought against him last year by the New York attorney general’s office. Among other things, Trump acknowledged in a legal filing that he allowed his presidential campaign staff to coordinate with the Trump Foundation in holding a fundraiser for veterans during the run-up to the 2016 Iowa caucuses. The event was designed “to further Mr. Trump’s political campaign,” Scarpulla said. The president admitted, among other things, to arranging for the charity to pay $10,000 for a 6-foot portrait of him. He also agreed to pay back $11,525 in foundation funds that he spent on sports memorabilia and champagne at a charity gala.
  15. In your view, how is today any different then back when Kennedy was President. (Rhetorical question by the way). Do you think that with the laws having changed over the years as well as new laws created, because of such conduct, have anything to do with the cases we actually see today versus the cases we saw back then. Add in of course the uses of social media and the internet and things are definitely a bit more in your face now where people are now being caught more because of these postings. So is it not fair for someone to be prosecuted, no matter who they are, when the evidence is at hand. It does not matter what the prior DOJ did or did not do in regards to this case as they were not going to invest the time and money on it like DA Bragg and New York did. To some folks this is a sham, but how many white collar crimes like this are tried each year, and how many people are arrested, charged and convicted? The below linked article explains a lot, and is one of the reasons that Trump now is being charged as it appears all the evidence has been exposed by confidantes, and former partners like Cohen. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/white-collar_crime Many white-collar crimes are especially difficult to prosecute because the perpetrators use sophisticated means to conceal their activities through a series of complex transactions. Whistleblowers are particularly helpful to prosecutors of white-collar crime, because these whistleblowers report internal wrongdoing.
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