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Everything posted by chilly07

  1. With the state of Thai driving footpaths and roads walking is a highly hazardous pastime especially if you finish up in hospital with an exorbitant bill!
  2. Like you I have had to use the DWP web site to obtain the life certificate by email and SMSd the form back. Raised it via 'my' MP and got a reply that DWP had written twice. I haven't moved for 10yrs and havnt received anything from DWP despite receiving letters before. HMRC had no trouble writing to me. I suspect DWP are adopting an approach of cutting of mine and others meagre frozen pension to force a reaction rather than actually writing. Too many examples of this and not many if any contrary experiences
  3. Did it at my home bank (Bangkok Bank) and it works. Tried Krungsri because they kept sending a reminder-can do it at any branch the reminder said. Went to branch I use because it doesn't have 3 flights of stairs. They didn't understand what I wanted (Thai wife with me) and said I could do it on the app. Can attach a photo to app but nothing to do with facial recognition so have given up. Did UK bank facial recognition on their app easily. Seems Thai banks don't instruct their staff
  4. How did you confirm your 65k pm to your agent?
  5. I think DWP doesn't bother to send Life Certificates to expats anymore- they just stop the payments and wait for us to squawk!
  6. Been told by several agents that Jomtien are now insisting on 800k in your bank for a retirement extension? Last year they only wanted to see my Bank book which shows 65k pm for the previous year! So now have to do the in/out top up to 800k. The reason I went for a no show retirement extension last year (changing from marriage) was to avoid 2 bank visits a visit to the ampho and a visit to immigration to have my photo taken as I have to use a wheelchair. Now it seems even using an agent I have to do the footwork/wheelchairwork anyway? Is Jomtien discouraging the use of agents now?
  7. I could never get through on this number but the DWP has a message facility under their Pensions Abroad section to which they respond in 3days
  8. Had my state pension stopped without notice on 16 May. Chased DWP and they said they hadn't received a Life Certificate. I said I hadn't been notified so they emailed the form and I sent it back by EMS. Finally my pension was reinstated on 17 June with 2 payments. I think DWP has 'outsourced' the Life Certificate function to an EU country (Belgium?) which has failed. Have kept a copy of the blank form and will send it in in April next year even if they don't ask for it! Costs 2000bht to get notarised and EMSd.
  9. Did they show you how it works on your app. My branch had no idea what I was talking about and they take a photo for card and bank book renewals anyway
  10. Got messages from Bangkok and Krungsri banks saying go in with passport and bankbook. BB knew why I was there, took a photo and showed me how it works on my mobile. Krungsri said they already had my photo (they take it every time I get a new bankbook) and didn't know why I wanted it on my mobile app??? Said I could do it myself. Checked app and only thing I can see is on introduction page and that won't let me use my camera? 10/10 Bangkok Bank! 0/10 Krungsri! Incidentally tried to do facial recognition on NatWest as they are encouraging it but can't get it to accept my photo. All very hit and miss!
  11. Fords are obsolete as soon as you buy them and seem to have a recall rate higher than most.
  12. Not if the tenants behaviour causes the infestation. Landlord probably responsible to carry out building alterations to prevent rats getting in with tenant responsible for extermination
  13. Dragon Lady is on the family desk. She gets grumpy because she has to check mounds of unnecessary paperwork for sending to HQ whereas the retirement desk just rubber stamps handfuls of retirement extension's without paperwork presented by numerous Pattaya agents raking in satisfyingly large fees. No wonder the Dragon Lady breathes fire!
  14. Need to cut the immigration regulation and beuracracy and do everything on line
  15. Just been for my 3 month blood test. Annoying to have to wait for result and then wait for doctor to come back from lunch. Doctor also wanted me to see another doctor for second opinion which would have incolved another long wait so I refused and he made me sign a disclaimer! Every hospital visit makes me feel unwell. Spending the whole day for a blood test and follow up makes it even worse. Referral to a second doctor doubles the fee and uncertainty and is part of the guessing game consisting of 'now try this and see if it works' that doctors pursue
  16. Did mine at Bangkok Bank Theprasit Rd . Quite fiddly needing 2 staff to make work. Still have to do Krungsri which I anticipate will be even more fiddly. Problem is getting saved image to line up on their system and on my phone
  17. What is the problem? Thais have always worn masks in public areas and long may it stay that way. Farangs should follow suit opting for the higher hygiene standard. That is why Thailand fared better during the pandemic.
  18. Your passport can be returned to you by your agent after VPS has seen it and then you can wait until your new one is ready before giving your old passport to your agent to collect your new one so in all although the entire process takes 7-11 weeks you will only be without your passport for a few days. Don't leave your passport with your agent except for the trip to Trendy. UK passports are actually made in India.
  19. Our neighbour is unfit to drive. He has hit our truck twice and just hit the wall in front of his house. He has a health impediment of some sort. Wife่ has told him not to drive or she will call the police as he is a danger to himself and others. What would you do?
  20. Garbage truck just arrived. Once a week collection. (Dark side) Garbage always stinks. Didn't have collection for a couple of weeks because neighbour parked awkwardly as battery flat. Now parked properly but hit our truck twice doing it. Garbage truck driver negotiates his large vehicle without problem. We just can't win!
  21. Take note of the agents bringing in piles of passports and use that agent
  22. Still waiting for my life certificate letter from DWP. My frozen pension got cancelled this mth despite me not moving for 10yrs. My other pensions allow emailed responses. DWP say they mailed to my address in their records but despite doing this twice before nothing has come. Their contact Nos is always busy so I used their query email to get a blank form but they won't accept an email back so after 7days still waiting for my EMS to get to their mailing address. Next year I will send them a Life Cert in Feb even if they don't ask for it! Chronic maladministration! Too busy paying out inflated 2000gbp to expats in the Phillipines to bother with my frozen 800gbp
  23. Yes I have to switch Norton off to access my BB account!
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