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Everything posted by chilly07

  1. Ditto ALL multiple occupied buildings eg condos offices schools hotels hospitals etc etc etc. Monthly should do the trick. Set off the alarm and count the escapees in their designated assembly zones. Sprinkler/ Misting retrofits also help as does regular inspections and certification by fire safety engineers. Simply setting fire to building materials will check flammability including poisonous gasses.
  2. Sounds like good advice generally. Should include Thai on Thai as well as Thai on foreigner and then everyone is safe
  3. Sounds like good advice generally. Should include Thai on Thai as well as Thai on foreigner and then everyone is safe
  4. Ditto but UK embassy provided letter requesting Immigration transfer the stamps. Agent also renewed passport for me.
  5. Just did my 90 day on line using the Immigration web site successfully. Note NOT using the apps. Used my new passport which Immigration 90 days ago had transferred the key stamps from my old passport and done a 90 day simultaneously. (Jomtien) As I had done a previous 90 day based on my new passport I received approval the next day. Next time I expect to receive an email reminder as I have now linked the new passport to my email address plus email notifications of submission and approval. Key to all this is using the main Immigration URL and not the apps.
  6. CANCEL! Pattaya is suffering from an extensive outbreak of the latest Omicron variant! Rank foolishness to hold any festivals!
  7. Best to use the link posted by Mutt Daeng. The apps certainly don't work for me. Just did mine on Sunday (Jomtien) Approved on Monday. When you check the status on the web site your completed TM 47 shows as a PDF and your next appointment comes up as a PDF as well for print off and insertion in your passport. Neither comes up as awaiting approval.
  8. Just to note that yet again I have been unable to use the Immigration apps for 90 day reporting. They won't give me a new password so I end up going round in circles despite reloading them. Website however works everytime. Reported on 24th and approved on 25th with emails issued receiving report and sending me the print out to put in my passport. My advice is use the Website not the App!
  9. Proves that political neutrality pays in spades! Thailand always fills the gaps left by highbrow moralisers. Money talks votes don't! Can't complain too loudly as UK Torys speak the same language and do business with anyone especially those who inhabit the golden entitled gravy train with them.
  10. Can't beat Eva- LHR to BKK direct. Best price. Excellent service. Thoroughly reliable. Gave up on Thai and BA long ago and can't stand the stop over for middle east flights.
  11. Seems there is a business opportunity setting up post/addresses/ boxes for Thai expats in the Philippines! Now how many UK state pensioners in Thailand? Wait I can add in those living in Australia Canada South Africa South Asia Africa Caribbean. Oh but maybe the DWP will notice if 500k UK state pensioners have suddenly moved to Manila?
  12. Nothing shady about Immigration Officers exercising their lawful discretion!
  13. My BB gives me the 12 mths statement on the spot but I do collect monthly credit advices and present them back when I need the statement
  14. Realy don't understand why anybody would use money on deposit when monthly income enables you to spend it all??? Still need bank letters to certify both, 400k is NOT peanuts to most of us and 800k is mainly aimed at agents assists. I will certainly go the agent route when disability prevents attendance at Immigration.
  15. As you have already raised this with both BB and the Airline you can raise a dispute with Visa as your card was relevant at the transaction date providing them with all the exchanged correspondence. Persist and they will demand an explanation from the Bank. Just because your visa card has now lapsed doesn't mean you don't have a contract with them for that transaction.
  16. Absolutely amazing. Just when you thought humanity was doomed they CPR an elephant and reunite with baby. Now can they do something about european warmongers. One of those darts would be a start!
  17. With Omicron B4 & 5 it would be incredibly foolish to NOT wear a mask at all times when outside your home. Thankfully Thais wear masks most of the time. Recently I had to remind several UK visitors to wear masks when fresh of the plane.
  18. Of course this is in addition to the previous 300 and 500 charges already included in fares. Only difference is the pretence that this is 'insurance' and as we know 'insurance companies' take no risk.
  19. Pay by MasterCard then you can raise a dispute when Customs and 'you know who' contrive a charge that trebles the cost and will rip open packages and demand doctors letters to increase the cost even more. Unfortunately the only recourse you have with this scam is to 'return to sender' Best to purchase in Thailand whenever you can.
  20. Stick with COD Shopee. Never get what we order from you know who!
  21. Do all my transfers Wise to Bangkok Bank with reason"for long term stay in Thailand". Arrives next day at 2pm. My timing would be destroyed by an instant transfer as for Immigration I need to get the magic FTT on the same day each month. Do have to allow for W/E and bank holidays. Can't speak for SCB as they refused to open an account for me despite making mortgage payments for several years into my wife's account
  22. Viewing way to many disaster movies predicting dystopia! Without the planets population working to keep the rich and famous even more rich and famous, after MAD their wealth and fame disappears. It's in the oligarchs interest to prevent WW3 including getting rid of any maniacal world leader who jepardises their income!
  23. Ditto experience with couriers. Item trebles in price once Customs and Courier start gouging! Best to use Shopee POD et al
  24. I also used Darren at KV and the whole process took 7 weeks. Well worth the fee to avoid 2 visits to Trendy as I have restricted mobility. I got my old passport back after the first KV trip to Trendy and returned it for the second. Easy for me as I am in Pattaya.
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