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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. I don't fancy this as a way of killing myself. Too much time to think on the way down... RIP.
  2. Very well done. Wishing you all the best with this project.
  3. Amazing, given that the military and the ruling elite used to hate him..
  4. I still live with my Thai wife in the same properties in Bangkok and Rayong I was living in 20 years ago. We have been together since 1984, and married in Taiwan in 1990. The only thing that has changed, sadly, is that my closest friends have all died. Tempus fugit...
  5. Now 82 years old. Drank heavily, smoked cigarettes, led a pretty wild private life up to 10 years ago approx. Nevertheless I have always exercised in the early morning, and still spend about 30 minutes on a treadmill, followed by weights and stretching, and a 20 minute walk in the sunshine ( for vitamin D) at 9.30 am. So far so good...
  6. The way most elephants in captivity are treated in Thailand is a disgrace.
  7. Turbulence means chaos or disorder. Sounds about right.
  8. Thais still react strongly against criticism of Thailand and Thai people. No change there in my opinion.
  9. Very sorry for your loss. I'm surprised your passport has been held because you are involved in a civil case. Maybe you could quickly double check this with your lawyer.
  10. The USA 'justice' system is making America look like a third world banana republic. Sad.
  11. Would be good to be able to believe that the best candidates are admitted no matter what their race, but I fear the days when that used to be the case are long gone.
  12. 'Graft busters' want a slice of the cake.
  13. Yes indeed. I did this years ago at my local amphur office in Bangkok. Got my yellow book and, incidentally, a pink ID card at the same time. Both have proven useful.
  14. The sincerity of those approving a ban on the recreational use of cannabis is highly dubious unless they also ban the recreational consumption of alcohol, and the smoking of cigarettes.
  15. For many years it has been the establishment's policy to bail out debtors thereby rendering the debtors incapable of ever learning how to handle money responsibly, dependent on the govt for help, and for retaining their votes come election time.
  16. Crazy to display valuable items on your person in public. Asking for trouble.
  17. Not that bad. Just take things day by day, and try not to dwell on past mistakes.
  18. Currently 82. I would go for 56. Marginally less stupid then than when I was 36. We oldies get treated better here in Thailand than we do in many of our home countries. I have had no abuse on this forum, and even after the accumulated experience of all the years I have lived here I still find the content informative, helpful and, sometimes, good for a laugh.
  19. This is a waste of time. Trivial beyond belief.
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