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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. You need help. See a doctor.
  2. I'm afraid I've yet to find a sensoring system which really works. As all cat lovers know many cats are unhappy if they are not allowed to wander. We just have to hope and pray that they stay safe which they mostly do in my experience, thankfully.
  3. Not sure how the ranking system works. What i do know is that, while my personal details are showing that I've made 4k approx postings, I have in fact made more than double that. Not that it matters...
  4. In my opinion better to go in person because you can then deal with any issues on the spot. Incidentally i went to CW yesterday to submit my 90 day report. I was 2 days late but received no penalty.
  5. Correct, they were provoked.
  6. It depends on who is doing the scoring...
  7. One day, once a year. Not exactly a hardship.
  8. From the report she does appear to have case, but not a strong one. The tattoo artist denies any wrongdoing and, further to that, is counter suing the girl for reputational damage. Difficult to pass judgement on this one.
  9. If I was a prosecutor in this case I would derive no comfort from the offer of police protection. A threat, more like.
  10. Astonishing just how many of your posters respond to a piece critical of Biden by bringjng Trump into the discussion. TDS personified.
  11. This issue, if it really is an issue, is the least important of most Londoners concerns about Khan.
  12. Much the same, except that I opt for 29 degrees.
  13. Did Joe Biden disown Hunter as implied in this article ?
  14. Weed induces calm. Alcohol and meth, inter-alia, induce aggression.
  15. The various courts' biased judgements make the USA look like a third world banana republic. Sad.
  16. Killing and eating animals is disgusting.
  17. 'Ensure the safety of tourists'. Really?
  18. This sanctimonious BS has nothing to do with caring for young people, but is all about protecting the Thai Tobacco Monopoly. Sickening.
  19. Sadly, after a history of cleverly avoiding colonisation,Thailand is now virtually under Beijing's control. While many Thai politicians have become wealthy as a result of this process in recent times, most Thais have experienced no benefit whatsoever. In fact many are worse off as a result.
  20. I entirely agree. Far too young to be without parents around. Now you have some work to do to get him off his addiction. It appears your only option is to try to have him come to the USA, but obtaining a visa will not be easy. Failing that one of you, at least, should join him jn Thailand. I have to say I feel very sorry for him.
  21. Thingamabob


    There are a number of attractive beaches on Koh Samet, many restaurants, good bungalow accomodation with aircon, and discos/nightlife on weekends.
  22. Just give them what they ask for. A hand-drawn map requirement is a very minor inconvenience. If you feel so strongly about it go and live in another country.
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