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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Comments from the likes of Jerome Powell are as ridiculous as they are dishonest. Uncontrolled, illegal immigration helps nobody other than those who profit from employing cheap labour.
  2. Maybe you are just not likeable. It appears from what you say nobody wants to see you again following your initial visit.
  3. He was ousted by the ruling establishment before and will likely be ousted again.
  4. As someone who is designated 'health minister' this guy needs to stop being a pain in the neck.
  5. Most likely he just couldn't face landing in broken Britain.
  6. Not clear what your point is. You are apparently questioning the viability of the age gap existing between some couples, but at the same time expressing a dislike of many of the posts on AN. Regarding the age gap question it can work with understanding and good will by both individuals. Regarding posts on AN they are generally interesting and often helpful.
  7. His business, his choice.
  8. Locals were fine when I was last in Phuket over 40 years ago. Friendly and helpful. I am told they are now heavily outnumbered by non-local Thais. Additionally, the behaviour of many farangs now visiting/residing is apparently nothing like as good as it once was.
  9. Even if 'something stinks' it is certain that people in any country are going to get big trouble if they assault police officers, whatever the circumstances.
  10. How would you feel being escorted to the execution chamber knowing you were innocent ?
  11. Very few Thai men have close Thai friends, let alone foreign friends, outside their family. During my lifetime I had three close friends, none of them Thai. Quite a few Thai and other acquaintances though, but I would not describe them as friends in the true meaning of the word.
  12. Thailand showed a degree of maturity in easing the laws against the use of cannabis. The reasons being given for going back to the previous legislation are pious garbage. If sensibly but not over- controlled this is good business for Thais and for Thailand.
  13. It is stupid beyond belief to use violence against the police in any country, whatever the circumstances. This is bad for the reputation of all Westerners in Thailand.
  14. No idea why you want to help someone who uses violence against women, however, first step would be to tell him to apply for a visa with a new passport and see what happens.
  15. Poor English, poor spelling, and boring. Find something else to do.
  16. Easier to go in person. Last 90 day report at CW I was number 16 in the queue and out by 0930hrs.
  17. 'Over a million people are on the edge of bankruptcy'. Over 10 million plus more like.
  18. The concept of a 'sacred statue' is entirely alien to Buddhist philosophy.
  19. Expect a cover-up regarding the extent of the injuries suffered by the sailors who were caught in the firing line.
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