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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Still the Land of Smiles in my experience
  2. Happily married to my beautiful Thai wife since 1990. She is now 68 to my 82 years of age. Her interests are similar to mine, as is her humour. She's a great cook, and a skilled driver. You tell me I'm either stupid or blind, or both. I don't think so. Or maybe you were just kidding ?
  3. Britain 2924. Get out now if you can. If you can't, condolences.
  4. A bunch of BIB clowns. Compensation should be paid to the disrupted family.
  5. Disgraceful, dishonest reporting. There was no chaos. Very sorry for this poor man. Is there a group in Pattaya who can help him ?
  6. Plodprasop, a pot calling the kettle black if ever there was one. Just remember the stuff he and his party have got up to over the years.
  7. Sounds awful, and if someone killed one of my dogs there'd be big trouble from both my wife, our workers and myself. I will be avoiding any and all of your further possible expositions .
  8. Correct. No resemblance at all. Whatever gave him that idea ?
  9. Jill Biden will not give up the first-lady role unless heavily pushed. Awful woman. I fear poor oldJoe is going to have to struggle on. Pretty much amounts to age abuse.
  10. Interesting poll, but MFP still face enormous problems. For the govt attitude towards westerners living in Thailand to improve it would need Thaksin, and acolyte Srettha, to be well and truly gone. Anutin far less of a problem.
  11. Possibly the most serious and deeply troubling subject ever raised on these pages, to which I'm afraid I have no answer.
  12. There are unpleasant foreigners here in Thailand, as there are in all other countries. However, the vast majority of expats living here long-term like the country and its' people, are law-abiding, have Thai friends or family, and have learned to live with some of the less attractive elements of the local culture. You are a beginner, and you should not be making snap judgements based on little or no experience
  13. Briefly, you could apply for a non-immigrant visa which, subject to age and financial conditions, you could extend annually. However please note carefully the good advice given to you by earlier posters. Commit to nothing in Thailand until you have spent some time here, and even then proceed with great caution. Thailand is not a good place for well-meaning but naive people.
  14. Must be a candidate for dumbest post of the year to date. Thaksin had countless innocents shot during the so-called war on drugs, and ran away to escape a jail sentence. The word 'creep' comes to mind. Revisions to the tax regime remain stuck at the proposal stage, and may yet never happen.
  15. Jill Biden has a lot to answer for. She enjoys being first lady, and the only way she can maintain that position is by pushing poor old Joe until his ultimate collapse. Sad to see.
  16. OK Bob. Boring history from yours truly, another Bob. First arrived on these Thai shores in 1962, on holiday. Business visits to PTT throughout the 1970s. Lived and worked in Thailand during the 1980s. Married my now wife, a Thai lady, in Taiwan in 1990. Retired to Thailand, where we have houses in both Bangkok and Rayong, in 1993. Thailand has changed enormously over all those years. Many more people, hitherto quiet beauty spots now swamped by visitors, traffic appalling in Bangkok. However, the food is still great, the girls are still lovely, and the famous Thai smile still exists. All things considered I would rather be here, in my old age, than anywhere else.
  17. Eating animals is disgusting. Be ashamed.
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