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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Having committed an offence, for which he would be in trouble in most countries, he then talked his way into jail. High or drunk, or both, I suspect. Too many male visitors forget that the vast majority of Thai girls are not bar girls.
  2. It's the police themselves who need to face justice for their cover-up. Smarten up man, or find something else to do.
  3. Oh dear. Obtuse is the word that comes to mind. Move on...
  4. What people want to see is those in authority who deliberately ignored the disgusting behaviour of the rape gangs be identified, and then face justice.
  5. There are indeed strong rumours that it is foreign tax advisers who are trying to sell tougher tax regulations to the TRD in order to create additional business for themselves from concerned expats.
  6. If by 'others' you are referring to other tax advisers it seems to me they've been presenting non-stop for months past.
  7. The Pattaya City Expat Club now join a long list of expat groups in Thailand promoting not the best interests of foreigners living in Thailand, but trying to advance the business of fringe legal tax advisers operating here. Should you feel the need to discuss tax issues best to do so directly with your local TRD office.
  8. Starmer trying to dodge two bullets re the rape gangs. The first is a question as to why the CPS showed little interest in this issue during Starmer's tenure. The second is his fear of alienating Muslims and their votes if he now agrees to a national enquiry into how these gangs managed to operate with impunity for so long.u
  9. Before I retired to Thailand in 1993 I was told by both a senior employee of the TRD, and by highly reputable Thai lawyers, that:- 1. Pensions, from whatever source, were not taxable in Thailand. 2. That only the income of those people working and earning in Thailand was taxable. That was over 30 years ago. Things have clearly changed since then, but to what extent is still unclear, with conflicting advice being given by different sources.
  10. In addition to the points already made Starmer's appearance and manner do not inspire confidence. It gets worse when he starts to speak. His choice of cabinet members is also a matter of great concern. Further, taking account of his government's poor performance to date, plus revelations about his and Reeves' Marxist leanings, and it is hardly surprising that he is being harshly criticised.
  11. What people hate is not the Labour party, what they hate is TODAY'S Labour party.
  12. Not so sure about that. I've seen, many times, even the most readily available bar girls turn down farangs, with loads of cash, if they are smelly and scruffy.
  13. Will do. Meanwhile, have a nice day.
  14. White working class men. Really ? Your comments begin to sound increasingly like those of an out-and-out racist.
  15. What point is it that you are trying to make, and why ? The grooming and mass rape gangs operated, and continue to operate, in more than 50 cities in the UK. The vast majority of them are made up of Pakistani British and Pakistani men. Many of their victims were under the age of consent, some as low as 10 and 11 years old. It is an utter disgrace that many of the perpetrators remain unpunished due to lack of interest by local police and local authorities
  16. Your source appears to be none other than Sky news so best ignored.
  17. Deeply worrying for all Brits that Starmer has sent his co-marxist Reeves to visit China as a priority. I wonder what comes next ..
  18. You say that the capture and gang raping of underage girls in the UK is mostly carried out by 'white individuals'. That is both rubbish and a lie.
  19. Ridiculous comment. Find something else to occupy your time.
  20. Amazing that the UK has been blessed with abundant coal, oil and gas resources, enough both for domestic consumption and for export, but chooses not to use them. Others look at us and scratch their heads in disbelief and puzzlement.
  21. I'm told the Thai rating would be far more impressive if the Chinese Thai element was excluded from the survey.
  22. I grow a beard from time to time to give me a break from shaving which I find tiresome.
  23. Suggest you employ a nanny.
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