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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Yes indeed, however I still don't understand how a dog on a short chain could have done this. There was a severely mentally disturbed relative living in the same house. Should be, at least, investigated.
  2. I should add that, as I have said elsewhere, I don't think a dog on a short chain could have done this.
  3. I don't see how the dog, on a short chain, could have done this. I understand there was a severely disturbed relative living in the same house. Maybe worth investigating.
  4. Utterly pathetic. Missed the point completely.
  5. If you believe anything that originates from the VKPP you have a lot of growing up to do.
  6. By all means be prepared. I doubt, however, you will have much to worry about. We shall see ..
  7. Your opinion that Donald Trump is a dangerous egomaniac is completely undermined by the nature of his first term of office which was peaceful with little or no drama. I would, however, agree that he is somewhat egocentric, but no harm in that.
  8. Can't advise on this. I gave up eating meat years ago after my one and only visit to a slaughter house.
  9. This posting appears to have been written in May of last year. Anyway, for very many years I used to occasionally visit Pattaya for a blast for a few days max, and then be gone. Never sought contact with local expats. I was there to enjoy the company of the Thai flora and fauna.
  10. Not kind, cruel. What on earth motivates people such as yourself ?
  11. Britain is sinking into a pit from which there will be no recovery. Desperately sad and depressing.
  12. If this dog was permanently chained it could not have attacked the owner. Something not right about this. To your point, no dog, of whatever breed, should be chained all its' life. Cruel beyond belief.
  13. Fair question ! No, only as reported in this article.
  14. I refuse to believe that French men have bigger dicks than English men.
  15. The onset of increased Chinese influence over the modus operandi of the Panama canal occurred in 2017 when the Panamanian government withdrew its' diplomatic recognition of Taiwan in favour of China. If you wish to be more fully informed on the issue of the way in which the Chinese are infiltrating the running of the canal's operations I recommend you start with the CSIS article of 21 May 2021.
  16. First visited Thailand in 1962, business and holiday visits in the 1970s, lived and worked here in the 1980s, retired here in 1993. Not leaving, ever.
  17. As I said, a good effort, especially now considering your dyslexia. I too was in the oil business for most of my working life. Anyway, we should all try to remember not to get angry over things we cannot control. All the best. Bob.
  18. From this I assume English is not your first language, in which case, a good effort on your part. Try to reduce your anger level, relax. and have a nice day !
  19. Dear oh dear ! Speaking as a Brit it seems to me many of you anti- Trumpers need to lighten up a bit. The Panama canal is being gradually taken over by the Chinese which needs to be stopped, and some form of alliance/merger with Greenland makes a lot of sense in terms of US national security. The reference to Canada was light-hearted, although a couple of Canadian friends have told me they would welcome a closer relationship with America. Nothing to worry about in any of this. Your next President will take good care of you. Relax, and have a nice day !
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