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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. The poor elephant was obviously terrified. Whoever brought it to such an event should be jailed. I continue to be both amazed and depressed by the way so many animals are cruelly treated in Buddhist Thailand.
  2. Agreed, mostly. Thatcher, badly advised to put it mildly, caved in far too easily to China re the Hong Kong takeover. Also, she should never have sold off the govt shareholding in BP.
  3. What I said was 'not a bad result'. I agree 'landslide' is over-stating it, but to call it a lie is a bit strong in my opinion.
  4. Your reference to 'lying' is inappropriate and rather childish. The fact is Republicans won the Presidential election, the popular vote, and a majority in both Houses. Not a bad result by any standard.
  5. Which one are you referring to, Starmer or Mandelson ?
  6. No invitations for UK prime minister Starmer, or UK ambassador designate to the USA, Mandelson. One can only assume the special relationship between the US and the UK is so special that invitations are considered trivial and unnecessary. Or something like that.....
  7. Britain has been badly governed for well over a hundred years. What we are seeing now is nothing new, sadly.
  8. Too many Thais borrow money without giving any thought as to how they are going to pay it back.
  9. Er, I'm 40 years in the oil business and I can assure you that what is being emitted from most of those buses is not water vapour.
  10. The cruel way many Thais treat animals is shocking given that Thailand is supposed to be a Buddhist country.
  11. Samet used to be a paradise. Still great, but now best to avoid the weekends due to the arrival of so many coachloads.
  12. Been retired in Thailand since 1993 having previously lived and worked in Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and Africa. No country is perfect, but Thailand is as good as it gets as far as I am concerned, and I've no intention to ever leave. You, however, sound somewhat puritanical so I doubt anywhere in Asia will suit you.
  13. Thailand needs Thaksin, and family, like it needs a hole in the head. The problem is he now appears to have bought his way into support from a higher level than previously which makes it less likely he will be gone any time soon. It can only be hoped that there is not a repeat of his so-called war on drugs during which, last time round, so many innocent people were shot dead by police.
  14. The police failed to do their duty in Cleveland because they were told by their senior officers not to offend local Muslims. This is indicative of the direction in which towns all over Britain are heading. Lord help us.
  15. To describe Starmer as an idiot is fair enough, but I would say calling him a dangerous idiot would be even more accurate.
  16. As I said, calm down and have a nice day.
  17. The ID number on the pink card certainly consists of the same amount of letters and numbers as a Thai TIN, 13 in all, in the same configuration as a Thai TIN.
  18. Good products and service but too expensive for most Thais. They should have been advised to focus on developed markets.
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