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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Fair question. I can only answer by saying, wait and see...
  2. As I said, some recent developments in the UK are concerning.
  3. Yes indeed. Difficult to judge a presidency before it's started. How early on would you want to pass judgement ?
  4. Not at all forgetting his first presidency. No worse than some of his predecessors, and better than many.
  5. Really ? I'm not sure you're right about that.
  6. The BBC a trusted source ? What planet are you living on ? The driver is a Saudi doctor who drove into a crowd of Christmas shoppers killing at least 2 (some reports say 12) including a small child.
  7. Starmer, by sending people to the US who hate Trump, is clearly trying to undermine the UK's relationship with the US in order to set the scene for a closer relationship for the UK with the EU.
  8. A Saudi driver following in the tradition of the Saudi attacks on the World Trade Centre on 9/11. When I Iived and worked in Saudi in the early 80s any form of public Christian worship there was banned, and beheadings were shown live on TV. Their culture is vastly different to those of western Europe. Nothing wrong with that, just don't try to mix them together. Merkel has a lot to answer for.
  9. Double, or treble, or quadruple the cost of flying, world - wide.
  10. Liers certainly, liars maybe.
  11. Horses, cats and dogs.
  12. In the 1960s,1970s and early 1980s flights were expensive and, mainly western, visitors behaved well. Likewise US soldiers on leave from Vietnam were polite and well behaved. Fun and friendliness was the order of the day. It has to be said that is not the case now. Go figure.
  13. Not a fan of Hartley-Brewer but I happened to be watching this exchange on Talk TV. Brewer gabbles a lot, and regularly talks across her guests. In this case, however, she was entirely right in trying to stop Barghouti's interruptions which appeared to be aimed at avoiding answering pointed questions about palestinians launching daily missile attacks into Israel.
  14. Better late than never. Would it be practical and acceptable to have a trans women's category and a trans men's category in addition to the current men's and women's categories ?
  15. He is threatening violence against an LGBT group for which he has been sentenced to 10 years in jail by a Scottish court although he has not hurt anyone to date. I trust other authorities in the UK will take note, and will pass similar sentences on anyone else making similar threats.
  16. I've bought hundreds of items from Lazada COD over the years. Never had any problem. Friendly, fast and efficient service.
  17. Much ado about nothing.
  18. Fine accomodation, friendly people, good food, fun nightlife.
  19. From his tone he appears to hate both trees and birds. Given that is the state of his sick mind he will be happy when the tree and the birds are gone. His post is a reminder that there are some very odd people around.
  20. Quite one of the most unpleasant and bewildering posts ever (assuming that it's not just a wind-up). If you don't like birds and you don't like trees why are you living in the country ? I suggest you leave the tree and the birds well alone, and move yourself to the middle of the nearest town or city.
  21. It is more like 32 Sharia courts, with more on the way. The Islamisation of Britain is well underway. Full takeover estimated to be completed within 30-50 years.
  22. Only ever been a part time user which was enjoyable and harmless, and nothing Iike as addictive as sedatives such as Lorazepam.
  23. 'Excessive drinking, drug taking, and girls on offer all over the place. Sounds like my kind of town...
  24. Comparisons with Hitler are as pathetic as they are ridiculous, usually made by people born well after WW2.
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