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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. If you are serious about having a dog maybe you could consider taking in a stray.
  2. Chest the bedding ? How does that work ?
  3. <removed> appears to be incurable. A mystery for many non-Americans. He seems no worse than some of his predecessors, and better than many.
  4. I doubt that cannabis is their only business..
  5. ..and give us 2 or 3 year extensions at 1900 baht per year instead of just the 1 year extension currently. Same income for Immigration Dept., less work for them.
  6. About time. I doubt, however, it will ever happen given the increasing strength of the Islamic lobby in the UK.
  7. The Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family re-named themselves Windsor in 1917 because it had become apparent that the Germans were going to lose following the entry of the USA into the first world war. From that act alone it becomes clear that Meghan has married into a family whose integrity and morals are highly questionable, as are hers. While some forecast a divorce sooner or later others say they are made for each other, and will never separate.
  8. Very difficult to understand the point of publishing a list of alleged collaborators some 80 years after the event.
  9. Nothing special about the new year. The road carnage goes on all the time, every day.
  10. ..and to think that in terms of many other Thai/Asian families Thaksin's wealth is small fry.
  11. Be interesting to see how the amorous couple would react if someone asked to join in.
  12. Have re-read the article and there is no reference to a pedestrian crossing. My mistake.
  13. Must be genes. My father died at 75, my mother at 95. Averaging out I will likely be gone at 85. That gives me just under 2 years to make the best of time left ...
  14. So, you approve of experiments on animals that benefit humans ?
  15. Neither people nor animals, if they could speak, would want to be experimented on in this way. Humanity would do well to reflect on its' appalling treatment of animals since the beginning of time.
  16. Killing someone who was walking on a pedestrian crossing in an urban area is unforgivable. Either the bike rider was going too quickly, or not concentrating, or both.
  17. At 30 I never thought I would make 50, at 50 I never thought I would make 70. Smoking, drinking and generally over- indulging throughout all those years. Now 83, still around and ok. No idea why.
  18. Starmer claims he has achieved 'billions of dollars-worth of new investments in the UK'. Really ?
  19. The girl, out and about at 4am, is described as a 'victim'. A pathetic sign of the times.
  20. Mentally ill ? More likely a cruel, idle useless scumbag. Should do significant jail time.
  21. ....not if the mother is mis-treating/abusing the daughter. A sad case.
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