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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Personally renewed my UK passport through VFS Bangkok last year. Could not have been easier. No hassle, and new passport arrived within 6 weeks. I do, however, have a house in Bangkok which makes things easier.
  2. More serious than that I fear. The senate's paymasters appear determined to exclude Pita from office one way or another. Hopefully he has tight security in place...
  3. One way or another the EC will try to disqualify Pita/MFP as per the instruction of their paymasters.
  4. Agreed, but it probably means MFP have no hope of forming a government notwithstanding the kindergarten level to which the debate has sunk.
  5. Same sex marriage ? I don't think so, but it is confusing. A man marries a woman, or a transman marries a woman or a transman marries a transwoman or.... I give up. Life is so complicated these days...
  6. Anutin was always going to be in the mix one way or another. He will possibly be the next PM, or at least a top cabinet member.
  7. This should have been dealt with long before the election. It's a shame because the senate now have the excuse they need to block Pita's/MFP's right to government.
  8. Originally reported as being a violent robbery, but it turns out to be a policeman in a rage hitting his wife's head with hammer so no problem, move on...
  9. I'm afraid not much is going to change. At this point it is far from clear that the MFP will be allowed to govern, let alone govern with it's leader as PM.
  10. Drinking pee became quite popular for a while in Taiwan some years ago but that popularity faded as people began to realize it wasn't helping cure their various ailments.
  11. Smoked the occasional joint when I was younger which I enjoyed but never found it remotely addictive. On the other hand it took years for me to finally stop smoking cigarettes and limiting my alcohol intake.
  12. Over 40 years I have moved from a work permit to non-immigrant status, in latter case with extensions initially based in marriage, later changed to retirement because less hassle involved. Never used an agent, and never had any problem whatsoever. Reading some of the above postings I appear to have been lucky to have had such an easy time, and I fear things are now getting tougher. Would be interested to know if others feel things are becoming more difficult at immigration offices generally, or just at certain specific locations.
  13. Fake news or not, the fact is Thailand now dances to Beijing's tune. The USA has much to do to counteract the worldwide Chinese takeover. If I were Thai, which I am not, I would welcome an increased US presence here.
  14. Hardly a 'group', but sinister. There doesn't seem to be much point in holding elections if people like this can overturn the result.
  15. Wrong. An arrest warrant issued by The Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan is recognized internationally. Likewise, an arrest warrant issued by The Peoples' Republic of China (PRC) on mainland China is also internationally recognized.
  16. Pita appears well-educated and honest. No chance of becoming PM then.
  17. The result of an election should determine which party will form the next government. But not in Thailand....
  18. Sad, but inevitable. The Thai establishment and military will utilize any pretext to prevent Pita/MF taking office. Only a few Thai people will protest. Memories of the brutal 1973, 1976 and 1992 crackdowns are still fresh. Nothing much is going to change.
  19. You are rather missing the point of this forum. These are observations by foreigners as to how the democratic process could be improved in Thailand, if and when that is what the Thai people want.
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