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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. At 80 years of age I am far happier in Thailand than I would be in the UK. Old people in the UK are so often pushed into care homes which they can ill-afford, and where they are not always well cared for. They are de-prioritised by the NHS, and are considered by many to be a nuisance. I decided years ago that I would live and die in Thailand where I am still happily married, and wonderfully well looked after by my wife and her family.
  2. The original Queen's Castle on Patpong 1. Great service, fantastic girls. Nominated by Time Magazine as the best bar anytime, anywhere.
  3. Message to the USA- you are gradually losing your long friendship with Thailand. The Chinese are taking over. Wake up.
  4. So what ? If you can't grow up and wear it properly don't go out.
  5. The CCP govt is a disgrace, every bit as bad as Gen. Douglas MacArthur forecast it would be many years ago. Personally I try to avoid, as much as is possible, buying anything made in China.
  6. Your friend is entirely correct. Many years ago the Departmenf of Mineral Resources (the DMR) began to dismiss it's foreign operators and consultants. The industry has never recovered.
  7. The chinese govt is already dictatlng policy to the current Thai govt. Very sad to see.
  8. Grim news for many of the not so well-off. Thai govt/ruling class couldn't care less, and never did.
  9. Nothing new here, and the Thai ruling elite want to keep it this way. Very sad for many youngsters from poor families.
  10. Not unusual. A Thai female friend suffered for a month after her second AZ vaccination. She went back to the vaccinating hospital and they said her condition was not unusual, supplied her with painkillers and told her to take it easy until she felt better. Not very helpful, but she's fine now anyway.
  11. I doubt your treatment in the UK will be any better than in Thailand.
  12. You should surely try an operation first. The animal surgeons here are skilled and worth a try.
  13. Well, you've now heard it from the Thai ruling class. The last thing it wants to give to it's people is personal freedom.
  14. Don't anyone hold their breath on this. Expect delays and obfuscation, wreathed in clouds of hypocrisy.
  15. I wonder if the fact is that the Thai govt would prefer not to have any tourists at all. Too many foreigners around, seeing what really goes on here.
  16. Still love it here after nearly 40 years, but I do worry about the extent to which the CCP are beginning to exercise control ( eg see today's Bangkok Post front page). Their hatred of Westerners seems to have been adopted by many in the Thai government and related circles.
  17. Backward is the right word. Backward education, backward institutions, backward government....and I fear it's getting worse. In nearly 40 years I have never been as depressed as I am today with what is going on here.
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