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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Thanks for the unpleasant insult. I'm 80, lived here permanently since 1980, with a 5 year break in Taiwan 1987-1993. Very happy in Thailand, and still have my hair and my teeth although a bit slower these days walking upstairs.
  2. Get a non-O visa based on marriage. Welcome back. Life is still good in Thailand.
  3. My father told me not to come to him with my problems, and to deal with them myself. Best advice anyone ever gave me.
  4. The hospital at which I had my 2 AZ jabs said, requesting confidentiality, that they will contact me after 6 months to arrange a booster.
  5. Wake up. Your own heading said 'Who needs foreign tourists ? ' . Maybe you've forgotten. Anyway, the answer is Thailand needs foreign tourists.
  6. Lithium and Cobalt are horribly difficult to mine, and their reserves are finite. Batteries have a short life and are then scrapped. EVs are a waste of time, money and resources. Hydrogen makes more sense but is difficult to extract from it's source, ie gas. The internal combustion engine is not going to be easy to replace.
  7. Connery sounded like what he was, a truck driver from Glasgow. Nothing wrong with that, but not the guy as portrayed by Ian Fleming.
  8. No. I don't like Craig, no humour. Didn't think much of any of the others either, although Brosnan and Lazenby tolerable.
  9. You don't have to apply at the Rayong office. Maybe not much help now, but last year I renewed at the Nonthaburi office and it was no hassle whatsoever.
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