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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Dog/animal haters right on cue with this 'news'. Be ashamed.
  2. In the UK, my home country, the national health service is in a mess, it takes weeks to see a doctor, and the elderly are nothing like as well treated there as we are in Thailand. I will stick with my original decision over 35 years ago to retire to Thailand, and to live and die here.
  3. This us the normal 90 day report form. Take it in person together with your passport to your nearest IO. Quick and easy, with no hassle.
  4. Why don't you go to CW in person ? Quick and easy, with no hassle.
  5. I recently obtained a new UK passport via VFS in Bangkok. I was told it could take 12 weeks but in fact it took only 6 weeks. Simple and straightforward. Good service with no hassle.
  6. Russians outside Russia are under pressure the moment. Maybe it was your flashing lights which triggered him, as they would an epileptic, or something else you did.
  7. ....'Where they get the money from to do that is anyone's guess'....They get it from the country's largest earner which is never recorded or reported anywhere.
  8. Went in person, as usual, to CW last week to make my 90 day report. In and out in 45 minutes. No agent's fee involved, and no on-line hassle.
  9. Yes indeed. Time will tell. If past events are anything to go by Johnson may survive the confidence vote but will be under pressure to resign in due course. He could call a general election which would be interesting....
  10. Myopic. Most countries are facing identical problems. Johnson is a proven winner against all the odds. He has won the London mayoral elections twice, delivered an 80 seat majority in the general election, nearly died from covid, got the vacciation programme organized, led the free world against Russia, and is finalizing the UK's exit from the EU. In addition to which his mother died during the pandemic but he kept going notwithstanding. Hardly surprising Labour, and some wet Tories, are desperate to get rid of him before the next general election which he will win with an increased majority.
  11. As time has gone by I don't miss England at all. Last visit 5 years ago. Didn't like most of what I saw and left early. The place has changed a lot since I last lived there over 40 years ago, for better or for worse depending on your viewpoint.
  12. I doubt this monkey is any longer in the land of the living.
  13. This is presumably to make sure that any potential visitors find somewhere else to enjoy their holiday.
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