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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Heartbreaking. Poor little guy. I can only pray that you are now resting in peace.
  2. The Thaksin govt was no more or less corrupt than any other, but he did at least do something to help the poor.
  3. The ruling elite worry about the country's image but have prevented the return of this man to face justice. Amazing Thailand.
  4. Very sad, but no surprise. I fear nightlife here will never be the same again. I hope I'm wrong.
  5. The insurgency goes on without any let-up. It is vicious, determined, with no obvious solution.
  6. I agree. In person is the way to go if at all possible.
  7. Strongly advise against. Stock market a better bet or, on a lighter note, buy a nice car. You'd lose money but at least you'd get some use out of it.
  8. I recently completed a non-O retirement extension at CW. No appointment. Bank letter, and passbook updated, the previous day. Arrived 9am, out by 11am. No problems, no hassle. Could hardly be easier.
  9. Outside lights on, inside lights dimmed. Not 100%, but helps.
  10. No. I' m one of those sad people who hate both Christmas and the New Year.
  11. Silly survey, however it's conclusion is correct. Thai people are friendly, more friendly than most nationalities in fact.
  12. Just pay a small amount into your 800k account and on the same day get a bank letter quoting the revised total appearing in your bank book.
  13. Not that I've noticed. Generally prices have been fairly stable
  14. You can have an even bigger laugh when he becomes PM.
  15. Not exactly difficult to avoid this problem. In future keep 810k Baht minimum in a dedicated account, permanently.
  16. You clearly have not dealt with UK officials. Far worse than the Thais.
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