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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. He's on his " second wind " now and feels he has established himself again so he can lift his profile and have his troop of PR clowns to follow him around whilst he finger points and pretends he's a competent policeman.
  2. I forecast a committee being formed as we speak to investigate these miscreants followed by a serious " crackdown " and then some coloured posters in Immigration offices asking us to phone a " hotline ( that never gets answered ) if we are asked for tips!
  3. And how did Surachate get to the dizzy heights he achieved and then to be sidelined and then, as if by magic, reinstalled as a General? Was this all down to his squeaky clean image or magnificent crime solving abilities or even a superior knowledge of Thai law? Surely, he didn't do anything underhand? They couldn't lie straight in bed most of them.
  4. After 27 years I know what a Thai or Cambodian 15/16 year old looks like compared to an 18 /19 year old. Simple as that, believe or don't.
  5. I neither go to bars nor sit on bar stools listening to gibberish for fear I may bump into people like you
  6. They had one and the tinpot soldiers kicked them out in 2014
  7. Thank you! Reat my case.
  8. And his post backs up what I was saying. Where were you whilst this was happening? You just blab on without thinking., what do you mesn when you called it " so called lockdown ' it was a bloody government decree!
  9. Gibberish..you been on the sauce?
  10. Blatantly obvious by looking at them. It's not difficult to spot
  11. You don't think the Muslims get enough of their own way throughout the world ' playing the victim ' when it suits them and the aggressor when it doesn't? Malay Muslims, Well Islam is the most recent religion and last to the party. It's only been going 1600 years. I seem to recall Afghanistan was Buddhist, look at the state of it now. Lebanon was Christian, look at the place now. And we can go on and on. India was partitioned and a country formed, Pakistan, to keep the peace with them and now they want Kashmir in its entirety as well.. I have never seen such a fanatical, misogynistic, bigoted, blinkered religion as that what exists in Islam. And I am Atheist. We don't get this constant barrage around the world, or the constant pushing and making further demands, usually not in their country of origin but in a host country that they have emigrated to (because they hated life in their Muslim birth country) from The Buddhists, The Sikhs, The Christians or The Jews. They can't even agree with each other and Sunnis intent on killing Shias and vice versa, the ISIS killing Taliban etc
  12. They must have upset one of the Thai Generals in the hierarchy who had his eye on the plate and thought his bid would win!????
  13. Jets, drugs and fast cars: the ‘super-rich’ Chinese gangsters who call Thailand home Substitute the word Chinese for Thai and you have the RTP and plenty in government as well.
  14. Agree with every sentence you have written.
  15. 1. So you didn't see through your blinkers hundreds of Thais on the beaches queuing for food daily? You didn't see all the charitable acts by long term foreigners using their pensions, pooling resources, organizing charity collections online to help and assist needy Thais? 2. Why is number 2 above supposed to mean? I live here and have done for 27 years. Who are you to say this? 3. There was lockdown and this prevented inter province travel for a long while and bars and restaurants were shut, or didn't you get the memo? and there was no domestic tourism as there was no travel and no money. 4. Sweeping statement and a ridiculous generalization as to what was going on in Thailand, Were you even here? 5. No idea what this is supposed to mean. 6. A TV is the equivalent to The Bible for Thai people. 7. You don't know what a SHA hotel is? Update yourself or Google it. Your post was inaccurate and nonsensical.
  16. I've seen similar to this with underage at the go go bars in Nana Plaza openly on the stage with underage girls, you didn't have to venture to Nonthaburi.
  17. Who really gives a damn?
  18. Lock-down was lousy and how quick some are to forget that terrible period in Thailand and around the world. 1. Soup kitchens on the beach for Thais. 2. People when they were allowed to travel, going through immigration and hazmat suits, and then whisked off to hospitals for Covid checks and spending 2-3 weeks in a hotel room. Food trays left outside your door with plastic cutlery, and all furnishings in your room covered or removed. 3. Everywhere deserted, livelihoods wiped out. 4. Businesses even now, gone forever and people wiped out. 5. Suicides at record levels. 6. People terrified by ill informed ' experts '; on a daily basis on the TV. 7. Being treated in SHA and quarantine hotels like you have Ebola! No thanks, lets have the noise, the pollution and normality!
  19. Must be a lot of gullible Americans out there.
  20. But there is little that can be done about that. One party or the other must occupy the Presidential ' seat of power ' and that happens to be in Washington DC
  21. Pure and complete fantasy. Please feel free to back up your nonsense with hard facts and respected links
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