You don't think the Muslims get enough of their own way throughout the world ' playing the victim ' when it suits them and the aggressor when it doesn't?
Malay Muslims, Well Islam is the most recent religion and last to the party. It's only been going 1600 years.
I seem to recall Afghanistan was Buddhist, look at the state of it now. Lebanon was Christian, look at the place now. And we can go on and on.
India was partitioned and a country formed, Pakistan, to keep the peace with them and now they want Kashmir in its entirety as well..
I have never seen such a fanatical, misogynistic, bigoted, blinkered religion as that what exists in Islam. And I am Atheist.
We don't get this constant barrage around the world, or the constant pushing and making further demands, usually not in their country of origin but in a host country that they have emigrated to (because they hated life in their Muslim birth country) from The Buddhists, The Sikhs, The Christians or The Jews.
They can't even agree with each other and Sunnis intent on killing Shias and vice versa, the ISIS killing Taliban etc