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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Thai wagon drivers often stop at a roadside Mom and Pop shop for a slug of white whisky in the early mornings and they are driving 16 wheeled, 15 tonne vehicles and above! What about all those drinking in airport lounges at all times of the day or on the planes, with the excuse being ' My holiday has begun ' or it's ' 5.30pm somewhere in the world ' There are others that prefer the mornings and early afternoon drinking as they don't like or feel afraid of being out at night time when they are getting older, you can't blame them, with some of the horror stories we hear and see in Thailand and what happens in the small hours. You can go in Wetherspoons pub any day of the week in the UK, and see plenty of tables full with older guys drinking beer at 9am. Some are retirees, some are bums, some are alcoholics. In Germany and Austria and the Netherlands etc, its also a common sight. To the OP, you shouldn't be so judgemental, the old guy might be lonely, bored in his room or condo or may just like morning drinking. Either way, he's not hurting you.
  2. Thanks but it just doesn't appeal to us.
  3. Looks a good option! Thank you
  4. Four immigration super sleuths pictured looking pleased with themselves and a BMW pulled into the mix for a 19 day overstay! Well done lads, marvellous teamwork I wonder if these guys could cope faced with ' real crime ? ' like driving through a red light at the airport!
  5. And where do you hail from? No doubt some criminals are here from your country too
  6. All of a sudden certain people are concerned about Thai kids when we know full well 99% of the time, they aren't interested if the kids are homeless, jobless, selling themselves to survive or using Yaba, they don't give a damn. But when there is a political point to be scored to advance their rotten corrupt causes, let's wheel a photo like this one out.
  7. Guys, A bit of a way off but my sister, my niece and my ex wife are coming to Thailand straight after Songkran 2023. We are going to Cambodia and Vietnam as well but to finish the trip for the last few days we want a beach resort area. These are three ladies, we do not want Pattaya in any form. Can you guys recommend any beach areas or alternatives nearby. I would like Koh Chang but its too long to get there and back from Bangkok at the end of a trip. Suggestions really are appreciated. They have been before many years ago but we are talking women now in late fifties, ( niece is only 21 ) who want a peaceful laid back carry on. My other half doesn't know as she has not been in that area of Thailand for many years either. Thanks in advance.
  8. Smart are these Thais, eh?????
  9. Yep Don't forget to charge her with overstay! I mean that really is serious.
  10. Nearly everybody on here knew this would happen. They are just wind and pee from clueless government officials that live in a bubble. It's only the Chinese with their gambling dens and online scams that would be interested. Level headed business people who work for their money legally, certainly wouldn't be. They present government really are the Mount Everest in the stupidity stakes.
  11. Where are you saying is relatively expensive? .Cambodia or Vietnam?
  12. Why would a collector in a wheelchair require hand grenades and bullets?
  13. To give the pretense that the Police are doing their job!
  14. Why would they? You seem to miss the point that both Thais, Cambodians and to an extent, plenty Vietnamese, it is a trade off. They are giving youth in exchange for food, drink, money and whatever else life gives to them from older guys. Do you think they aren't doing exactly the same with their own people? Plenty of Thais and Cambodians giving themselves away to higher status Thai and Cambodian males that are older, balding and fat, for financial gain. So, don't put yourself down!! ????????????
  15. I agree! Spot on regards Scambodia. I don't know much these days though about Southern Thailand as we seldom go anymore as my other half is not keen and says they are just not friendly enough for her.
  16. I go very regularly and my last trip was last month and I'll be there next month. Siem Reap is great for four days and then I've had enough and wish to get back to Thailand. They are suffering through lack of tourism and have not had the huge uptick in customers they were hoping for. That being said, there are a great deal of expats living there that love the place, they are an eclectic mix from all walks of life, not just the Pattaya bar flies. For me at 60 years old, (and a fairly young at heart 60 year old) and fairly healthy, I still yearn to come home to Thailand after a few days. There's only so many temples to see, and so much lok lak you can eat! Pub street has been dead this last few months by the way so I care not what the OP says about it. The Cambodians down there are a very friendly bunch and far more genuine than the Thais. Beer and cigarettes are cheap and plenty restaurants to suit all tastes.
  17. A great deal of sweeping generalizations regarding Isaarn today on this board. It is true many of the older ones are uneducated, stuck in their ways but that most certainly doesn't apply to all. My niece is now at Khonkaen university, My local shopkeeper is from Bangkok but his wife is from Ubon, their three children are going through university, the eldest has now finished and works in Roi Et, and I could go on and on. Not only is Isaarn the ' rice basket ' of the nation but without Isaarn labour, Bangkok would never have been built in the first place. Regards a comment by a member (registers himself on TVF as living in Patong) about corruption, that title belongs to the ' seat of power ' Bangkok', riddled with it. The entire place is fuelled by Greed. I sure as hell don't think Phuket is far behind. The Police up here are not perfect, as all on this board know it's a nationwide problem, but I would rather be dealing with the lot up here as opposed to Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok or Samui, in the event of a mishap. The pace of life is slow, I agree and it can get on my nerves, but I feel a lot happier here than I did in Pattaya. It just takes some getting used to. I am fortunate enough to be able to live where I wish, and I choose up here. I am one hour from Bangkok by plane if I need to go there. and from Bangkok, 1 hour to Cambodia or Vietnam.
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