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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. A few points. 1. She was wearing a helmet, although no doubt a useless flimsy one. 2. Her boyfriend was driving the bike. 3. She had no insurance, her credit card didn't cover travel insurance, so no matter how she paints it, she had no insurance. It should be top of the list!! 4. The best thing they can do is get her patched up to go home and get treatment over there.. No need for 50K worth of reconstructive surgery in Thailand. Go home, parents, boyfriend and relatives can help you. 5. As for taking a sabbatical ' from her career, Many are doing this in social care as they are well aware they can walk in to another job on their return as there is a critical shortage. My son, ex wife and my sister are all in this field of work. 6. As far as I can see, she did not take out separate travel insurance which is simply crazy. She claims the hospital said her insurance was ' invalid ' if she had been insured the term would have been ' not covered ' which leads me to believe she didn't have any. I will stand corrected if it turns out to be different. I feel she is covering up the fact of no insurance and relying on a credit card. 7.The photo displayed on the forum is obviously an old one from family or her personal archives, as she definitely won't be looking like that at the moment. It's sad and she's a pretty girl but when do they learn to research the do's and don't's and wise up when they are going far afield?
  2. I had a visit many years ago when I gained the retirement extension from a Non-O, I have never seen them since. Friendly, polite and why shouldn't they be? No reason to be any other, some here are afraid of their own shadow. Up here ' in the sticks ' it's also common place for uniform police to have photographs taken outside bars and restaurants in the evening, No, they aren't chasing drink drivers or taking registration plates of customers, they are merely proving to their boss that they have been out and done their jobs, duty and inspections as required. The only point I am making is that sometimes, as Westerners, we read too much into their actions when most of the time they are innocent and just have a different way of doing things.
  3. You are as bad as the other guy, how far are you going back,300,000 years?
  4. They call them ' birds ' because of the worms that they pick up!????
  5. They are just doing their job and that's all there is to it.
  6. It's Thailand, they do what they want. Any consolation there is no shortage of Condos to rent in Thailand, find another!
  7. Yes, But i am not a Thai employer! They wont pay it
  8. Cable car system, they can't even organize the bus station!????
  9. Roads? Sanitation? Education?????
  10. So, back on topic, which group of immigrants do you reckon these ' Cockney Chavs belong to?' ????
  11. Yeah, yeah, Thanks for the history lesson going back 1200 years. Let's not forget the Romans and their contribution or are they in the ' Italian group ' you mention?
  12. I suppose you get all your information from the ' Free Press ' in Russia????? That's where you probably get your well rounded comments and observations.
  13. And you think this is a ' just ' and ' fair ' war? An unprovoked attack on a neighboring country to please the whims of an autocratic dictator? It is Russia acting in desperation carrying out attacks on, and murdering innocent civilians and then destroying the country's water and electricity supply.
  14. Yeah, USA stop giving Ukraine the means to defend itself against an illegal war, attacks on civilians, and the Ukraine's infrastructure, by a madman intent on reviving the bygone era of the Soviet Union..
  15. Politician or Policeman or an Army General.................or maybe some of those sat in Soi 6 Pattaya?
  16. Welcome to the Thai version and interpretation of Buddhism, the cosmic cash machine!
  17. Thailand as usual getting their priorities right.
  18. The government is waiting for all those Hi So millionaires we constantly hear about that are queuing at the airport to get into Thailand to pay for all the sewage treatment plants and then as if by magic the problem will be resolved. One thing for sure, they have no intention of doing anything about it.
  19. London was there and thriving way way before the immigrants came Local people now pushed out to rhe suburbs with ridiculous property prices caused by absentee Middle Eastern and Far Eastern millionaires and billionaires forcing up property prices.
  20. A Magaluf Scally is typical of Blue collar/ Factory/ Supermarket, generally low skilled and low paid workers that work all year to go get slaughtered for two weeks. They misbehave in Benidorm or Magaluf, which are hot spots for young guys 18-30, whose sole intention is to get drunk or drugged out of their mind, walk around generally annoying people, loud and obnoxious etc and just not good people to be around.
  21. I don't get the correlation between Magaluf Chavs or Benidorm Brits and Ex-Army? What possibly made you arrive at that conclusion? Can you enlighten us please? Incidentally, which part of Thailand are you referring to? I am Ex - Navy and have never found your comments or what you are implying to represent Ex Army guys. The guys you are referring to sound more like Football thugs or Irish Travellers.
  22. I would try again if we are talking about hospital bills.
  23. Suggest you look at the people inhabiting London these days, they certainly aren't British!
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