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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Since people from the South started writing about it
  2. Not considered Britain either!
  3. But not in our lifetime.
  4. Some of those that own these projects carry far more clout than Big Joke.
  5. Let's be honest, everywhere appears to be cheaper than the USA for medical treatment
  6. Correct, And the insurance companies know this too. Thailand is well known for this kind of ' sharp practice '
  7. We are referring to medical tourism which is private hospitals not government facilities.
  8. Usual routine, the haves have, and the have nots do not.
  9. I know a lot of British people that are now favoring Turkey and India for medical procedures and treatment over Thailand. I had work done in this region regarding my teeth ( porcelain veneers), Phnom Penn, Cambodia, a great service, strict hygiene standards, state of the art dental procedures and a lot cheaper than Thailand but the work was exceptional. Thailand has got very expensive for most things, however, I still find annual health checks reasonable if you don't allow them to talk you into unnecessary procedures. https://roomchang.com/
  10. And we all know what election pledges and headline grabbing statements mean in reality when spoken of by politicians regardless of the country.
  11. They can raise it to what the want but up here ' in the sticks ' the Thais agree beforehand how much for labour and pay what they want and if it isn't acceptable they don't get the job. In the big cities and resorts, all this will lead to is Thai owners employing more Cambodians, Laos and Myanmar nationals because they just won't pay these rates and the Thai employers are open about it and say their own people are unreliable and by and large, just not worth the money. I have a couple of older guys that help me up here and are decent men who get the task in hand done and turn up on time, I pay now 500 baht a day plus food and it's worth it to me.
  12. Are you serious? This is Thailand we are talking about here.
  13. They will post them together with the i phone.
  14. Completely wrong and a rude assumption, but that is your style isn't it? And you love your baiting posts littered with wrong assumptions. It does not bother me at all or in the slightest. And furthermore, I am not in the slightest homophobic! I was referring to perceived attitudes in the UK of people who knew the elderly gentleman of a similar age group and the way they can be "set in their ways." Likewise, in Thailand, not all Thai families are particularly welcoming of this kind of publicity.
  15. Thanks, But that's no good as we are heading straight over the border in Surin after one night to continue an Asian tour of three countries.
  16. I was thinking exactly the same! And what purpose was served except to cause intentional embarrassment to the families of both individuals after their unfortunate passing, especially the young man, barely started his life. Hope the Daily Mail is proud of their insensitive and unnecessary age focused reporting!
  17. Guys, As mentioned previously in another thread, my family is coming next year as a small group of three people and they are keen to see the elephants in Surin. We are going from Kalasin to Surin and then cross the border on our way to Siem Reap. I have been through Surin on a number of occasions but always passing through except once to a restaurant with Thai friends. The question is for any Surin residents or people knowledgeable of the area, where is the best place to see the elephants either in natural surroundings or a sanctuary ? We are also looking for a hotel for the night before we cross the border, so any recommendations would be appreciated, preferably not far from where we would see the Elephants. Thanks in advance
  18. I am pretty astonished at your lack of empathy. The turn was legal he was attempting to turn right into a side road. You can clearly see that you can turn at this point in the photo. What support would airbags have provided when he was rear ended and pushed sideways into oncoming pick up? This meant the Yaris took a sideways hit, hence the older UK guy took the brunt of the impact. Who said or what proof do you have that it was an old cheap car? There are many older cars on the roads worldwide, if a car is maintained, looked after and roadworthy what difference does it make?
  19. Where was the 58K sent to and whose account was it sent to? Then look at the stupidity of the clown that swallowed the ' food story ' and left her/him/it alone with a 42K phone when they had just met online. You can't educate pork!
  20. Absolutely tragic news, no words for the poor victims of Thai drivers speeding down the roads and not paying attention thinking they are the only ones entitled to drive. They also display an arrogance and they refuse to accept or take responsibility for their actions which cause tragedy every day on Thailand's roads. RIP.
  21. zz's? Thais love their zzzzzz's
  22. Pathetic isn't it. These lot have probably committed the ' cardinal sin ' of working without permits.
  23. Ah, I get it now. It's the honest policemen that get the top jobs!
  24. Same as a bribe! No Bribe/service fee, no service! The End.
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