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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Who cares about their feelings? They started it with their ignorance and greed
  2. I stay at Nadee 10 hotel which is a couple of km outside the nightlife but I have also stayed at Pullman Raja Orchid which is probably the most expensive and is bang in the city centre. There are quite a few options very nearby to this hotel that are cheaper. Have a look at these. below for all budgets and near Central Plaza. I am in Khonkaen often, usually for hospital appointments. There are plenty of forms of transport for getting around available in the evening. You need to be around Central Plaza for the nightlife etc. I can't help with after hours, past my bedtime! https://www.booking.com/searchresults.html?aid=318615&label=Low_CPA_English_EN_TH_21461893945-DDdCfU*zlfGlGP*sW8iDxwS217247570316%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg&sid=35e4622d6b36310a94f76b649cad7065&sb=1&sb_lp=1&src=landmark&src_elem=sb&error_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.booking.com%2Flandmark%2Fth%2Fcentral-plaza-khon-kaen.html%3Faid%3D318615%26label%3DLow_CPA_English_EN_TH_21461893945-DDdCfU%2AzlfGlGP%2AsW8iDxwS217247570316%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg%26sid%3D35e4622d6b36310a94f76b649cad7065%26inac%3D0%26%26&ss=CentralPlaza+Khon+Kaen&is_ski_area=0&ssne=CentralPlaza+Khon+Kaen&ssne_untouched=CentralPlaza+Khon+Kaen&landmark=235849&checkin_year=2023&checkin_month=1&checkin_monthday=4&checkout_year=2023&checkout_month=1&checkout_monthday=7&group_adults=2&group_children=0&no_rooms=1&b_h4u_keep_filters=&from_sf=1
  3. Another PR exercise and a wasted journey except for a photo call
  4. It says he contacted the hotel staff and was given instructions, no mention of his 'Boss ' or are we ' nitpicking for the sake of it? '
  5. I was and still am one of very few foreigners here, it didn't take him long to find out whose the car belonged to and who I was! He arrived at the house 30 minutes later, we only live a mile from, what was then,Tesco. He actually attempted to say to my other half that I had watched him load the stuff in and was laughing about it, and that was, believe me, absolute nonsense..........talk about trying to shift the blame!
  6. I once came back from Tesco and my pickup was loaded with shopping that I hadn't bought! I had approached the car from the front, got in and drove off. I didn't see the stuff in the back until I got home. I had only gone there to buy a phone case and pay my phone bill A Thai man apparently, had mistaken my pickup for his and loaded his shopping into it. I believe he then went back inside to collect his wife and kids and I had already buggered off. So daft things do happen.
  7. If it had been a Liverpool scally he wouldn't have come back and he could have said goodbye to his luggage as well.
  8. I think the OP is off his meds! Either that or he's been drinking on an empty head.
  9. Because he didn't have the brains to figure that out for himself without being told.
  10. I think that is how a lot get caught, by seeking advice when they are on overstay from ' so called friends ' and are looking for ideas because they can't see the wood for the trees or have dug themselves into a hole. Some people get in these messes by foolery, by accident, by stupidity, by things simply getting on top of them or by shortage of funds. However, unlike the poster Proton, I would NEVER report somebody who already has enough on their plate and plenty of problems to deal with. With guys like him around, who needs enemies.
  11. Won't happen, I stay completely within the immigration rules. I was merely answering a hypothetical question when somebody asked what we would do if we had family and kids here, we was in a mess and needed to gain entry back into Thailand and seek legal entry without the 5 year ban. I wouldnt fancy the Laos option and feel you would stand more chance with the Cambodians. Your attempt at sarcasm is noted by the way????
  12. I think if I was in that position I would do whatever was necessary to get myself back legal Fortunately for me, I can and do keep all that side of my life clean and tidy and within the rules.
  13. +1 Shameful that they feel so entitled as to turn other people in on a matter which is completely not their business. Stomach turning.
  14. Sneak into Cambodia and leave from there.
  15. The small amount you pay multiplied by the vast number of people doing it equals a lot of money per year.
  16. All gimmicks, and no substance or following through on their silly phrases.
  17. It's Taiwan, it's never been under the control of the Chinese communists. And long may that continue. The Chinese have already set about destroying the freedoms of Hong Kong.
  18. Hi, This is an area I know nothing about but I am seeing more and more frequently in home shops and various other stores Solar panels being advertised. We have our own large detached Bungalow in the North East, (well three actually), and I was wondering if they are worthwhile investing in and do they provide the savings to warrant the purchase? My family members have them in the UK but they also did a deal where they sold surplus back to the national grid and it worked well for them although the subsidies they initially got in the UK are coming to an end. I know those things are not possible in Thailand.
  19. Don't make this about you or disabled people, that's just being thin -skinned when you should know that wasn't meant. The only reason he can't stand up is because he is grossly overweight through eating and short.
  20. That's the one! Beg the cash of the Taiwanese tourists whilst kissing the backsides of the Chinese. No shame at all.
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