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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I think the RTP was referring to criminality not mundane day to day stuff
  2. “They must go on voting until they get it right.” Jose Manuel Barroso. ????
  3. Well, As far as I know nor did President Obama, he ' inherited ' one! There are plenty of American presidents that didn't start wars.
  4. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  5. Spot on! I speak Thai regularly and daily because they either don't speak or don't want to speak English, with a few exceptions. Fortunately, languages interest me. I studied forced French at Grammar school and have nearly forgotten it all. I paid privately to learn Spanish, and that's another language fallen by the wayside due to not using it daily. I think it would take me 3-6 months to get back into the language.
  6. It's Pass-a- port.???? OR. Phaat F bpaawd L
  7. Get your point, but I am talking about Trump as an individual, not as a Republican or Democrat. Whichever party he represented, he would have made it all about HIM. The guy can't help himself.
  8. He gave a bad impression of the USA on the world stage to say he was the POTUS. He received a great deal of airtime worldwide and was totally erratic. He was corrupt, a liar, misogynist, an egotistical maniac as well as a sociopath and not fit for office. His choices of underlings were driven by nepotism and the USA needs to leave this sorry episode behind. He was no statesman, a danger to the US and those around him and he was totally a loose cannon.
  9. A lot of Thai people can speak English and make themselves understood better than they realize. It is that deep sense of worrying about making a mistake that makes them withdraw into their shells. After nearly ten years my friends, (husband and wife team), at the local Mom and Pop shop will ask me many things and the meanings of them from Thai to English.....but it took ten years for them to get to know me and pluck up courage to ask these questions! I myself, would laugh at my own speech or grammatical errors whilst learning Thai and still do occasionally, but they tend to think they look foolish or have something to be ashamed about, when they obviously don't.
  10. There is no hope now for those missing. RIP to those who died.
  11. Immigration officers tend to do what they want, when they want without being scrutinized
  12. Just be happy and enjoy the good luck you received, it is rare to get such assistance free of charge. You were obviously in the right place at the right time.
  13. OK I'll bite just by chance and the remotest possibility you are being serious., Of course there is nothing to worry about.
  14. I use Krung Thai bank and I use drop down menu ' funds for long term stay in Thailand '
  15. No, I do the 800K method. These were marked ' funds for long term stay in Thailand '
  16. I have just got my yearly summary from Wise and they say I made 27 transactions this year. I am aware of the reasons I gave for transfer.
  17. Not particularly. They have put some spin on this in my view. The guy has left his bag and realised he forgot it. He's gone to the tourist police who contacted the bus company After contacting the bus company the driver has come back with it. He's probably then told the Police what it contained. If bus has reached destination, chances are only the driver would find it. Non story really, just lost property returned!
  18. Everything seems to get media coverage and then the authorities just wait for the blaze of publicity to die down and then everything goes back to the ' same old, same old ' and nothing changes except the anguish suffered and hopes of those suffering. It's a tried and trusted formula by the RTP and it usually works when the public lose interest. The people right at the top of all this foul play and greed are very powerful in this country and they know the ' game ' back to front unfortunately. Slightly different but a similar topic,there is currently a docuseries running on Netflix which highlights the suffering and slave labour taking place right now in Thailand but on the seas in the Gulf of Thailand and beyond. It features about workers beaten, 100 hours a week, ID and passports removed, guys held in chains and beaten. The programme is called Seaspiracy.
  19. Yes, And that problem was due to the fact that Thai banks were closed with a number of holidays this month.The late King's birthday, Constitution day etc As you know, you can track your funds from the source, I did, and my funds left the UK on schedule. They arrived at KTB the following day instead of the usual ' seconds ' it normally takes. However, Wise is my view, is still by far,the best option.
  20. In the UK they are focused on ' needle exchange programmes ' and other stuff to try to avoid other health issues brought about by dirty needles such as HIV etc. Our NHS has neither funds nor staff power to combat the explosion in drug use. In Thailand there are a few temples, but many of these tend to aim at foreigners, (not all by any means ) are expensive, concentrate on isolating the patient in remote conditions and removing them completely from society, I have no idea of success rates. The problem with the above idea is as soon as they are back in normal surroundings and the temptations are there again, they fall back into drug addiction. The scourge of Thailand is "Yaa Baa" and made worse by its ready supply and it's cheap to buy. The authorities do not really seem to have dedicated government funds or policies towards rehabilitation and tend to focus more on punishing the ' users ' with very limited effect. As a prison guard once said in mixed company, ' It's not our job to help/treat/rehabilitate them, it's our job to keep then in here '
  21. As a poster has already said use Wise app.it used to be called Transferwise. I have for years. Money is here and in the account in seconds and no nonsense. Very cheap commission charges and high exchange rates Excellent service, destroys what the banks charge. There is a drop down menu as reasons for sending money, I always select " for long term stay in Thailand " and that is it. I am surprised everybody hasn't heard of it these days,as its hugely popular.
  22. Who cares what uneducated country bumpkins think or say, many of whom no nothing except the yearly rice gathering harvest, lottery, rice whisky and mor lam!
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