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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. The little fat dumpling can't even stand up unaided.
  2. The guy has done nothing and achieved nothing after an illegal power grab in 2014. The deluded clown actually thinks the people like him and Thailand needs him. He needs his head testing.
  3. The levels they stoop to to keep their greasy mittens on power. This was supposed to be a guy that was an unsung hero that didn't want the burden of responsibility of being PM but it was thrust upon him in Thailand's darkest hour and he only stepped forward as a ' matter of duty to the country ' What a load of bull.????
  4. You mean the BMWs with a laptop connected to mobile data? I hear the new ones are state of the art and have their own WiFi connection.
  5. I wonder how she survived during the Covid period with little or no tourists nor locals moving around to give her funds? Unless like others, she is a professional beggar, they are very common in London UK and the USA. Anyway, off to China you go
  6. I recently returned from the UK and traveled, in transit, through Doha with Qatar air. There was nobody wearing masks on the flight with the exception of the cabin crew and that was similar in Doha airport. The restaurant waiters, bar staff and customer care were mask less, although those dispensing food did wear masks. In the UK Covid is no longer mentioned and nobody was wearing masks. In Thailand, the Health ministry is saying that they believe ' most Thais to be immune ' and are dropping even recommendations on mask wearing early in the New Year. So now you expect me, after 5 vaccinations, to don a mask to keep upcountry Thais ' happy ' many of whom have not even bothered or been vaccinated due to ' old wives tales from the village '
  7. Because they think they are protecting themselves from us ' dirty foreigners ' then they go home, take them off and sit and eat from communal bowls. They sit,shouting and speaking loudly with others that have just arrived from other provinces, and gossiping with family members who have been who knows where.. No hand washing (many don't even have soap in the toilet, you ever used toilets in service stations?) but mask wearing in the supermarket protects them against everything. They don't even get it that the mask wearing is to protect others from them. It's all ignorance and face saving with no substance.
  8. That's great info now where can we test a cattle prod and more to the point on whom? Just to ensure it's working and giving the correct amount of current and voltage, you understand! I wouldn't want to challenge an Alpha male with a useless cattle prod, any volunteers to try it out on???,.......... there's a couple of beers in it........????
  9. Yes you can stop them entering your property unless they have a court order or very strong grounds to believe there is a crime being committed. This is why they usually hang around in an outside space unless invited it.
  10. It would not bother me if my government implanted ' chips ' in my arm to track my movements, I am a believer ' if you are doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide ' However, to accept such a scheme, I would want it MADE COMPULSORY that all officers of law and order to be equipped with body cams and record any meetings or stops or checks. Any excuse that the body-cam was not working would render any stop unlawful and any evidence found inadmissible to protect the citizen and ensure equality for everybody under the law.. I am probably dreaming but feel it would stop a lot of those screaming out about Race discrimination, saying they were being singled out, catching gun and knife crimes, catching drug dealers and others that are intent on breaking the law.
  11. FACT: If Immigration officers get an order to visit your home, they will whether you like it or not. It does not matter one iota if you care to say they are not welcome, those are pointless comments, Immigration do not give a damn about your sensitivities. I personally do not care if they visit me or not. They have been once in the last ten tears for a retirement extension based on a Non -O. Yes, they took photos, asked questions, complimented us on a nice house, had a couple of cans of Diet soda and left. I am not big on civil liberties etc I prefer those in charge to keep communities safe, of course up ' in the sticks '; they have their work cut out slightly more with the low educational standards and it being a bit lawless.
  12. https://www.expressandstar.com/news/local-hubs/wolverhampton/2022/12/17/distraught-family-need-to-raise-50000-for-wolverhampton-womans-medical-bills-after-sickening-thailand-scooter-crash/
  13. Arabs by and large cant be trusted.
  14. Hello Prayuth, Now where are those jewels you promised to give me back? I haven't come all this way for nothing. Tell Prawit he can keep the watch, it's an old one anyway.
  15. For sure, No more Hollywood for him.
  16. Mmmm, But they've now suddenly found the courage to come forward?
  17. Agreed, I mean it wasn't the 60s or 70s when this stuff wouldn't be believed or the Police wouldn't listen. They can't use that excuse these days, these are allegedly supposed to have taken place in the 2000s I also feel there are those jumping on the bandwagon as they can smell ' cash '
  18. So, As usual the Muslim leaders of Indonesia, as well as other Muslim countries, (Qatar for example) are prepared to ignore the laws that they are making as long as Bali remains a ' cash cow ' and the money keeps rolling in. So cash trumps their backwards religion.........but let's restrict it to Bali.
  19. I am nearly sure I read somewhere that he has no chance of obtaining a passport again to leave the UK.
  20. You shouldn't rope George Michael in with these guys. Also, George Michael did a tremendous amount of work for many charities and gave an incredible amount of money away quietly helping people......and he was no paedophile!
  21. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
  22. You are paying an agent. That ' fee ' and many other ' fees ' from other people following this route is then divided between corrupt immigration officials and the agent and whoever else is ' in the loop ' to look the other way such as secretaries who enter the data etc. This is done to circumvent the rules and this is why many who are living in Isaarn are given an address in Pattaya for the benefit of obtaining a retirement extension. They must also use this fictitious address and pretend they live there for 90 reports etc. Therefore Smedley is correct. It's bribery and it is a corrupt practice. It is this behaviour that keeps ' tea money ' and ' corruption ' rife in Thailand and people who subscribe to it are part of that problem, as the point is, if there weren't people going along with this corrupt practice it would fizzle out and die. This is why when they get caught, the offending Immigration officers and their teams are broken up and moved all over the country and on occasion, to inactive posts. Just because it's the ' norm ' or we have done it this way a ' long time ' doesn't make it legal or correct and nor does it make it a ' service fee '
  23. bribery noun [ U ] uk /ˈbraɪ.bər.i/ us /ˈbraɪ.bɚ.i/ C2 an attempt to make someone do something for you by giving the person money, presents, or something else that they want : That is the definition of bribery, never mind you trying to ' flower it up ' and pretend it is a ' service fee ' service fees for what are considered ' free services ' are not services. And just because something has been common practice for a long time, does not alter the fact you are ' oiling the wheels ' of corruption through BRIBERY.
  24. Okay Then she needs to be out of the private medical system where bills are accruing daily for money she doesn't have. She needs to get to a government hospital. Beggars can't be choosers. Because in the private sector they are not going to stop charging daily.
  25. I think this has got muddled up or poor reporting. I have re read the report and she is claiming to have some form of insurance but told her insurance was invalid. If insured, the term would be ' not covered ' Insurance is usually invalid if you haven't paid the premium. Later in the story she states she thought she was covered under her Amex credit card but then found out it wasn't thew right card for such travel insurance cover. There is no insurance company mentioned declining to pay out which leads me to believe she had no travel insurance.
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