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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 2 hours ago, robblok said:


    Its so hard for some guys to understand that there are good Thai woman and that they are available. There are different GF's but if you don't look hard for them or are yourself undesirable but want someone out of your class (think fat old ogre with 20yo beautyqueeen) you will end up with gold diggers. 


    I have been divorced from a Thai lady, house was in her name, did not get cleaned out got back all that i put into it was treated fair no drama no problems. Your responsible for your own choices and if you look good there are plenty of good Thais around. 


    (not something that the guy who got cleaned out wants to hear because that means he is also responsible for his own fate)



    I know plenty of decent Thai ladies, some from good income families that speak English and also from working class backgrounds looking for a good man.They are looking for foreigners, because they believe Thai men are a mixture of butterflies, controlling, cheats or violent drunkards. ( their words!) or have had very bad experiences with Thai men.


    However, you aren't going to find these type of ladies whilst you are perched on a bar stool in soi 6 Pattaya!! 


      I think many guys who visit Thailand short - term do not want or are not prepared to give what is required for a successful long term relationship. They believe handing over a ' baht of gold ' or giving them money to ' go shopping ' whilst they sit speaking English, talking football,  discussing last nights go go bar conquests with like minded males, and drinking singha, hits the spot!........It doesn't.


    This old lady seems to be looking for love and companionship and seems to have said all this upfront and been honest. I wish her every success, nobody wants to be old and lonely.

  2. 19 hours ago, mitsubishi said:

    I just could see by his shifty body language in the video he was being evasive and dodgy.


    He reminds me of some scouse guy I saw in a bar in Chiang Mai, but this was way back in 2008-09. Two years must suck in the prisons of Thailand though. 


    For ending up there he must have been unable to bribe his way out of trouble though. Usually, there's an opportunity before it goes to a judge to do this, either via a lawyer or in person to the arresting cops.


    He WAS in Chiang Mai at the times you stated!



  3. 4 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    <A lot of negative comments but i doubt anyone else could win a Thai boxing tournament to get pardoned from jail... >?????


    "based on a true story"...lol





    Haven't you noticed these days they are moving away from ' based on a true story ' and now starting to use  the term ' inspired by a true story ' which is a catch all phrase??


    When we going to have "Don't let the truth get in the way of a great story! "


    It's like the days when we bought football shirts. " Made in England " to ' Created in England ' and now we have ' An English design ' or ' Designed in England ' which means made and produced cheaply in Cambodia or the Philippines!!......I know, I know, I am now.... :offtopic:  BUT then they tell us we shouldn't buy copies!!!!

  4. 13 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

    Each according to his means.

    Yes, your link is correct and UK standards in schools have dropped to due government cuts, too many kids in the classroom as class sizes are too big and a culture in the UK, mainly by white British,  many in the North of England unfortunately, ( my birthplace and a poorer part of the country) who have never worked.  A large number are on their second generation of families who have no person out in the world earning a living and paying tax into the system.


    These people have grown up to a system of benefits.


    Small wonder their kids lives revolve around social media, Facebook, i phones and X box and not learning in school, where the focus now has to come from within the pupil themselves to get forward in life, as so many come from dysfunctional families.


    A point to make here is the vast proportion of British Asian families, immigrant families etc make full use of the free education, go to school, achieve outstanding grades and go on to university to obtain great jobs in the workforce, which is much to their credit and our shame as white British.


    However, the UK state schools are a million miles better and superior to Thai state schools in their school curriculum, for all their faults. I am happy my children had a UK education.


    We have two Thai nieces whose education we have funded, one now works at Central in Bangkok, the other in the top percentage and still at school, but I am clueless as to what she intends to do after she finishes her education as opportunities in Thailand are so limited for a Thai girl finishing high school and their universities do not seem to offer much more in future advancement unless its a job within the '  bloated Thai system ' such as teaching or local government

  5. 2 hours ago, speedtripler said:

    A lot of negative comments but i doubt anyone else could win a Thai boxing tournament to get pardoned from jail... 


    What he done is still an accomplishment, whether you think he's garbage or  not .... 


    He didn't win a boxing tournament and he didn't get pardoned from jail,........................ where are you getting your information to arrive at this conclusion???


    Have you any idea how long it takes to learn Muay Thai?


    Yes, there were contests for Thais to get sentence reductions for winning Muay Thai tournaments. This was a "pilot scheme" run by the Department of Corrections. I am unsure if it's still running as there were complaints about this scheme.


    I can tell you categorically he was not in any!


     Furthermore,nobody can pardon prisoners, only the King, and that takes years and years even to fulfill the criteria, offices to clear for all relevant documentation,  necessary paperwork, and for it to reach his office.


    Judging by the fact he was only in a Thai prison 18 months in total, and that includes Chiang Mai and Klong Prem, I think it is safe to say he didn't get one, nor do you learn the art of Muay Thai, practice, go through the preliminaries, and win tournaments in eight months, which is the amount of time he had in Chiang Mai to do this, which I cannot believe because he was an addict when he arrived at Klong Prem and certainly participated in no Thai boxing there.


    Just ponder a moment and give it a little thought regards timescales before jumping to the defence and clicking on the keyboard!


    I find some of the responses on here with no knowledge of the system whatsoever, simply ill informed and others downright silly in their content and conclusions.

  6. I actually did a big thread asking why anybody would go to the Philippines and after reading so much negativity about the place, honestly, to this day I have never ventured there!!.


    Food was an issue from comments made, everything apparently drenched in oil, grease and fat. I watched a documentary featuring Anthony Bordain, who of my favorite chefs and TV hosts , love his down-to-earthiness. but I wasn't impressed food wise by what I saw in his programme.


    Also, I think armed guards at shopping malls and 7-11s just wouldn't be my bag!  I hate the thought of a lot of no-go areas and parts off limits. I love the resilience of the Filipino people. They just seem to get a raw deal with weather, governments, infrastructure, crime,........Wait!.... I could be talking about the UK here!


    They said in the programme as many as 10 million Filipinos are working exporting services outside the country at any given time, be it bands and live music to nursing, maids and cleaners. They are a hardworking bunch. The programme also said they are responsible for sending back to the country in various forms of revenue some 30 Billion USD.

  7. It gets better.


    The movie company are now admitting that the fight scenes never took place and are part of their ' artistic licence '  and a lot of the inmate scenes were filmed in the Philippines!! well regards the prison scenes,  that would be about right, ( if his presence was required), as he is blacklisted from Thailand.


    This scally is no Pablo Escobar, the guy is in for theft of a phone and receiving stolen goods. A three year prison term is absolutely nothing in Thailand.


    You basically are left with a junkie that was a thorough nuisance throughout his prison time and went back to the UK at the earliest opportunity, when he was eligible to apply; one year in his case, the law was one third of sentence or four years of the sentence whichever is the sooner, unless serving life sentences,, then for countries with treaties it is eight years.


    In his case, he has applied via the British Embassy after one year to the Thai authorities and the rest of the time is awaiting Thai  approval from the panel that sits every three months, transfer,  and prison officers from the UK to come and collect him and take him to Wandsworth which is the main intake prison in London for all prisoners returning and those being deported out of the UK, considered unsuitable for detention centres.


    There is absolutely no animosity from me, I am just stunned that he has got away with these outlandish claims and they have been accepted at ' face value '  I cannot believe we are talking about the same person it is just so ridiculous.


    He did get into a fight with Thais in the hospital, that is true, but it was nothing to do with Muay Thai, it was the fact he was caught helping himself to foodstuffs from their lockers, and stealing prescription meds and sent back to the prison section.


    If he deserved an award, it is for ' pulling the wool ' over the media!

  8. 9 hours ago, Elkski said:

    My question is what are the pros and cons of retirement in each country? and why?

     Of course I would go visit any country many times including  taking a 4-6 month or longer look before I would consider a official move to  retire there. But so far I have only looking in Thailand and I wonder if I should expand my search to the Philippines. 

    I was hoping to get more factual specifics than just stinks.. NYC and LA and Thailand stink compared to fresh mountain air of UTAH.

    I do hear the food is not as healthy or tasty in the Philippines.


    This may just be a Toyota vs Honda type preference for many.   I've read where some men think gals from certain Asian countries are better looking but I don't believe it is proper to make such generalizations. 




    I did this post in the South East Asia forum of TV.


    It's a very informative read with 193 posts from TV members from a cross section of readers.


    Very interesting and from people who have lived and worked in both- to those that either love or hate both!


    One mans meat is another mans poison!



  9. 1 minute ago, faraday said:

    Everybody deserves a second chance.

    It took him a long time to learn from his mistakes, but eventually he did.

    Many never learn, & waste their lives.

    Well, it isn't a second chance, or a  third or a fourth chance, is it?


    Not when he has boasted about 15 years in 22 prisons. He didn't learn from his mistakes, he merely swapped countries and scenery and did it all over again.


    I know him, saw him, gave him a chance and then witnessed  what he did with it  and his behavior.

  10. 5 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

    if u cant do the time, dont do the crime.

    he ONLY did 3 years in a thai jail  "......survived his three year stint before being transferred back home to the UK to serve eight final months behind bars. "

     thais go to jail and never write books and make $$ off of doing wrong.

    no sympathy from me



    This guy I know personally and met him on several occasions due to my connections with Klong Prem hospital, and he didn't do anywhere near do three years, closer to 18 months!


    He certainly did less than 20 months in Thailand and that includes his eight months in Chiang Mai.


    He then went back to the UK, where you do ' half the balance to serve ' so if he did eight months in the UK, that is 16 months UK prison because the other eight is outside in the community ' on licence ' That means his total prison time was just over two years! .........and they make a movie about this??????


    He certainly WAS NOT boxing in Klong Prem.He was a total drug addict.


    He was in and out of the hospital at every opportunity possible. He was thrown out of the hospital for stealing inmates supplies from their lockers and prescription drugs in the hospital. He was a complete nuisance and waste of space.


    He then resorted to hanging out with the Thai Muslims or anybody who would tolerate him and pretending he had converted so he could join  the group and get a free ride with food.He was permanently looking for funds to ' support his habit ' and even managed to get money from the charity ' Prisoners abroad ' It's a shame there is no vetting before they give out funds.


    Not a nice person.This guy typifies actually, the lowlifes that TV members are always complaining about that come to Thailand and give their home countries a bad name.

  11. And when did I say that. Your perception functions seems to be rather close to a medium. :cheesy:


    By the way, I don´t believe them either.



    I find your responses to a sensible post rather stupid and antagonistic.


    Why would I say I see this as a daily occurrance in Roi Et and Kalasin, as obviously do others here who have responded, if I didn't?




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  12. I live in Isaan and drive both motorbike and car. Have maybe seen this "behaviour" maximum 5 times in 17 years.

    Particlular quilty! Yep, keep on make me laugh. Maybe you know the particular place they are doing this in Isaan.

    I live in Isaarn too, and so do many Foreigners!!!

    And have for 20 years and seen a sleepy area develop into a big metropolis that keeps getting bigger.

    I also have a car and two motorbikes by the way, something else that you do not have exclusively!!!

    And I see this behaviour on a daily basis in and around Kalasin and Roi Et.

    What by the way, is " quilty "

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  13. 51 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    What number? This is a really small amount you are talking about. Sure, it´s wrong, but the problem is not as big as you try to make it.



    It's a problem by and large confined to rural areas and villages. The drivers in Isaarn are particular guilty of this behaviour.


    The problem is they keep this practice when then then move onto main roads outside the village side roads and then it becomes a problem with cars and trucks traveling at high speeds.


    It is a concern and it is dangerous, but they have far bigger issues regards road safety ( drink/drug use and driving, overloading etc )  that need attention before this.

  14. No, it’s not bigotry. It’s implicit criticism and makes clear my contempt for the xenophobic thinking of little englanders. 
    Do I despise their behaviour and the prejudice of their jaundiced view of anything ‘foriegn’?
    That’s fairly clear I’d say. 
    However contempt and despising prejudiced thinking isn’t bigotry, it’s just a reaction to the hate behind such non thinking. 
    As for your rant on ‘second class citizens in their own country’... nonsense. 
    I don’t live in the uk and haven’t for twenty plus years, so I wasn’t crass enough to vote in a referendum that didn’t effect me. 
    However, if enough people in the uk want another vote, why shouldn’t they get one? After all, the prime little englander, farage, himself said before the initial referendum, that a second one might be necessary.
    For his minions to now decry that view is what is hypocritical. 

    So you don't live there, you don't vote there, you haven't lived there for 20 plus years but you feel the right to call people that do pay taxes, NIC, council tax, etc " little englanders " and refer to my opinion, because it differs to yours as a " rant " which I find is quite sad and the kind of comments I have come to expect from the lefties, liberals and anyone who has an opinion different to theirs.

    Yes, let's have another referendum, let's keep doing this until people get sick of them or until your group gets the result they want, which of course is not democratic, but let's not get bogged down with silly things like freedom, fairness or listening to the majority, eh?

    What nonsense and drivel.

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  15. The words xenophobia and bigotry mean exactly what their dictionary definition says.
    Ironically put in place to pacify the foaming at the mouth fury of little englander brexiteers.
    Sigh indeed.  

    Is the above comment not bigotry?

    Any person who disagrees with the liberals and do gooders or any person who believes ' charity begins at home ' with those who have paid taxes and NIC all their lives in the UK coming first and not feeling like second class citizens in their own country are not to be listened to because:-

    Then we are all " foaming at the mouth fury of little englander brexiteers. "

    The hypocrisy is astonishing.

    You are probably one of those that feels there should be another vote as the British people didn't know what they were voting for or are too stupid to grasp the consequences!!!!

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  16. 1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Sounds like you read and believe too much of the Daily Mail!

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    Actually not,


    I am a frequent traveler back to the UK on both family and business reasons and see this with my own eyes, speak to my children and siblings, who mostly are well or decently educated, and also many of my friends who are in business plus my wide circle of friends as I have mentioned before on TVF


    We may be Northerners, but we are not the great ' unwashed ' nor do we wear flat hats, breed whippets or have sex with sheep contrary to the popular views of Southerners.


    In my view, the British immigration system has been abused by people who hardly get a mention as everybody is scared and./or too PC to dare say anything.


    A great deal of this has been caused by the Indian Muslims, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis gaining citizenship in the UK and then returning to their countries of origin to do arranged marriages to bring over their cousins, aunts, uncles etc. and then claiming from the state, unable to even speak basic English, having 10 kids and living off state benefits. They want all the benefits and none of the sacrifices that make or break a nation.


    Furthermore, they do not integrate with the British people, they form enclaves and no-go areas, try to bring their sharia laws and  courts from their "failed states" and demand preferential treatment as Muslims when they get here and the disgusting liberalist policies which have allowed this to flourish.

    They have abused the system, AND BEEN ALLOWED TO CONTINUE DOING THIS, by successive governments especially during the Blair years. That pillock and war criminal wanted to create his vision of multiculturalism without any thoughts, consultations, or debate with the British people.


    Add to this, the ' brides for hire ' and ' fake weddings ' by East Europeans to bring even more illegals or people who do not qualify for entry and this has greatly added to the problem.


    The whole thing has turned into a gigantic mess. The British people have no objections to a Spanish doctor or a French financier, the Polish workman, or even a Filipino nurse residing in the UK, they never have.


    It is the Romanian gypsies, the lowlifes from other East European states, such as Albanian mafias and criminals coming in, then jumping bail and returning to their home countries to avoid convictions for crimes, the British border force don't even have right of refusal to convicted murders from the EU entering the UK after they have been released in their home countries!!


    It is a reminder of Fidel Castro emptying all his prisons of the scum and dregs of society and sending them to the USA.

  18. 23 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    So how many men in the UK do you know who supports his wife as she doesn't work and stays at home? Personally I hardly know anyone like that.


    Also how can you compare Thailand to GB, where here you only need 9,150 GBP to make the marriage requirement to stay here, while in GB you need 62,000 GBP. That is a pretty big difference.

    Hi Goldbuggy,


    But to be fair, that is the figure quoted of 62,000 GBP is for the right to obtain a UK settlement visa for a spouse from a country outside of the EU or a yearly salary of 18,500 GBP.


    The figure you are quoting relating to Thailand is a figure that must be in the bank or monthly equivalent for a one year extension of stay....it is not a visa and carries no rights with it at all.


    IT JUST SAYS YOU HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO SURVIVE IN THAILAND BY THEIR ESTIMATES FOR A YEAR! and then it is reviewed annually and the process starts again.


    You cannot in fairness compare the two. In Thailand if you fall foul, run into overstay and are picked up by the police or end up getting deported etc you are thrown in IDC at soi suanplu, until you have funds to get you back to the UK.


    In the UK if the situation is reversed, they are given the airfare, released on bail in the community when they get a solicitor , on legal aid usually!!, ( unless they are violent or dangerous or prolific offenders ) and it is a total different scenario.


    Too many posters here and too many expats outside are expecting ' bespoke visas ' for their circumstances and that is impractical to say the least. Just the same as you cannot have a ' one size fits all ' situation. These rules and regulations are made and done to capture the majority of peoples needs and yes, sure, some special circumstances and rough treatment will slip through the net.


    We cannot have it all ways, toughening up on immigration and then everybody being as ' special case when it suits '  How many ' jack the lad ' cases have there been with UK expats walking away from responsibilities for sun, sea, sex and sand in Thailand and buying a bar which fails??


    It then all goes ' pear shaped ' and they expect to go back to the UK with a Thai wife and two or three kids in town at the wrong side of fifty plus years old, low job prospects, no savings, and expect the British state to take care of everything!!

  19. 5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    It is just sad that there are women so unhappy that they would fall for this kind of nonsense. And equally sad that there are people who take advantage of it.


    Doesn't say much for humanity, does it?


    Not so unhappy............GREEDY! ......believing they are going to get i phones, diamonds, gold, designer clothes and cash etc all sent through the mail from a guy they have never met that has fallen in love with therm over the internet and all they have to do is send 50,000 baht to a bank account ' for customs clearance ' to receive their bounty.


    Not only the ' ladies of the night ' believe these scams, well heeled Bangkok women have fallen for it as well.....If it sounds to good to be true............!!

  20. 1 hour ago, Godang said:

    It may be a pittance to you but there are many who do not earn that much especially pensioners. And you seem a typical smug man who looks down on lower income earners.




    Thank you and well said!


    I have two sons living in the North of the UK who are earning in or around that figure of 18,500 GBP and one works for local government!!


    The poster who commented about it being a ' pittance ' is talking nonsense. It may be a pittance in his fabulous world.


    There may be very low unemployment in the UK because the bloody government has forced people into very low paying jobs and zero hours contracts at the risk of being ' sanctioned ' ( a new term for reducing or stopping benefits! ) no pay rises in keeping with inflation and house prices out of reach for them ever to own a home without parental assistance, which I am doing.


    I am also currently paying for my second son to go on courses to qualify as a welding inspector to get him out of this ' rut ' and into a decent paying job, but it costs money, isn't free and is by no means easy. He is presently doing three jobs to earn the 18K + amount mentioned above and isn't a lazy guy.



  21. 3 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

    Why do refugees get preferential treatment over  UK citizen's family members?

     Ha Ha,


    And that is the point which I am glad you mentioned it.


    No, the refugees and traffickers are crafty. What they do is send the kids alone at ages from eight years-fourteen years. Then the liberals insist on allowing unaccompanied children into the country. Once they are in, they complain that their parents are stuck in war zones and they are alone in the UK without parents or siblings.


    Hey presto!!, up steps the specialist immigration lawyers on fat fees funded by legal aid, the human rights lobby and EU rules and laws about unaccompanied children and if by magic, visas and rights of settlement are given to the parents along with houses, food, furniture, clothing and a generous weekly allowance GREATER than our pensioners get that have paid into the system their whole lives!


    In the meantime you have UK veterans on the streets and at soup kitchens. Britain in 2017!

  22. Yes, I remember an old guy in hua hin that had a business rival. Suddenly some kid turns up and said he was abused. He got many years in prison. Later the kid recanted and admitted being paid by the rival. The man lost his final appeal. the judge said he could not be sure if the kid was telling the truth or not. 

    More like the Judge wasnt prepared to admit the Thai courts got it wrong.

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