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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 2 hours ago, aslimversgwm said:

    Agreed absolutely with all you say sir. There are so many really nasty pieces of work posting on here. Living the life of Riley in their ivory towers and nil empathy for anybody other than their own very limited circle of friends  - if they have any that is! The hatred they express is borderline psychotic.


    I was from a family of seven with a widowed mother and I was working part time from the age of 11 washing up weekends in restaurants, Friday evening 6-12 midnight, Saturday 10am-2pm, 6pm-1am split shift and Sundays 10am until 5pm, for 7 GBP a week, as my mother could not afford spending money. By 16, I was in the Royal Navy. By my very early twenties I was married with a mortgage and a child and a full time job working 80 plus hours a week.......... Hardly the stuff of ivory towers!!!


    I'll tell you what I wasn't doing. I wasn't smashing 13 cars up because I didn't get my own way, I wasn't getting thrown out of school, I wasn't bringing grief to my mother, who had enough problems, I wasn't behaving like a piece of ' entitled ' crap!


    I GAVE my mother money to help with siblings and household expenses from my limited earnings, I didn't take from her or scrounge it!!!


    My circle of friends is wide and ranges from guys working in factories to multi millionaires, I have friends Muslim, Christian, Buddhist. friends from all walk of life from students to University teachers, from soldiers and sailors to guys collecting street waste. All I class as friends and my ' circle '  is not limited. I have good friends all over Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and NZ as well as S.E. Asia.


    I neither drink nor smoke, I also do not criticize anybody that does,  nor do I have hatred for anybody and I do not think or feel I am borderline psychotic. Unless, you want to call old fashioned values such as being respectful to elders and others, being tidy and clean, speaking to others how I usually like to get spoken to myself, and neither hurting or damaging other peoples person or property.


    I do get cheesed off by goody-two-shoes, all is rosy in the garden, liberalist ideas who think ' giving in and allowing this behaviour ' will result in a solution, you guys are part of the problem!!!


    You are not given respect in this world, you earn it. This guy who the thread is about has constantly been a thorn in the side, well known to the police, a known trouble maker, and is the son of a parent who obviously knows little about parenting.


    She thinks giving money will solve this behaviour?.................. she is pouring oil on the fire! and why the necessity that she feels she has to hand over this amount of money in a very public place with press and cameras present is totally off the charts and off my radar!!


    By the way, I am not some 75 year old reminiscing about the good old days, I am 53.

  2. 13 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    The 'graap' is the biggest show of respect you can show someone apparently. I prefer not to graap anyone and simply not be an a****** in life. 


    And it means nothing if it is performed without sincerity!


    It's like my other half says when TVF posters talk about this ' action '  when Thai kids do this for their parents etc etc  and the wai and how ' cute and sweet and respectful ' it is for their parents,  it's all an act and means nothing if it is not backed up by a substantial change in the offenders behavior.


    There is a family that lives nearby to us, (actually they are relatives who share the same surname as my partner but there is no close relationship ). Anyway, both Mom and Dad are schoolteachers, one of their sons is an absolute ' piece of garbage ' a known thief and drug user.


    He has carried out similar actions as the above on countless occasions in front of the neighbours and village chief..........to no avail..!

  3. Yeah! I suppose you are right as it does make more sense.
    But I still question why they would be there for the arrest even if they passed on certain information. To do what?

    Well if the German government has got involved, they would be there to report back to their bosses at the German foreign office which are in charge of all foreign consulates and Embassies.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  4. 2 hours ago, mark01 said:

    But they do get the wrong people sometimes and also the "accuser" is sometimes "accusing" for dubious reasons.

    Can't comment on this case but it has happened before and an innocent man's life was torn apart after being named on Thai media.


    Agreed Mark01,


    And for those who don't read below, and there are plenty more cases of this happening in Thailand.This is NOT an isolated case.


    I do not say on this occasion but you have to be careful of Thai news and Thai police reports. IF guilty, do what must/needs to be done!!




    and these are the filthy tricks the Thai police get up to to try obtain a false conviction:




    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, TooPoopedToPop said:

    Most of the migrant-producing countries don't lack resources.

    What they lack is a population that is capable of governing themselves.


    Absolutely agree with you. And also the despots ruling these places treat all these countries like their private piggy banks!


    I wish also the EU would stop the attempted ' mirage ' that the 27 countries have a say in all these migration policies or indeed Brexit negotiations, they don't!


    They are bullied into the thinking of Germany and France all the time. Merkel wants burning at the stake for the damage she has inflicted on Europe without permission or seeking the views of the other member states.

  6. The internet and wide use of computers has had both very positive and very negative effects on the world as whole. For me, I have found it negative and ruined the art of conversation and debate.


    Fake reports and news has caused a lot of damage around the world.


    A story can be circulated with such rapidity with such easy access and ability to post on social platforms, it can already have gone half way around the world before people realize it is false or a hoax.


    You can hardly gain a persons attention to order a meal or a drink  long enough to distract them from their social media with their phones glued to their ear. It occurs everywhere, in supermarkets, shops, restaurants, hotels, bars. factories and meetings!!


    We then have all the additional road accidents and deaths being caused by people on mobiles, taking selfies, texting etc


    Another downside that really bugs me,there is nothing more annoying trying to get off a flight when you have just landed to find some clown blocking the aisle blabbing away on a mobile. Can they not wait five minutes?


    It's just as bad when you enter the terminal building and attempt to walk or use the moving conveyor walkways, they are constantly being blocked by people weaving side to side, walking at a snails pace or wandering around aimlessly on their mobile phones playing social media, taking selfies or prattling on telling people they have just landed!!


     Jeez, makes you wonder how they survived before the hand-phone! Sorry guys, rant over!!


    Anyway, I wouldn't trust a word that comes out of either of the mouths of these two. A tyrant who overthrew an elected government and a guy who cheated and tricked his partners out of their shareholdings in Facebook.



  7. 12 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:

    You must be joking tropo and khun Paul ?

    One assume he beat on his wife and the others that say he dangerous,shouldnt drive etc.


    Come on! The Thai guy start this and wouldnt let up. If it werent for his actions none of it would have happened.


    The Thai guy had been forceing him to stop and he probably couldnt pull away as he end up in a dead end soi with no people around..and dead!

    He did not know if the Thai had a weapon, but on history you would not want to gamble.


    Sure the Brit could have handled it better, but this guy been in Thailand a long time.

    He knew and have already seen what happen to a farangs if mix it with a crazy Thai. They just cant control anger even over a tiny issue.


    Every Thai i know who drive carry some sort of weapon cause even they themself admit "there are to many crazy Thais"


    Assuming he a wifebeater and dangerous tho.that really is a stretch even for you guys



    You obviously saw a different video to most of the rest of us! 


    So, it was the Thai guy who ran to the back of his guy for a machete and attacked the foreigners car??? The Thai guy threatening with a machete, It was the Thai guy who drove like an idiot, sending him flying in the air and nearly causing very serious injury?


    You come on! A sane person in charge of their faculties does not behave like this just because there is an <deleted> driver on the road. To totally avoid any issues and de escalate the situation, why didn't he just pull over until the guy had gone on his way. I have on the motorways - plenty of times!!!



    However, if this old guy did this on British roads he would be charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm, attempted murder, criminal damage, carrying an unlawful weapon and those are just for starters!


    The pathetic attempted justification and argument that the Brit's actions could in any way be accepted by any sane person, let alone a court judge, because the other guy was ' driving like a prat ' is a misguided route trying to help a Brit at best, and pure stupidity at worst!

    • Like 1
  8. Thaidream

    Your thoughts are good but impractical. I speak from experience and losing a substantial amount of money following just what you are proposing.

    Firstly, it is a Pattaya case. Which means Pattaya police, Pattaya prosecutors, Pattaya judges and lawyers. The Judge and prosecutor can be actually ' hostile ' towards Bangkok big name lawyers viewing them as basically ' Smartasses ' coming down here telling us the law. I have seen it!

    Next those on here with views of highly charged courtroom dramas with accusations back and forth- forget it. It does not happen.

    Everything is conducted very politely and no confrontation between lawyer and prosecutor. Remember, they are both Pattaya, they eat at the same noodle stalls and visit the same Karaoke joints as do the Police. They don't and won't perform loss of face statements in a courtroom.

    Once the prosecutor has made his case and called prosecution witnesses, he usually does not even bother attending court to cross examine the defence- this is often done only by the Judge himself.

    It is alien and unlike anything we see in the West. The Judge will see the weapon and the assault with rhe vehicle and of course the retaliation from the Thai. It is very likely he will show leniency towards the Thai man, if indeed the Thai is charged; for losing his temper based on video evidence.

    Way too much emphasis is being placed on the actual driving here. It is commonplace every day in Thailand, undertaking and overtaking and sharp braking. The Judge will see this as normal traffic flow in THAILAND.

    All these people saying this coward punch and' he said she said' driving faults is balanced out by attacking a car with a machete, threatening with a machete and hurling the guy in the air using a car as a weapon are living in cuckooland.

    There is one way out. Police as mediators, ( we know what that means! ) An apology and offer to pay for car damage and for the Thai guys 'loss of face ' and injury.

    It is the smart move and will be cheaper than a court case in a lot more ways than one!

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  9. 19 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Yep, I know! Surly is or just a messed up relationship with Thailand and the ones close. 
    I know you´re going to get heat for that comment, but I agree with you with the small modification above.

    I also find it very hard to see suicide as a way out. For me it´s just a cowardly way of a person not having the spine to deal with the problem.
    Therefore, I will excuse myself. I can´t wish that someone is at peace. Ain´t possible, due to that the problem still exists. Not for him, but not dealt with.
    I also find it very hard for somebody to rest in peace, when they likely died with unfinished business.

    It can sound hard, I know. It´s just my view of life. 


    Another poster judging and blabbing ! Did you read the article? It said he had just returned from England to HIS WIFE!........................It states........ They had had no problems or arguments.


    Let's hope for your sake you are never caught in the grips of severe depression or mental illness. How can you justify your above comments with no knowledge of the facts?


    Sure glad I am not a friend of yours!

  10. Rc2702,


    I hate hearing there stories where the people set out to be unfair or cheat the renters from the get go. There are some of us who just want a reasonable rent and everybody happy.


    It seems you have already decided anyway to leave and forego your deposit which I wouldn't do by the way. The 18 days are not, as you say free, as you have already paid for them.


    You have honoured your contract, I don't know why you just don't pay the last months rent in lieu of your over payments. However, it's a matter for you.


    I advertised on here a house I was renting out to customers for the first time, and got quite a few bits of good advice, for me as a landlord.


    My tenant is a German man and we are in the sticks, although the house is very nice that I have rented to him and he loves it. I have foregone all upfront rents and deposits and given a discount, as he just have me six months upfront and his electric is billed direct to the house. I adjusted the contract accordingly.


    We are both happy with the arrangement, he gets a good house and I have got a reliable tenant.

  11. I doubt realistically that this was really his doing as much as it was Immigration police.

    As you say, they were illegals, so they were part of their own problem. Thailand has constant problems with illegals from Myanmar ( just look at MBK ) Laos and Cambodia. The fact that these people do work that Thais consider beneath them is besides the point.

    I know Cambodians right at this minute working in Thailand- legal and illegal. You pay your money, you take your chances!

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  12. That video basically demolishes any argument of ' self defense ' the Brit had.( now it is established he is British) It's inexcusable be him British, American, German, Australian or from any other country. This was uncontrollable ' road rage ' and that is how it will be viewed in court.


    A judge will see that video evidence and without hesitation find him guilty of attempted murder. He deliberately ran him down on top of the machete incident without provocation.


    As I have said before, he better find plenty money and quick to clear this mess before the prosecutor gets hold of it, or he is going to jail for a period plus a deportation and blacklist.


    Those on here trying to analyze and break down the video and blame the Thai driver and justify the behavior of the old guy, you are wasting your time, the evidence is damning.


    Look, everybody KNOWS the vast majority of Thais are lousy drivers that undergo no training or driving test like we do in the West. They are known to be lousy drivers, and that is why they have the most dangerous roads in the world.


    The Thai probably to this day does not think he was doing much wrong.Their brains are all over the place at the best of times, never mind when driving.The driving up until the incident was the normal bullshit driving that road users in Pattaya and busy cities have to put up with every day.


    Whatever he did, he did not deserve this response from that idiot. The Brit would be arrested and charged in the UK or any other country too!!


    He had no fear, he ran to get the machete because he lost his bloody temper, and he knew EXACTLY what he was doing, and I'll be damned if he used that tool for gardening. End of.

    • Like 2
  13. 26 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    Yes a disappointing article; hardly a rant.  I am a professional writer with two books on Thailand to my name.  For a small fee I could be persuaded to contribute amusing articles/short stories on a  regular basis.




    Care to mention the books? or were they published under your real name and you don't wish to disclose?


    Or is Mike Bell the name?

  14. I haven't seen him bashed on TV because he was thought to be Australian- it turns out he was British by birth but spent so long in OZ he spoke with an Aussie accent.so an easy mistake to make!

    He was bashed on TV for being a silly old man that was a white foreigner thinking he could behave this way without consequences.

    It was no reflection on Australia. Idiots are defined by their behaviour and can belong to any country. It has no bearing on the story the fact that he was thought to be Australian.

    Some British behaviour abroad is an embarrassment at times but yet again there are some outstanding Brits who do business in Thailand, have families and are very quiet and well behaved.

    Idiots abroad have no particular passport.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  15. Yeah, it's definitely $36-37 USD as I bought one before when I didn't want the passport getting a full page sticky visa put in. I wanted to save the pages.

    Other posters may well quote different experiences regards Poipet but I would not go near they place as I have personally had bad experiences there with authorities scamming on the Cambodian side of the border and I have met others as well. Furthermore, depending on time of day and the month, you can be subject to long queues at both sides of the border.

    Some fabulous restaurants and bars in Siem reap these days from many different countries around the globe. I always have a good time down there. It's great for a mini break.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

  16. 11 minutes ago, chrissables said:

    Can you pay in riel? Seems crazy to exchange Thai baht to dollar, atm's give riel. I am planning a motorbike tour there and don't want to take 3 currencies. 



    They will let you pay in Riel, it's the national currency and they are keen to promote it.


    They only thing is you are carrying large bundles of Riel and many find this inconvenient with all the 000s and prefer the simplicity of USD. Riel is generally used for small and minor purchases.


    ATMs give riel or USD.

  17. 18 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

    $37 per day - wow.   Is that really per day or for that 3- or 4-day temple pass/ticket?   ('Been awhile since I was there, and haven't been since the Chinese hordes descended on the place.)


    No, it is now $37 for the day. $62 I believe for three days.I have enclosed the link.


    They say it is an effort to reduce the amount of traffic to the monuments and preserve them, I think that's nonsense. Angkor Wat has been a cash cow for the powers-that-be for far too long, taking out and putting nothing back.If you take Angkor Wat out of the equation, there is little reason to go to Cambodia in reality.



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