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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Fined us on the outskirts of Bangkok for transporting a BBQ in the rear bin of our pickup, travelling from Pattaya to Isaarn. The Barbie was fully and completely secured and going nowhere (The BBQ had cost 28,000 baht, so we secured it properly) We were fined and his reason given was that we should have covered it with one of those flimsy tarpaulins, that are useless, blow all over the place and block your vision whilst driving. 500 baht he charged us and that was years ago.
  2. You forgot about the ' Buffet locusts ' using Airport tarmac and public drains in the street to allow their children to urinate and defecate.
  3. The only country I know where they give out more medals for nothing than Thailand. DPRK, Well, it's not Democratic, and it certainly isn't a peoples' republic. It's autocratic and a Banana republic, with the fat controller at the helm of as despotic regime.
  4. It is called price gouging or not being able to see the wood for the trees, something that is famous in Thai politics. The same applies to some Thai retailers.
  5. Zowie Bowie changed his name a long time ago to Duncan Jones and is a filmmaker.
  6. Who in their right mind would invest in Thai airways or buy shares in it?
  7. Imagine for a minute the amount of good that could happen if all this money and research, public and private, were poured into the Earth and addressing climate change, pollution of the oceans, getting water and sanitation all around the African continent, fighting drought, replenishing the reefs, etc. The Earth could be a wonderful place again. There is way too much to be done here on Earth, for countless generations to follow, rather than focusing on fantasies in Space travel.
  8. At least in the USA they are making accusations and lawsuits whilst the guy is still living, and they have a chance to prove their allegations, and he has the opportunity to defend them. This is unlike the UK, where people are making accusations 30 and 40 years after the event when the suspect is already dead, such as is the case with Jimmy Savile and Mohammed Al Fayed. I do believe there is substance to many of these accusations, but also there is a great deal of jumping on the bandwagon hoping for a payday.
  9. I think this guy's goose is well and truly cooked and no amount of money is going to get him out of it, there are just too many allegations stating very similar accusations of severe mistreatment.
  10. There is far too much emphasis placed on the nationality of individuals committing crimes in Thailand, rather than on the actual crimes themselves. Any person with even limited education knows that there are good and bad in every nation, and crooks come from all over the Globe to Thailand for many reasons. Thailand is a gateway and passing point for many nationalities, and certainly attracts its fair share that are not here for temples and tourism. Bashing people based purely on their nationality is a sign of ignorance. I am British by birth, a mixture of English and Irish. I have many friends and acquaintances in many countries, and I am well travelled and educated. Furthermore, I don't expect to meet French people in striped shirts carrying onions around their neck riding bicycles, just as they won't see me in a British Bulldog T-shirt, with armfuls of tattoos and a huge beer gut, with a handkerchief on my head. The stereotypes needing binning, and focus needs placing on the crimes themselves, and leaving it to the relevant authorities to punish offenders, as opposed to Asean Now rants about deportations and jailing, from the hang em high brigades, whose opinions carry no clout in Thai law courts.
  11. Heartbreaking for the families and very sad reading for all of us.
  12. So you think a two-year-old video of some scumbag in Sisaket represents the entire population of the UK? Furthermore, I don't recall the news stating the foreigner stripping and defecating in a fountain was British? Whoever he was, mental illness is definitely suspect. The only point your absurd post shows is that you have some hang up with British people, by and large, which is sad on your behalf. Gimp by name, gimp by nature. Meaning of gimp in English an unpleasant or stupid person: I can't stand that gimp.
  13. KTB and was issued about five years ago. It was because I had a lot of money in the bank, which I subsequently withdrew, and they never asked for the card back. I hardly use it, but it has a 500,000 baht limit.
  14. Unfortunately, Post Covid excuses from airlines and other nonsense, it is what it is these days. Yes, of course, Thai nationals pay the same for flights. I haven't found any shortcuts to get better deals.
  15. But surely at that price you can get it baggage checked through with Air Asia?
  16. Or was there a mistake in translation? I feel that if she had really made a terrorist threat, the airline would have felt obliged to pursue all necessary legal and court action.
  17. Absolutely correct, Far too many of the ' hang em high ' brigade on here without knowing the circumstances or facts. I would want far more details before rushing to judgement, especially taking the word of a local, who probably joins in the drinking games with the rest of them. I am not saying it didn't happen, but a wait and see the full facts approach is necessary.
  18. The dog needs to be euthanized immediately, no ifs or buts. Shame we can't do it to stupid irresponsible owners.
  19. I wonder if the 480K THB is a misprint?
  20. True, You can't trust the Aussies, after all, they stole a country!
  21. Pattaya police must have plenty of time on their hands to send out 3–4 policemen for this type of offense.
  22. We see all the time these type of fines, such as 2,000 baht for smoking in a hotel room etc. or taking Durian into a hotel. Makes me wonder, are these' fines' actually legal?
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