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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. That would be Anglo Saxons not Anglo Celts, which is where most of my descendants are from. Indeed most people who are British that can trace their roots back are Anglo Celts.. It bis common for many to refer to themselves as Anglo Saxons when they are really Anglo Celts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Celtic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxons
  2. Yes, And it's a hell of a leap by some even to suggest it. More like drunkenness or mental issues or far more severe drugs.
  3. and put gun turrets on the top of it with searchlights.
  4. I think the best way is as suggested and that is to buy a speaker and play loud music in her direction every time she starts shouting on the phone. If the Police arrive tell them the problems with her. Don't forget your budgie smugglers and factor 2 when you are sunbathing in the garden. Fight fire with fire.
  5. If you are having big problems then don't you think your potential renters would too? They won't want to rent for long if its as bad as you say and yoiu have a cuckoo neighbor.
  6. No, it's one way of avoiding giving the money back. It was the debtor.
  7. I suppose luck of the draw with policemen on the day.
  8. We have to do all this farce every year for a retirement extension with countless signed A4 useless xerox copies and then when you go to the ATM it wants to know if you want the cash slip to save paper!!
  9. They do the same down the road in Kalasin city. They want to see that you haven't gone below the 400K and that you have followed the rules about 2 months before having 800K in the bank. They did it to me last year so this year I was prepared.
  10. It was sarcasm, did it go over your head?
  11. Agreed. Just a natural extension of what they do in the village with the added bonus of cash.
  12. Romance scams, boiler rooms, online gambling, thieving, call centers. Opportunities are endless.
  13. Well it's good to know the BMW smart cars are doing their job and working well for the Police.
  14. No, Be very nice, wait until he is out, pack her things quietly and flee, preferably to another province. The police won't do anything except give useless advice and the beatings will start again as soon as the police leave. This is the problem, they want to be all grown up and have kids and then cannot cope with being adults, (because mentally they aren't), so they resort to the tantrums that always got them what they wanted when they were kids
  15. How can so much drama be emanating from a few unruly Kuwaiti youths? Are the Pattaya Police so useless and incapable of controlling a few kids that think they are not under the strict behavioral codes that apply in in Kuwait, and are pushing their luck.
  16. Of course he was, it's Kuwait bashing week!
  17. I didn't say a motorbike helmet per se, I said the majority of motorbike helmets on sale and available in the Kingdom
  18. He is trying to stay in their minds and remain relevant whilst equally showing he is on the doorstep. I don't think he was interested in Hun Sen's birthday in the slightest, it just suited his current needs. Narcissists are like that.
  19. Really Sherlock, And you have never jumped on a bike and driven 200 or 300 yards because the shop was near and handy and you were only going to be a couple of minutes? Heartless response on the death of a man who is another tragic victim on the infamous roads. The majority of motorcycle helmets available in the Kingdom are not worth wearing and offer next to no protection. Your empathy is heartwarming.
  20. He was a very successful man in his chosen career. I doubt very much there would be and Go fund me for a man of his stature. If you had read the full article you might have not made such an inane comment.
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