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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. I agree with another poster whereby a lot of these lists are compiled by firms that have something to gain by people pursuing these options through these firms. I think you would find ways and means in most of these countries to stay once you were actually in that particular country you were interested in relocating to. You would then learn the pitfalls and advantages first hand that you won't get from an online free sheet or flyer.
  2. I wouldn't want to be there for any length of time more than two weeks in Malaysia, I feel I would get a bit bored. I have been a number of times but not recently.
  3. Usually a great start for expats is to decide if they can assimilate into a country that they choose and not expect that country to change for them.
  4. I think he overestimates his importance these days. Times have moved on and we have a new generation of voters now and their latest plan to get power by getting in to bed with the devil will cost them dearly.
  5. It costs too much in the West because of all the human rights, appeals and high salaries to keep it all going. Not in the East, no money in the jail, then it's rice and whatever they give you with it. The Authorities here just refer you back to your Embassies, even though we know their remit is very limited when it comes to prisoners abroad. I remember a prisoner once complaining in Chonburi prison about his rights and needing a doctor. The response the prison officer gave was typical and he said ' It's not my job to look after you, it's my job to keep you in here ' and that is how they view it.
  6. And just like that a skilled surgeon's flourishing business and career as well as ' allegedly ' a top recognized chef and his businesses up in smoke. The world was at their feet career wise. Obviously more to this. The Chef has ' stewed ' over this and it is a premeditated act. The guy was definitely not thinking rationally. All for what? Allegedly, the Chef had decided to ' marry a woman ' Nah, more to this, If that was the case then why the elaborate charade of meeting up in Thailand, pre planning and purchasing the tools to do it, switching booked rooms. etc If it was a simple case of a relationship ending, it could have been done over the phone. There is a very nasty, vindictive, and callous aspect to this murder leading me to think the Chef, ( and a profession known to have a tendency to attract highly strung individuals at the best of times), is severely unbalanced.
  7. I am not anti death penalty. I just think it is too quick and puts them out of their misery and fear awaiting their unknown fate way too quickly. This is why I like the American system which goes on and on and years of solitary confinement, not knowing, appeals, let downs and further appeals whilst all that time they have to "stew" on whatever crime they committed and relive it over and over. They have the excruciating boredom to suffer day by day and one hour out of their cell whilst the wait for the inevitable. The mundane life and existence as well as the repetitive food day after day. A quick bullet or lethal injection is just far too quick.
  8. That was my point, they were not clear about those of us on Non O visas since, forever! who have been in this country a long bloody time. Do we now start all over again from scratch? These are the dangers of some of the daft ideas suggested by some on here. In another post on here I pointed out the problems from retirees and people married to Thais causing problems or making mischief would be minuscule to the RTP. There is much more chance at those coming in on VOA who have decided not to return home then turn to crime here to support themselves living here. In my Pattaya days I used to see a group of young Nigerians over towards the Dark side who had been there a couple of years, this was just one example of Pattaya. They were far too young for retirement visas and they weren't on marriage visas and they were shooting pool every day, so they weren't working and no way were they on holiday that length of time.
  9. We do! Your question has been answered!
  10. Well they do put out for money, just not 2/3,000 baht.......????
  11. Yeah, That old chestnut! She's not a bar girl, she's the cashier! Oh yeah? Well she's hardly working in Monte Carlo Casino, is she? What did she do before she got older and became a cashier?
  12. Thailand does not need new laws, restrictions or further burdens on those with retirement and marriage extensions. It needs existing laws to be enforced. A few foreigners that step out of line in a few areas such as Phuket or Pattaya in a country that boasts up to 30-40 million tourists a year. The police should take it in their stride and do the job they are paid for. These people committing these crimes are hardly elderly retirees or happily married men. Criminals should be dealt with on a case by case basis taking into account the crime and circumstances of that crime. How the hell do you think Europe went on when all of a sudden there were open borders and freedom of movement between 27 countries? What about all the people entering every day on Visa free or visa exempt who then stay on in the country and don't return when their visas expire and then need income to support their stay?, Do you want every person entering Thailand to get CRO checks and destroy the country's tourism industry completely? I would bet 99% of all those on marriage and retirement extensions live quietly, have no problems with the law and benefit the economy whereas some on here want them to be even further restricted than we already are. So why persecute this group of people?
  13. It takes quite a while in the UK to get the said document and what do you want people already here on Non 0 visas for many years already to do? Fly back to the UK to get one of these documents once a year?
  14. Exactly what I said in a different thread a few days ago! All of the above!
  15. Thailand can't stop Burmese, Lao and Cambodian nationals getting across the border, how are they going to stop seasoned criminals with substantial funds at their disposal from entering the country?? I bet a load of these coming up with bright ideas on this board to stop criminality are the first ones to whinge and bleat like sheep when they get pulled over by immigration for ' too many entries ' in a year! They want Thai law to be strong when it's something they don't like but to be weak when they are coming in without being in possession of the correct visas.
  16. I think you are right, but the bone of contention was the Thai authorities rewording how they wanted these letters presented which amounted to Embassies basically guaranteeing everything on behalf of their citizens, which they could not in honesty, as you said 'They didn't and don't have the resources ' and that became the stumbling block.
  17. They do not have access to the databases of the EU or the UK to run these type of checks. How can you allow a corrupt, rotten to the core institution such as the RTP, always out for their own ends access to very sensitive private and privileged information? You know full well even on Thai soil,the constant new laws introduced, although looking good on paper, never benefits the public, it just gives another string to the bow of the RTP to financially gain by foul means. The RTP of which immigration is a branch has a filthy reputation abroad, no way would our respective governments give them access to such information which can be used for nefarious purposes. And herein lies the problem! The BIB have already found a way around the 800K a year in the bank, do you seriously think they won't find a way around the criminal records check. NONSENSE! You really think so? Thailand masters of fake driving licenses, passports, ID documents, Levis, Rolex, Louis Vuitton, you really think a CRO documents is going to beat them or get past them? All the super sleuths on here and their ingenuous proposals that have been suggested countless times won't work for the following reasons. 1. Criminals and I mean career criminals don't follow laws or rules or regulations. 2. The RTP don't follow or respect existing laws at their disposal. 3. Do you think Surachate or any of them in the positions they are in didn't have to hand over significant sums to attain their positions? Rank and position in this country is not earned, it's bought.
  18. He was not caught in any act, he went and told the Police his friend was missing in an attempt to ' throw them off the scent ' which backfired immediately and he became prime suspect. Stupid is what stupid does.
  19. They closed the Big C in our small town and changed it into a Big C depot like a Makro but crap! and no customers, they did far better in terms of numbers of customers operating as a Big C supermarket.
  20. I tend to think the Filipinas have been around the block a few more times than the Thais and are generally smarter due to the fact that they can communicate better. I have heard a lot of these women come with a great deal of baggage as well such as violent ex husbands and kids and bad cops.( Thailand revisited) There were also some silly adultery laws I seem to recall regarding Filipino women going with foreigners and not yet officially divorced from the first Filipino husbands. There were actual stories of arrests of foreigners. Way too many visible guns for my liking and I hear the poverty in Manila is extremely disturbing. And I wouldn't fancy Jesus in every sentence out of their mouths and why do they nearly all have moles on their upper lips or cheeks? Food they say is lousy and Jeepneys for transport can be dangerous as crime takes place in broad daylight. Give me Cambodia or Vietnam anytime. However, I like my life on my Isaarn farmstead. Creature of habit I suppose after 27 years of Madam Scouse and what more could I ask, she supports Liverpool!
  21. Any food in these cartons??? Come on, there must be at least noodles.
  22. I suppose when it gets to this he doesn't give a damn about defamation laws.
  23. Nope! Entitled Young Thai males. Working for a living is alien to them.
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