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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. not for me to dictate, but accepting drinks from someone who gives you the "creeps" would just add to the sense of self disgust when your battling the hangover. Or it would me.
  2. Bad, mate, very bad. How old is he? An older man, looking for 16/17/18 yr olds? Think about your choice of drinking parner, maybe.
  3. i had 12 months overstay but got an offer of a job. This was before they started the blacklisting , so , early morning i went to don Muang by taxi. I checked in - mentioned my overstay and they sent me to an immigration office where 2 ladies took my 20 000 cash and giggled a bit while i tried my excuses. They were polite, respectful and really just very nice about it. No worries, no iDC , the whole thing took 20 mins tops. No blacklisting then, I went to Kuala lumpar, got a non b and returned after 3 days away. No problems. An american friend didthe same not so long ago, with 18 months overstay. Exactly the same but he got blacklisted. He s looking to return when his 3 years are over. He said the Immigration Officers were funny. ( ha ha funny) His comment!!
  4. not bad for 55. My missis says Im still handsome!!
  5. No harm with the occassional treat. A decent meal once a month with a little wine. An occassional trip. You can still travel cheaply and a half decent accomodation isnt going to break the bank. You can treat yourself without blowing everything you have.
  6. losing your touch with the ladies , Bob. I thought you were a charmer!!
  7. im 6' 3 and getting older and not a problem for me. You just have to remember to keep your noggin down.
  8. last week at Chaeng Wattana Immigration - 8am. Everybody upstairs and down stopped walking.
  9. My family have stopped going together to the cinema for a while now, ever since my son started gaining his own opinions on a subject. Last movie we saw as a family was “Creed 2” I think. During the “anthem” my son, along with about 80% of the cinema didn’t stand but my wife, a staunch royalist, did. It wasn’t pretty. All through the movie my wife snapped at our son who, unwisely, argued back to his Mum. We had to leave in the end. Now, I watch a movie with my son, we both don’t stand. I go with my wife, we watched “Oppenhiemer” recently, I stand with her. Just to keep her company ????. Its not illegal. Some time ago, Prayut advised young Thais to be brave against their peers and stand in support of the institution, even if they are bullied for it.
  10. you sound like a man in much need of a beer ????
  11. you mean - think ahead? This is Thailand mate!!
  12. when I first arrived in Bangkok, i walked out of the airport - Don muang - and said "So, this is Thailand!!" ????
  13. cant get a work permit if youre on a tourist visa
  14. i had a day in liverpool with my son in April. Best day ever - just my boy and me. Ferry, Beatles Museum, saw the new Everton stadium. Just felt wonderful to be alive that day.
  15. yep - that was another poster, Im saying that at least youre NOT telling us that.
  16. my wife selotaped one to the floor once so as not to kill it. She makes me laugh!! we mixed sugar with baking powder - 50/50 mix and left little piles of it around. that kept the numbers down but they always come back.
  17. so -- you re stopping Youtube and going to read books. In a nutshell! things like the music i love - including Vivaldi (Four Seasons) - i tend to download - for free - from a music browser. No need for annoying ad breaks!!
  18. "no way you live futher mucker"
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