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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. I don't see how this long detailed post makes anything clearer or "simple" in anyway. And forgive me if you have gone to some trouble on everyone's behalf. You say yourself the details are still not complete which is where we have been for months. Absolutely no offence or negativity intended...just my observation
  2. I did actually have one Crossy, well a few actually. The lighter out put is in the glovebox in a really bad area. The multi outlet needs to be at right angles. I found only one like that on lazada and 3 of them now broken. It had the lighter output for the dash cam and 2 USB ports. I guess I should try and get and extension lead style thing would be better
  3. I got one of those 4 outlet USB hubs you can put into one USB port and feed several different USB things like mem sticks, mouse etc I guess they were designed for data sharing rather than charging. I only have one USB port / charger in the car and wondering if I would be able to use this safely to charge a couple of phones at once and maybe dash cam? Its a fairly decent brand I think (Hoco)
  4. I don't even understand the question let alone the answer. Posts on here getting stranger everyday.
  5. I have seen several Thais I have lived with just randomly scrolling through posts and comments liking anything without even reading them. Why are u doing that? If I like their posts they like mine too. Social media, particularly Facebook is a world of unreality and BS. Unfortunately for many people it has become their reality. People see other couples "happy" posts and become depressed that their relationships / lives aren't like that. They don't consider they are only seeing the highlights...not the daily fights, near break ups etc. Thais particularly don't seem to be able to differentiate or take things with a grain of salt leading to an unhappy, unfulfilled life full of envy and jealousy. The internet is a great tool in many ways but has in my opinion become a monster. We were much better off without it
  6. Kenny202

    AI HUB

    They want to be the hub of everything, including space flight 🤣🤣 seems to be a new potential "hub" every few days. Like children getting their ambitions mixed up with their abilities
  7. Got a mate in a bit of bother atm. Aussie guy...Thai wife, basically done a runner and left him with an infant and 3yo. He has been working in Oz for 6 months and came home for a surprise visit, and all hell broke loose. You can fill in the blanks there. Both kids are his, his name on the birth certificate and they are legally married. He is going to approach her to basically pay her off in return for her getting them passports and permission to take them out of the country. Both kids would qualify for citizens by descent but he hasn't done it yet and doesn't really have time. Soooo, normally a Thai person without citizenship would have to get a visa etc to go to Australia. Again he probably doesn't have the time, not sure how long it would take to get a tourist type visa for Australia these days. Used to be a month to 6 weeks from memory. I may be dreaming here but have some memory of kids under a certain age not requiring a visa. Does anyone have any experience / insight on how he could go about it? He could start a custody case and all the rest of it but fact is he doesn't have the funds to stay here that long and needs to get back to work in Oz. Appreciate any help
  8. What a ridiculous post (as usual). You don't think they could find a shopping mall, roof top bar etc in fact anywhere high to do the deed? You don't need a high rise condo
  9. That's weird because my insurance premiums have only gone up the last 5 years. And the insured sum considerably less. Must be like a Thai discount. Jack up the starting price by 30% and give 10% discount
  10. Just renewing my policy with RJ today....full comprehensive and noticed on my policy says 50% no claim bonus. I been with them around 4 or 5 years, never made any claims. I know what a no claim bonus means but 50%? I assume it doesn't mean I am up for 50% of repairs? What does it actually mean or I am only getting 50% of the bonus (whatever that is?) I have an excess of 5000 baht meaning I need to pay the first 5000 in the event of a claim. They were pretty new when I started with them but about 60% cheaper than the other company I was with. Anyone have any good or bad experiences with them? I had a covid policy with them I know that was handled pretty badly and blamed on their underwriter or third party insurer
  11. Talking to a friend said he got one today Savanakhet. I thought they had stopped them as well. I am on a parent visa. I heard the rules changed for that also where the childs mother now has to be present. Anyone have recent experience
  12. I would guess the police walked away chuckling to themselves. They understand Thai women a lot better than we do. They tolerate them in an annoying child sort of way, give them a smack when they need it. Typical childish woman wanting a bit of drama and attention.
  13. Thinking about putting a little stand alone WIFI CCTV camera out side at the front of our home. Have used a couple before at home and business and they are remarkable. Even outside (under cover) still going strong after 4 years. Talking about the 400-600 baht ones you can buy...stand alone hard wired Wifi. Usually come with an app you can monitor from your phone, get alerts etc. The area I have in mind at least 30 meters from the router...which is inside so through a thick block wall for the signal to get outside. I tried my phone wifi signal and it went from excellent (inside near the router) to good out in the exact location I will be putting the camera. I tried the internet and it seemed quite reasonable but not sure if it will be fast enough for video transmission (low res) from the CCTV. Will these things still record to the memory card even if they can't communicate with wifi effectively? If I am getting a "good" phone wifi reception should it be good enough for the camera? Appreciate any advice :-)
  14. Thais don't have 2 truckloads of stuff and 5 or 6 trips in a pick up to move. And if I am going to move it will be a considerable distance from where I am now. Thais usually a pick up full done. Not to mention losing a 50-60k baht deposit every time you bail on a lease. You think moving somewhere else will just sort everything out and she wont be able to find me by fair means or foul? Its a throw away comment of which you are so fond which is much easier said than done
  15. I tend to agree with you but it just isn't that easy. Took us a year and several different attempts just to find a reasonable school. Even the rented property.....not sure if you have ever rented here but apart from the difficulty of finding a place, you can have as many issues with landlords as I am having with my ex. At our last place the owners where actually coming into our place when we where out. Stuff went missing occasionally. The place had so many structural issues they refused to repair and simply told us they hadn't been paying their bank loan and the bank would repossess it soon anyway. The latest problem was the upstairs toilet was leaking water clearly visible from marks on the ceiling below. It was a pipe inside the ceiling so in now way our doing or responsibility. Sent them photos etc they told me it was up to me to have it repaired. then a part of the ceiling 1m x 1m finally collapsed on the floor. Then tried to sue me when I broke the lease and moved out early lol. They were dispicable people. Many people here seem to convince themself they are right when they are so clearly wrong it is unbelievable. I am not thinking or acting emotionally. I usually follow an old bosses advice.... if you are not sure what to do, do nothing. the answer will present itself in time
  16. Thanks for you reply.....but really what you are saying is rather a paradox, and the actual dilemma. I do feel like I have an overwhelming amount of evidence.....but getting someone to sit down and actually read it all or even some of it is the difficult part. And not the first time I have seen an unlosable case in Thailand awarded to clearly the wrong doer. Get the wrong judge on the wrong day. As you say she will be crying and pitiful. Just not a risk I am ready to take atm. I mean for god sake she broke into my house.....cut and dried. Not a domestic dispute as we had been separated for 4 months. And she even turned the tables on that. My tactic with her has always been bide my time. My son has no interest in going with her and even if he did she has nothing to offer him at all in the way of a stable family, home, school etc. I think he would be crying his eyes out after a day....and should he be happy there well that's ok too. Even if she went to court and somehow won she would still return him after a week and then my @$$ would be hers. Be just like before....demanding I bring him to her, then wanting to return him. The control / manipulation game. That's how I put a stop to that madness when she first left. After a few months of hell I said ok, you are his mum and can come and get him anytime you want (This was before I had court paternity). But I don't have to come and get him. You can take care of him yourself? Well, the next day like a different person. She was terrified she was going to get left "holding the baby". Took me 3 or 4 months to find that one chink in her armor. Or worse she could get bored with him and dump him with someone in a village. Never seemed to be any shortage of people wanting to have a mixed race kid....like it increases their status or something. I hear you though, and I am preparing stuff for my lawyer today for a meeting. I know I have to keep it to the point and concise which as you can see by my posts are difficult for me lol. I just have to make a basic timeline of events and keep any messages, photos, evidence etc to what is critical and provable. i was told once for someone to win custody over a mother it has to be a serious offence like drugs or abuse.....and you need 100% hard evidence. In my case though a different story as he has been under my sole care and living with me last 7 years. She will claim I never allowed access, which I can easily disprove.....albeit with a few pages of messages / photos which someone would need to read and absorb. Anyway, I fight my battles on my terms and like to know I am going to win before pushing the button. I am fairly calm about it all at the moment and will take it one day at a time. I will be interested to hear my lawyers comments re keeping her away from my home and making disturbances. What my rights are. Problem is it's like going to a govt office here....they all have their own spin on things which may or may not be right.
  17. To the last two posters yeah.....100% accurate. There is no guilt there at all in fact I am sure she convinces herself of her own untruths....posting stuff on social media and getting encouragement from people who for a start have never met me or know the situation and fail to understand she has omitted 90% of the true story doesn't help either. Mind you the same people go away and laugh at her. How can a woman who abandoned her child as a baby be seen in a good light? Somehow she manages to try and garners sympathy into the bargain! Master of spin. Borderline personality disorder and much worse. Many many horrible incidents which I wont go into here. Show off 100% correct, but showoff in an attempt to show herself in a better light or as a "normal" person. I had many years making excuses to myself for her re her upbringing, traumas she had been through but at the end of the day a toxic person is a toxic person and through my life generally a person who has been through a difficult childhood wishes the last thing to foist that on their own children. She has a very bad reputation in her home village where the truth has been revealed over and over. I wish so much I could move but it would just be difficult. We have a lot of stuff and a wonderful landlord which is extremely difficult to find here. My son is settled in an excellent school. I don't think I would lose in court either. I have records / photos / copies / diary notes of every threatening message, phone calls, crazy posts, encounters etc going back 8 years. Its just a matter of pulling the trigger. I did start to go down that track last year and then the lawyer started playing games re costs. I wasn't having any problems with her at the times so thought it best not to poke a hornets nest. The way it works is you file the petition....the other party is notified and they have the opportunity to contest it. Should they not respond it is done. Whether she would fight something like that I doubt it.....there is just too much factual on the record evidence (apart from my mine) of abandoning other children etc. You would think she would realize this herself but logic doesn't often come into anything. Her latest schpiel to justify her 8 year absence is I never let her see him which is completely untrue. I always accommodated her, much to my own inconvenience on her once or twice a year visit to our city for other reasons. The only time there was anything like a refusal was 18 months ago when she came to the back of my home unannounced with a war party of two others, in the middle of the day when he was at school. She I assume was heading back to her province and didn't have time to come back later. I hadn't had any contact with her for at least a year so there was no reason for the ambush. She couldn't send me a message as she deleted or lost my contact details and now claims I blocked her 5555. Like I said I seem to be the focus of her attention or go to when her life is going south. I know in truth, should I let her take him anywhere as she has done int he past she would be on the phone within 2 hours for me to go and pick him up. Always her as the victim of course.....just bringing back too many bad memories...she cant cope etc. The first time he asked her for something that involved any effort on her part or even worse a few baht she would be wanting to offload him. I even have copies of messages when she first left with him, he was about 4 or 5 months old from memory, just starting on solid foods. I used to cook and care for him 100%, make him mashed vegetables etc. She was gone 8 hours and asked me how to cook food for him...she didn't know. Then asked if it was ok to take him to KFC . A 4 month old baby....and this from a woman already had 3 kids. True story and still have the message.
  18. To be honest never paid attention. I do know when it gets under half it goes down ridiculously fast
  19. It could well be but rats. I lived here 10 years, mostly in rural areas. Never seen a mouse but plenty of huge rats lol. Thanks for your comment
  20. I don't want to ignore her or tolerate it anymore. it is totally embarrassing not to mention uncomfortable. Very dangerous person to be around with no consideration for consequences. I want her restricted from coming to my home or contacting me whenever she gets the urge.... full stop. We are all nervous every time a car drives past or stops. Not too mention something my current lady is very uncomfortable about understandably. Just feels like you are under siege
  21. I am not going to go into too much detail here for legal reasons, and there is quite a back story but the post topic says it all. Ex GF of 8 years ago, who seems to pop up in my life every 2 years or so, obviously when things not going well for her. We had a child together who I have taken sole care of since he was a baby. Anyway the other day she turned up at my home unannounced, always under the guise of wanting to see my son. I had never denied her access before as she lives in another province and would come maybe once or twice a year for other reasons and that was it. The rules I set were you need to send a message first and I will bring him to meet you somewhere....I didn't want her screaming at my home (anymore). She would always send a message the morning she got here, expecting me to drop everything and drive across town in peak hour traffic to do. She would say she wanted to spend a couple of days with him and usually within 30 minutes to 2 hours she would call and say he is crying, come and pick him up. Then do the same thing again in the afternoon. Was a total PITA. Any way a couple of years ago I would say in a fit of rage or maybe she just lost her phone and she lost all of my contact details....so now she just turns up. The last time was with two other people I assume as witnesses and possibly videoing the whole thing trying to get a rise out of me. My son was at school at the time as she came in the middle of the day and she refused to believe it and I ended up telling her to foxtrot oscar and not come back near my home....ever. Anyway she did it again the other night about 9pm, son already asleep. I decided to pacify her and went and woke my son up and apart from the mix of crying and maniacal laughter, everything civil enough. he didn't even know who she was. All she did was take selfies and do video calls the whole time. Anyway, unbeknownst to me she had been earlier in the day when we must have been out. The only reason I knew was one of our friends who doesn't know her said who is this woman, she has posted all this abusive stuff on Facebook saying you were inside hiding....and what really gave it away was she was calling (or screaming) me and my sons name. Typical disturbance she is so fond of. I don't even know why she posted the video as it doesn't show her in a good light at all. She also had a friend filming it all by the looks....My question is.... Has anyone been through this sort of harassment before and was there something you can do about it? Is her posting a video like that in a public forum libelous or defaming? I mean what she was saying about me nothing directly that bad I guess but not nice either. She also made a few comments on the post as well mainly saying how she is being denied access to see her child etc, which is utter BS. But a good social media story of course. I am aware of the custody route and have looked into that so no need for motherly advice on that, nor will I be paying her off, as she would take the money and then ignore and restrictions anyway. Also loathe to enquire with the BIB as I had someone break and enter my home a few years ago...I was completely in the right.....and the whole thing got turned around on me where I was told I need to pay the person 500k to get them out of my house lol. A quick call to my lawyer quickly quashed that and the person was ordered to remove themself from my house immediately. Talk about victim blaming! Back home we would simply go and get a restraining order from the police and that would be the end of it. Surely everyone has the right to not be around someone who is threatening or violent. Not sure they have such laws here. The only difference here is she will be claiming she wants to see her son, poor mummy etc. She doesn't want the burden of taking care of him, only the right to come here at her convenience and play with him, take selfies etc. And video call whenever she wants. It doesn't suit me at all and the worst thing is it is confusing for my son. Any advice from people with personal experience welcome. Please don't ask for more details etc....but feel free to send me PM
  22. Recently noticed my Forza fuel gauge seems to be stuck at full. When I turn on the engine it goes to full, drops back to zero then back to full again (as it should) so it is actually moving. Just wondering to modern bikes like this still have some sort of float sensor in the tank or just some sort of electronic sensor that may be faulty? If it is a float sensor for some reason it could have gotten stuck at the top and maybe a good ride around over a few bumps would cure it? Any help appreciated
  23. Sorry for motherly advice but you need a doctor bro, not an expat forum. I believe shingles starts like that with nerves becoming inflamed. Go and see a doc, maybe able to sort it out quick and you can stop stressing 😀
  24. I use a product called Shom poo sherm....some Chinese ginseng product apparently. I was suspect at first but the best things I have ever tried. The Thais know all about them. Bit slower to work maybe 2-3 hours but man they work a treat and for about 2 days. As well.as being stiff as a board I think they heighten sensitivity so the whole experience is wonderful 😁 Feel like you've added a couple of inches. Cialis, Kamagra etc make me a bit spaced out and my face is redder than a dogs dk. These have zero side effects. In fact you will probably be thinking they're not working until big jim and the twins even brush past your beloved. Getting harder to find but usually avail on Lazada 350 baht for 10 capsules
  25. Viet girls look nothing like Thais? Different bodies, skin and faces. I would say Cambos much closer in appearance but imo a lot smarter / more initiative than Thais...as are the Vietnamese. Only my experience
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