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Everything posted by candide

  1. Not sure it's the same guy. All MAGA posters parrot arguments from the same sources, which usually refer to Trump himself or RT.
  2. That's rich from a Trumper! 😀 Trump has a poor knowledge of geography, invents country names and recently proudly claimed Orban was Turkey's leader! 😀 At least two reasons to prefer Biden: - Biden is not a sore loser who tried to steal legitimate elections; - when confronting a major crisis, Biden acts rationally, and not in a childish and selfish way.
  3. Not to the same extent, ex under Trump max 0.5% above other advanced economies. It's all on this website, by year, you can do your own search if you have more questions https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDP_RPCH@WEO/OEMDC/ADVEC/WEOWORLD/USA
  4. My point is that, with very similar level of inflation than other developped countries, the U.S has reached a significantly higher growth than other comparable developed countries. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  5. About your first question, I have no precise information about it. It may be that some countries have decreased prices a bit later than the U.S. I agree with your comment about previous years. As I posted somewhere previously, U.S. inflation has been a bit higher than in other developed countries in 2022, and a bit lower in 2023, so the cumulative 2022+2023 inflation should be similar. What is remarkable about the U.S. economy is not the inflation (similar to comparable economies), it's the GDP growth obtained with this level of inflation, which is much higher than other comparable developed countries.
  6. Lowest inflation in G7, and in detail: very low food inflation and energy price decrease.
  7. Trump had a lot of failures in his business life and was saved by his success in show business (for which I must admit he is talented). https://fortune.com/2016/09/08/donald-trump-the-apprentice-burnett/ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/09/28/us/donald-trump-taxes-apprentice.html Oops! I nearly forgot Russian money! :) https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/
  8. You mean not Fox News, which had to pay $787 million for lying. Or RT inspired right-wing crap sites?
  9. Because you have no argument to defend Trump on the various charges, you have to resort to lame conspiracy theories. 😀
  10. Good but no merit as inflation was even lower in other countries. Not my theory, it's what all economists are doing, for example the OECD. Look how Biden failed! 😀 https://www.oecd.org/sdd/prices-ppp/consumer-prices-oecd-updated-5-december-2023.htm
  11. About the inflation level and its components, here are the latest numbers published by OECD. https://www.oecd.org/sdd/prices-ppp/consumer-prices-oecd-updated-5-december-2023.htm
  12. Thank you for showing that inflation was lower under Obama's last mandate and actually increased under Trump. And this under similar international context: no economic crisis effect, similar growth rates etc.. 😀
  13. It's an article from April 2022. Don't you have more recent figures?
  14. I never claimed 1.8% is bad. I claimed there's no merit about it as other developed economies had even lower inflation. Aren't you able to reply to a post without distorting its content?
  15. Anyone noticed how he comforted and honored people who just assaulted the Capitol? 😀
  16. International comparison is the way economists assess performance. Of course it's not your 5 years old style assessment. Currently, U.S. inflation is lower than in other developed countries, while GDP growth is much higher. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  17. You can check here that inflation under Trump was higher than in other developed economy, ex 2019 ADD AN ITEM TO THE CHART Advanced economies 1.4 United State 1.8 https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/ADVEC/USA All advanced economies are subject to the same inflationary trends, so the way to assess economic performance is to compare with comparable countries. Well, that's what economists do. In the MAGA world it may be different. The U.S. economy is now faring better than other comparable countries, I.e. G7
  18. And there's no merit for it. It was lower in other developed economies.
  19. The stock market rose under Trump because of tax cuts for the rich. Inflation was higher than in other developped countries.
  20. You mean propaganda such as stating that Putin invaded Ukraine, has been bombing civilian, has muzzled and jailed opponents... that kind of propaganda?
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