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Everything posted by candide

  1. And we all know Manchin would have voted for it! 😀
  2. Trump have tried to piss-off the judge in order to provoke a reaction he may be able to use in appeal. The judge is obviously too smart for that.
  3. Do you really believe what Trump says? 😃 https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/11/06/trump-and-allies-keep-claiming-republican-poll-watchers-were-banned-thats-a-lie/?sh=12693c5b44da “Pennsylvania and Michigan didn’t allow our poll watchers and/or vote observers to watch or observe.” https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/nov/12/donald-trump/trumps-wrong-claim-election-observers-were-barred-/
  4. I never claimed there was 0 influence on inflation. My claim is that most of it comes from global inflation (in particular global oil price). The 50% figure comes from right-wing propaganda and absolutely doesn't make sense if one compares with other countries (see the FT chart you also cited). So maybe 2 points in 2022. However, as the graph show, the early peak in 2022 was followed by lower inflation than other countries, which compensates for the 2022 peak. As to your claim that the U.S. is responsible for global oil prices is still ridiculous. The U.S. produces around 15% of the world production. As concerns OPEC: "Approximately 69% came from the top ten countries, and an overlapping 38% came from the thirteen current OPEC members, in the table below. Members of OPEC+, which includes current OPEC members produce 58% of the world's petroleum." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_oil_production But most important fact, the OPEC, as its name indicates, is composed of the most exporting countries (and has the explicit goal of controlling prices). The U.S. produces more or less what it consumes, so it plays a neutral role. Now you resort to making predictions, because you lack factual arguments. Facts are: - lower inflation that other G7 countries after the initial post-Covid peak, - a GDP growth which has been twice that of other G7 countries, compared to pre-pandemic level, - strong unemployment decrease, oscillating in 2023 around historical record. - oil production and export increase, energetic independence improved. - strategic independence increased, Etc... Not bad for a "phony loser" 😃 You mentioned other issues. What has been done is certainly not enough, but as mentioned by other posters, he had to compose with two DINOs who were eager to block some initiatives, and since the midterm elections with a GOP house majority. There's not much hope to improve the situation of the poor with a GOP majority. So yes, the situation is harder than before the pandemic for most people, and it's the same all over the world. However, some countries, such as the U.S., are doing better (or less worse) than the others.
  5. Why don't you cite your sources? https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/apr/20/jane-timken/bidens-american-rescue-plan-fueled-inflation-so-di/#sources The second part of the assessment from this source: "However, none of the experts we reached, liberal and conservative, said Biden’s actions were responsible for all of the inflation. Past government spending, COVID’s disruptions to labor markets, energy prices and supply-chains also played significant roles. Most recently, the war in Ukraine has made a challenging situation worse." Of course, it had an impact in 2022, but the priority at this time was to relaunch the economy and reduce unemployment, and these objectives have been fully reached. Not to mention the necessary restructuring of the American industry in order to get more strategic autonomy from countries such as China, and less dependence from oil markets. What would have been better? A bit less inflation in 2022 (it was only slightly above other countries with no American rescue plan), but more unemployment and less growth?
  6. You've been proven wrong about most of your claims in several posts. Why don't you check data and information before making assertions?
  7. And some people may be claiming It's not related to global oil prices.... https://www.statista.com/statistics/326017/weekly-crude-oil-prices/
  8. This is becoming pathetic, and "period" is not a factual argument. I post below the graph from the FT again: It shows that, after the initial post-pandemic surge, the U.S. (pink line) has been able to tackle inflation and reached one of the lowest level of inflation in G7. I am not claiming this is all due to the government, but the other G7 countries or the Eurozone also had central banks increasing interest rates. https://www.ft.com/content/088d3368-bb8b-4ff3-9df7-a7680d4d81b2 Actually, the most remarkable is not so much the reduction of inflation itself, but the fact that it has been reached while achieving a stronger GDP growth than other G7 countries (see graph). https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/ As to the US being the main oil price maker and not the OPEC, it is simply ridiculous. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, /ˈoʊpɛk/ OH-pek) is an organization enabling the co-operation of leading oil-producing countries in order to collectively influence the global oil market and maximize profit. It was founded on 14 September 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela). The 13 member countries account for an estimated 30 percent of global oil production. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPEC
  9. Gag! 😀 Asked about whether he was involved in valuations in 2021, Mr Trump said: “I was so busy at the White House… my threshold was China, Russia and keeping our country safe.” Prosecutor Kevin Wallace responded, saying: “Just to clarify you weren’t president in 2021, correct?” 😀 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2023/11/06/donald-trump-testify-live-new-york-trial-fraud-real-estate/
  10. Not only a liar, but also corrupt! Oh no! 😀 From your link "The Congressional Integrity Project also accused Comer of enriching himself by co-sponsoring a bill that benefitted his brother and reversing his position on gambling after receiving a donation from Churchill Downs, the owner of the Kentucky Derby racetrack."
  11. It's common for economists to make comparison between G7 countries. For example: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/ Which countries would be more relevant, according to you?
  12. Lowest inflation in G7, record low unemployment level, highest GDP growth in G7 compared to pre-pandemic level, record energy production and exports, just to name a few...
  13. As far as I know, it has not been contradicted by other recent monthly data (see the graph I posted in a previous post). But if you disagree, then why don't you show some reliable comparative data instead of just making baseless claims.... Edited: Lol! You just added the link I already posted in my previous post, link which supports the claim that inflation in the U.S. tends to be lower than in other G7 countries. As to oil price, everyone knows the OPEP is by large the price maker.
  14. Baseless post. And you talk about moron in it! https://www.statista.com/chart/30398/inflation-rates-in-g7-countries/
  15. Right. Nothing to do with OPEP oil prices, broken supply chains after Covid, war in Ukraine, etc...
  16. It's strange, there's also high inflation in other countries. Is it also Biden's fault? Wow! He's so powerful! 😃 https://www.ft.com/content/088d3368-bb8b-4ff3-9df7-a7680d4d81b2
  17. Let's talk about the real and direct China trail... 😁 Trump waited until after he left office to disclose trademarks he owns in China and Russia "Trump's assets in other countries raise the possibility that he could violate the emoluments clause of the US Constitution, which is designed to limit foreign influence on federal officers." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-disclose-china-russia-foreign-trademarks-after-presidency-2023-10?r=US&IR=T
  18. It's Trump who complained the 2016 elections were rigged. He complained about it before elections, because he expected to lose. He also complained after elections because he was angry to have lost the popular vote! 😃 "The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places - SAD," without providing any evidence for the claim. "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," said Trump. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-longstanding-history-calling-elections-rigged-doesnt-results/story?id=74126926 Actually, he even claimed the 2012 elections were rigged "On election night in 2012, when President Barack Obama was reelected, Trump said that the election was a "total sham" and a "travesty," while also making the claim that the United States is "not a democracy" after Obama secured his victory. Trump even wrote on Twitter, "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!" Yes, already in 2012 🤣
  19. This article provides more details, such as: "For example, Costello stated publicly he “scrolled through” thousands of emails, bank statements and pictures, which made him “feel like a voyeur,” according to the lawsuit. Costello said publicly he manipulated the data to be “cleaned up” and created new digital folders with titles such as “Salacious Pics” and “The Big Guy,” according to the lawsuit." https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/26/hunter-biden-sues-rudy-giuliani-laptop/70968604007/
  20. Apparently, the last survey is still not online. I have posted the methodology of the previous survey in UK, which is likely similar. Let us know if you have some critics about this methodology.
  21. It's not a true quote, It's from a sarcastic drawing on Facebook. However, that's the basic idea. Several quite serious commenters (incl. Generals) expect it to be comparable to the siege of Mariupol
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