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Everything posted by candide

  1. And the biased CNN did not report the part when Hillary organised a "stop the steal" protest and sent her supporters to assault the Capitol in order to block the certification of Trump's victory! 😆
  2. As usual, Trump is confused... "Assault on America", it's not this case, it's the Jan.6 case! 😃
  3. Both the Iranian and the Israeli strikes fell "near" a strategic target. It seems that both Netaniyahu and and Iran's great leader need a conflict for internal political reasons, but also have been cautious enough to avoid a major conflict.
  4. Right! Everybody knows the Chik-Fil-A sample is more representative than the ones selected by polling companies! 😀
  5. You can also add 4) a relatively low unemployment level, so better job opportunities.
  6. Due to network effects, TS cannot overcome its disadvantage against X. The main value component for users of a social network is the number of subscribers.
  7. Trump can certainly debate better than Biden. That's why he won the previous election! Oh wait! 😃
  8. Not really (but maybe not as worse as expected)..... https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  9. Just like Trump was leading but not really as of last month.... The difference is that the same guys, who were bragging about it last month, are now criticizing polls! 😀
  10. I certainly agree with that. It is no more predictive than the polls MAGA fans were all bragging about last month. Now they all denigrate polls. 😀
  11. Because he did all he could to delay trials (and now complains it bothers his campaign 😀)
  12. The irony is that social security was first introduced by the 'leftist' Bismarck! 😀
  13. Ok. My mistake. So UK +0.4% compared to the sick man of Europe Germany and -0.8% compared to France (+0,9%) (the other country you mentioned), in 2023. https://economy-finance.ec.europa.eu/economic-surveillance-eu-economies/france/economic-forecast-france_en
  14. You obviously don't know how to read the table. Q4 2023, in this part of the table, is the yearly growth (% change on a year ago). The quarterly growth is in the first part of the table. What about France?
  15. You're just showing that MAGA idiots who bragged about polls results when the results were in favour of Trump, are now denigrating poll results! 🤣
  16. It depends which indicator is used. I don't know how 2024 will turn out to be, but in 2023, as concerns GDP growth, UK did not fare better than Germany and worse than France. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/ Edit: and inflation is much lower.. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02794/
  17. Biden organised the BLM protest? That's a new information. Where did you get it?
  18. When I reply to a trolling comment, yes.
  19. Well Trump being both morally wrong and factually wrong..... This meme is quite relevant in this thread. 😀
  20. Yeah I know, You're trolling.
  21. And in your second source, the NAACP also lauded him.... 😃 “Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation,” read a statement by NAACP president Ben Jealous. “Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.”
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