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Everything posted by candide

  1. Of course, they have nuclear weapons pointed at Russia, just like Russia has nuclear weapons pointed at them. But they did not move them closer to Russia and never showed any intent to do so. And both have anti-missile weapons locked on the missile bases. Actually, do they need to put nuclear weapons closer to Russia? I doubt it. That have nuclear subs hidden in deep sea, close to Russia (and Russia close to the U.S.). These are the most dangerous threats as their position is unknown. Even small nuclear powers such as UK and France have enough nuclear heads in their subs to destroy Russia. P.S. note the incoherence of your argumentation. Invading only part of Ukraine would not prevent them from joining NATO, it would have quite the opposite effect.
  2. Trump is angry! Putin never fails to show his bitch that he's the master! 😁
  3. "She is Indian when it suits her, black when it suits her." You still believe what Trump says, really? 😂
  4. No fact. In Germany and UK, there were already nuclear weapons, it's an improvementv and it only happened after Russia continuously threatened to use nuclear weapons. The fact is that, before the invasion of Ukraine, there was no sign of increasing threat. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union,no nuclear weapons have been moved near Russia (it doesn't make much difference if they would be in Poland rather than Ukraine), European NATO military budgets have decreased, and U.S. military forces have also been reduced.
  5. But they did not threaten to put nuclear weapons there. Nuclear weapons have not been moved since the end of the cold war. NATO did not even put them in Poland or Romania, closer to Russia. This is pure fantasy!
  6. When did the U.S. threaten to put offensive missiles "there"?
  7. So there are two options: Trump is either a liar or a senile guy with memory issues! 🤣
  8. Yet, the far/extreme left is usually not complaining about being called far/extreme. It seems that only the far/extreme right is complaining.
  9. Why would they do it as Muslim? Are other communities expressing sympathy as Christians, Jewish, Buddhist, etc...
  10. Making yourself ridiculous again. From your link: After 24 weeks, abortion is permitted if your medical provider decides your fetus is not viable or your life, physical health, or mental health is at risk
  11. Who's advocating for abortion up to time if birth (excluding, of course, when the life of the mother is endangered)? Or are you making that up too?
  12. MAGA fans are so hopeless that they are grasping at any straw they can find! 😀
  13. Gag! 😀 Trump’s net worth has plunged $800 million since Harris entered the race for the White House https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/01/investing/trump-net-worth-harris-truth-social
  14. Gag! Of course, MAGAs will believe it! 😀 JD Vance credits Trump for prisoner swap Biden negotiated https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/01/world/video/jd-vance-prisoner-swap-russia-trump-digvid
  15. B.S. All developped countries have experienced high inflation. https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PCPIPCH@WEO/WEOWORLD/USA/MAE/ADVEC None has achieved a similar level of GDP growth. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/ You talking about economic illiterate what a joke! 😀
  16. Inflation was similar in other countries, but the U.S. has enjoyed much more growth.
  17. Biden faced the consequence of a major crisis, which resulted in high inflation all over the world, and relative wage decrease all over the world. And again, one year means nothing if there is no trend.
  18. It's not my point. My point is that that if inequality shrank in 2019 after increasing significantly in 2017 and 2018, it means nothing.
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