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Everything posted by candide

  1. Between 2000 and 2500 people entered the Capitol!
  2. I replied to you and posted a link from the NYPost in which the police was arguing they had no other choice Because they were outnumbered. Are you contesting the fact that the police was outnumbered?
  3. From Jingthing's post in the other thread Ahem! Who talked about damaging institutions? https://news.yahoo.com/anger-trump-posts-picture-himself-012321053.html
  4. Explanations in the right-wing NYPost. Actually, it had already been discussed in a 2021 HOB documentary. Capitol cops say they couldn’t get physical with rioters as new ‘QAnon Shaman’ video reveals hands-off approach "In a statement Monday, the Capitol Police pointed The Post to comments by Robishaw in the 2021 HBO documentary “Four Hours at the Capitol.” “The sheer number of them compared to us, I knew ahead there was no way we could all get physical with them,” Robishaw said, “so I took it upon myself to try to talk to them."The officer is then seen on video walking behind Chansley as Chansley walks into the Senate Chamber,” Capitol Police said. “Moments earlier our officers and agents had to evacuate the Senate Chamber, which was closed to the public, to rush elected officials and staffers to safety. After that, multiple people snuck into the Chamber. At any given time, the officer is outnumbered by more than 20 or more people. At this point, it is clear the officer is trying to get everyone out of the Chamber.” In the documentary, Robishaw recalled: “I walked in behind [Chansley] and that is when I realized I am alone now. I was by myself." https://nypost.com/2023/03/06/capitol-cops-say-they-couldnt-get-physical-with-rioters-as-new-qanon-shaman-video-reveals-hands-off-approach/
  5. As usual, Trump reacts in a dignified way! ???? “What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?” Trump wrote on Truth Social shortly after 1 a.m. Friday. “Why & who would do such a thing? Only a degenerate psychopath that truely hates the USA!” Trump wrote" https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3916061-trump-warns-of-potential-death-and-destruction-if-hes-indicted/
  6. I am surprised they haven't already been requiring to ban the evolution theory.
  7. Moreover, It's fully coherent with Cohen's personality. He's so altruist and good-hearted that when he learned his good pal Don was in trouble, he handed Sormy $130,000 without even mentioning it to Trump and making sure he would be reimbursed! ????????????????
  8. You are obviously not well informed. Actually, the Obama administration has been pushing for investigating Burisma and criticizing the general prosecutor's office and Shokin and others for not investigating and covering up Burisma. "Feb. 3, 2015 — Obama administration conveys harsh criticism of Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office for its coverup of Zlochevskiy/Burisma" "Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates officials in the Prosecutor General’s Office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma "Fall 2015 – Biden, along with the EU, publicly calls for ouster of Prosecutor General Shokin for failure to work on anti-corruption efforts." Etc.... All details are in the timeline. https://www.justsecurity.org/66271/timeline-trump-giuliani-bidens-and-ukrainegate/
  9. 1. It has been debunked long time ago 2. I guess you are not claiming that the Chinese company has given money for that. So which favour did the Chinese oil company get in the U.S.? Tell us!
  10. Come on! Please, tell us: according to you, is it a factual truth that Biden's victory of Trump was legimitate and the claims of major vote fraud that would have affected the outcome are false?
  11. The case of Kushner is different. He was a government official. He was in relation with S.A. (it has been documented in links given by Placeholder, if I remember well) when he was working for the W.H. and he got money from S.A. There is clearly a conflict of interest. And that's what house committees should do: investigate government officials. I don't know if there was something illegal, but there is an obvious conflict of interest. Members of Biden's family are private people involved in private business. They were not government officials, their business and their partners did not have any transaction with the government, ex the Chinese firm did not participate in a government contract, did not get a difficult to obtain drilling licence, etc..
  12. I have no esteem for Hunter. As many other sons of well-known families he's using his family name. He's not that incompetent (graduate lawyer from Yale with years of experience), but is likely overselling himself. However, it is not a crime.
  13. Some people don't know they can be identified by their IP address.....
  14. *Deleted post edited out* Of course, It's complex to analyse and what you mention is a good example of how it can be misused. Actually one issue was that Romney did not release 5 years of tax returns as the others did, he released only two years. In particular, the last year was missing. The problem was that he did not initially release enough tax returns to debunk Reid's claim. (That's how the WaPo article you linked debunks his claim, by looking at the other tax returns). https://www.abc.net.au/news/specials/us-election-2012/2012-09-22/mitt-romney-reveals-2011-tax-return/4275266 Additionally, it seems that Romney has since become a fan of releasing tax returns! ???? https://www.npr.org/2016/05/11/477700943/mitt-romney-trumps-decision-to-not-release-tax-returns-is-disqualifying BTW, which precise "cash" to presidential candidates are you not targeting?
  15. I checked the Taste Atlas website. According to them, the five best rated dishes of all kind worldwide are, by order, pizza, pastel de Belen and nasi parang, butter garlic Nan and yakiniku! Obviously a gourmet only website! ????
  16. Yes, definitely. In particular, she would have been tough from the start with China. https://www.politico.eu/article/trump-on-chinas-xi-we-love-each-other/
  17. It could start with making the disclosure of their tax returns mandatory. Of course, I am not targeting anyone! ????
  18. Excellent factual post! As you already know, don't expect these facts will be taken into account by this poster.
  19. Not two years, one year! And why one year? Because no copy was given before to another media than the NYPost. Complain about it to Giuliani! At this time, it had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation (Giuliani known for contacts with Russian operatives., copy only given to NYPost, experience of 2016 elections). Anyway, Comer has nothing, as he himself said: “It is unclear what services were provided to obtain this exorbitant amount of money". Only blah, blah! Show the goods or shut up, Comer!
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